- Articles
- Association of HLA-class II alleles with relapse in MPO-ANCA positive vasculitis
Kawasaki Aya; Sada Ken-ei; Yamagata Kunihiro; Makino Hir...
Modern Rheumatology/31(Supplement)/p.S133, 2021-04 - Cost-effectiveness of mass screening for dipstick hematuria in Japan
Okubo Reiko; Hoshi Shu-Ling; Kimura Tomokazu; Kondo Masa...
Clin Exp Nephrol/26(5)/pp.398-412, 2022-01 - Behaviour modification intervention for patients with chronic kidney disease could provide a mid- to long-term reduction in public health care expenditure: budget impact analysis
Okubo Reiko; Kondo Masahide; Hoshi Shu-Ling; Kai Hirayas...
Clinical and experimental nephrology/26(6)/pp.601-611, 2022-06 - Constipaton in patients with chronic kidney disease and dialysis
間瀬 かおり; 山縣 邦弘
The Japanese Journal of Clinical Dialysis/38(4)/pp.351-356, 2022-04 - Levels of Soluble NKG2D Ligands and Cancer History in Patients Starting Hemodialysis
Nagai Kei; Usui Joichi; Tawara Takashi; Ebihara Itaru; Is...
Front. Nephrol, 2022-03 - Podocyte-specific Transcription Factors: Could MafB become a Therapeutic Target for Kidney Disease?
Morito Naoki; Usui Toshiaki; Ishibashi Shun; Yamagata ...
Internal Medicine/62(1)/pp.11-19, 2022-03 - 慢性腎臓病患者への生活食事指導は費用対効果に優れる-腎臓病戦略研究 (FROM-J) の結果から
大久保 麗子; 近藤 正英; 山縣 邦弘
医学の歩み/280(7)/pp.786-787, 2022-02 - Correction to: Cost-effectiveness of mass screening for dipstick hematuria in Japan
Okubo Reiko; Hoshi Shu-Ling; Kimura Tomokazu; Kondo Masa...
Clinical and experimental nephrology/26(5)/pp.413-414, 2022-05-01 - 全国特定健診受診者の血清尿酸値1年変化と総死亡・心血管死亡リスクの関連について:J-SHC研究
今田 恒夫; 大瀧 陽一郎; 守山 敏樹; 柴垣 有吾; 笠原 正登; 成田 一衛; 藤元 昭一; 井関 邦敏; ...
痛風と尿酸・核酸/45(2)/pp.123-129, 2021-12 - POEMS Syndrome with Biclonal Gammopathy and Renal Involvement
Inoue Kohei; Nagai Kei; Tsukada Tsuyoshi; Iwase Mamik...
INTERNAL MEDICINE/61(14)/pp.2191-2196, 2022-03 - Mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19
Niemi Mari E. K.; Karjalainen Juha; Liao Rachel G.; Ne...
NATURE/600/pp.472-477, 2021-12 - Circulating fibroblast growth factor 21 links hemodynamics with kidney function in middle-aged and older adults: A mediation analysis
Matsui Masahiro; Kosaki Keisei; Kuro-o Makoto; Saito ...
Hypertension Research/45(1)/pp.125-134, 2021-10 - Association Between Cardiorespiratory Fitness And Baroreflex Sensitivity In Middle-aged And Older Adults
Mori Shoya; Tarumi Takashi; Kosaki Keisei; Matsui Masahi...
MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE/53(8::S)/pp.70-70, 2021-08 - Epidemiology and temporal changes in the prognosis of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis in Japan: a nationwide 1989-2015 survey
Kaneko Shuzo; Yamagata Kunihiro; Usui Joichi; Tsuboi Nao...
CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL NEPHROLOGY/26(3)/pp.234-246, 2021-10 - Kidney Outcomes Associated With SGLT2 Inhibitors Versus Other Glucose-Lowering Drugs in Real-world Clinical Practice: The Japan Chronic Kidney Disease Database
Nagasu Hajime; Yano Yuichiro; Kanegae Hiroshi; Heerspink ...
DIABETES CARE/44(11)/pp.2542-2551, 2021-09 - One-Year Change in Diastolic Blood Pressure and Aortic Disease-Related Mortality in a Japanese General Population Aged 50-75 Years
Otaki Yoichiro; Watanabe Tetsu; Konta Tsuneo; Watanabe M...
Circulation Journal/85(12)/pp.2222-2231, 2021-09 - Replacing sedentary time for physical activity on bone density in patients with chronic kidney disease
Yoshioka Masaki; Kosaki Keisei; Matsui Masahiro; Shibata ...
Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism/39(6)/pp.1091-1100, 2021-07 - Physical functioning in patients with chronic kidney disease stage G3b-5 in Japan: the Reach-J CKD cohort study
Okubo Reiko; Kondo Masahide; Tsunoda Ryoya; Nagai Kei...
Nephrology (Carlton, Vic.)/26(12)/pp.981-987, 2021-07 - The distribution of eGFR by age in a community-based healthy population: the Japan specific health checkups study (J-SHC study)
Araumi Akira; Ichikawa Kazunobu; Konta Tsuneo; Fujimoto ...
Clin Exp Nephrol./25(12)/pp.1303-1310, 2021-07 - Impact of self-reported walking habit on slower decline in renal function among the general population in a longitudinal study: the Japan Specific Health Checkups (J-SHC) Study
Nishimoto Masatoshi; Murashima Miho; Yoshida Hisako; Erig...
JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY/34(6)/pp.1845-1853, 2021-04 - Sedentary behavior and estimated nephron number in middle-aged and older adults with or without chronic kidney disease
Kosaki Keisei; Takahashi Kanako; Matsui Masahiro; Yoshiok...
Experimental Gerontology/154/p.111531, 2021-10 - Trace proteinuria as a risk factor for cancer death in a general population
Matsui Masaru; Tsuruya Kazuhiko; Yoshida Hisako; Iseki K...
Sci Rep/11(1)/p.16890, 2021-08 - Association between chronic kidney disease and new-onset dyslipidemia: The Japan Specific Health Checkups (J-SHC) study
Kosugi Takaaki; Eriguchi Masahiro; Yoshida Hisako; Tasaki...
ATHEROSCLEROSIS/(332)/pp.23-62, 2021-09 - Immunohistological score of transcription factor 21 had a positive correlation with its urinary excretion and proteinuria in immunoglobulin A nephropathy
Takahashi-Kobayashi Mayumi; Usui Joichi; Yaguchi Misa; Ya...
HISTOLOGY AND HISTOPATHOLOGY/36(10)/pp.1093-1098, 2021-07 - 「とにかく安静」から「運動して改善」へ 慢性腎臓病
山縣 邦弘
こまど/(67)/pp.4-7, 2021-06 - more...
- Association of HLA-class II alleles with relapse in MPO-ANCA positive vasculitis