- Articles
- Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN)
間瀬 かおり; 山縣 邦弘
Nihon rinsho. Japanese journal of clinical medicine/pp.70-74, 2022-08 - Monthly trends and seasonality of hemodialysis treatment and outcomes of newly initiated patients from the national database (NDB) of Japan
Tsunoda Ryoya; Mitsutake Naohiro; Ishikawa Tomoki; Sat...
CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL NEPHROLOGY/26(7)/pp.669-677, 2022-07 - Mitochondrial DNA deletion-dependent podocyte injuries in Mito-mice Delta, a murine model of mitochondrial disease
Kaneko Shuzo; Usui Joichi; Hagiwara Masahiro; Shimizu Ta...
EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS/71(1)/pp.14-21, 2022-02 - 特集:多発性嚢胞腎 常染色体顕性多発性嚢胞腎の合併症に対する対策
石井龍太; 甲斐平康; 山縣 邦弘
The journal of medicine/79(7)/pp.889-895, 2022-07 - 特集:多臓器不全と急性腎障害 産科領域のAKI
角田亮也; 山縣 邦弘
腎と透析/93(1)/pp.30-35, 2022-07 - 日立総合病院における維持透析導入数の変遷とその季節性 -半世紀の経験より
永井 恵; 植田 敦志; 岩瀬 茉未子; 後藤 達宏; 斎藤 知栄; 川島 秀雄; 山縣 邦弘
Hitachi Medical Journal/56(1)/pp.33-38, 2022-07 - 日立総合病院における腎生検の臨床的変遷と展望 -45年間の経験より-
永井 恵; 植田 敦志; 岩瀬 茉未子; 後藤 達宏; 斎藤 知栄; 山縣 邦弘
Hitachi Medical Journal/56(1)/pp.18-23, 2022-07 - Long-term Effectiveness of a Primary Care Practice Facilitation Program for Chronic Kidney Disease Management: An Extended Follow-up of a Cluster-Randomized FROM-J Study
Imasawa Toshiyuki; Saito Chie; Kai Hirayasu; Iseki Ku...
NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION/Epub, 2022-02-23 - Sedentary behavior is associated with reduced cardiovagal baroreflex sensitivity in healthy adults
Mori Shoya; Kosaki Keisei; Matsui Masahiro; Takahashi ...
Hypertension Research/45(7)/pp.1193-1202, 2022-04 - 特集:糖尿病患者の心・腎・肝を診る11のポイント 6. DKDの生活・食事指導
斎藤知栄; 山縣 邦弘
月刊糖尿病/14(3)/pp.43-49, 2022-03 - One-year change in plasma volume and mortality in the Japanese general population: An observational cohort study
Otaki Yoichiro; Watanabe Tetsu; Konta Tsuneo; Watanabe...
PloS one/16(7), 2021-04-01 - Association between chronic kidney disease and new-onset dyslipidemia: The Japan Specific Health Checkups (J-SHC) study
Kosugi Takaaki; Eriguchi Masahiro; Yoshida Hisako; Tas...
Atherosclerosis/332/pp.24-32, 2021-09-01 - Association of circulating calciprotein particle levels with skeletal muscle mass and strength in middle-aged and older adults
Yoshioka Masaki; Kosaki Keisei; Matsui Masahiro; Okabe...
Hypertension Research/45(5)/pp.900-910, 2022-03 - Time to remission of proteinuria and incidence of relapse in patients with steroid-sensitive minimal change disease and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis: the Japan Nephrotic Syndrome Cohort Study
Yamamoto Ryohei; Imai Enyu; Maruyama Shoichi; Yokoyama...
Journal of nephrology/35(4)/pp.1135-1144, 2022-05-01 - 腎機能の悪化を自力で阻止!
山縣 邦弘
週刊ポスト 1月17日号/pp.13-16, 2022-01 - Detecting MUC1 Variants in Patients Clinicopathologically Diagnosed With Having Autosomal Dominant Tubulointerstitial Kidney Disease
Okada Eri; Morisada Naoya; Horinouchi Tomoko; Fujii H...
KIDNEY INTERNATIONAL REPORTS/7(4)/pp.857-866, 2022-04-01 - 腎臓内科学 慢性腎臓病患者への生活食事指導は費用対効果に優れる 腎臓病戦略研究(FROM-J)の結果から
大久保 麗子; 近藤 正英; 山縣 邦弘
医学のあゆみ/280(7)/pp.786-787, 2022-02 - 指定難病各論 糸球体疾患 急速進行性糸球体腎炎
金子 修三; 山縣 邦弘
腎と透析/91(1)/pp.70-76, 2021-07 - 高齢者の併存症および疾患に対する考え方・注意点 5)慢性腎臓病
間瀬 かおり; 山縣 邦弘
PROGRESS IN MEDICINE/41(9)/pp.841-845, 2021-09 - Daily behavioral and sleep patterns are associated with aging-induced male-specific disorders in individuals with reduced renal function
Masaki Yoshioka; Keisei Kosaki; Shunta Noma; Masahiro Ma...
Experimental Gerontology/161/p.111717, 2022-05 - Increased intrarenal post-glomerular blood flow is a key condition for the development of calcineurin inhibitor-induced renal tubular acidosis in kidney transplant recipients
Kaneko Shuzo; Usui Joichi; Takahashi Kazuhiro; Oda Tatsu...
Clinical transplantation/36(6)/p.e14648., 2022-03 - Effects of the number of sit-stand maneuver repetitions on baroreflex sensitivity and cardiovascular risk assessments
Mori Shoya; Tarumi Takashi; Kosaki Keisei; Matsui Masahi...
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology/322(5)/pp.R400-R410, 2022-05 - Study protocol and baseline characteristics of newly induced dialysis patients: a prospective multi-center cohort study with a biological sample bank, the Ibaraki Dialysis Initiation Cohort (iDIC) study
Tawara-Iida Takashi; Usui Joichi; Ebihara Itaru; Ishizu ...
BMC NEPHROLOGY/23(1)/p.104, 2022-05 - Blood Pressure, Hypertension and The Risk of Aortic Dissection Incidence and Mortality: results from the Japan-Specific Health Checkups Study, the UK Biobank Study and a Meta-analysis of Cohort Studies
Hibino Makoto; Otaki Yoichiro; Kobeissi Elsa; Pan Han; Hi...
CIRCULATION/159(9)/pp.633-644, 2021-11 - Mitochondrial DNA deletion-dependent podocyte injuries in mito-miceΔ, a murine model of mitochondrial disease
Kaneko Shuzo; Usui Joichi; Hagiwara Masahiro; Shimizu Ta...
Experimental animals/71(1)/pp.14-21, 2021-07 - more...
- Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN)