- Articles
- Kidney transplant patient with immunoglobulin A nephropathy subsequently diagnosed as concurrent autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease during 17-year follow-up
Usui Joichi; Kai Hirayasu; Kaneko Shuzo; Takahashi-Kobaya...
CEN Case Report/9(2)/pp.106-108, 2020-05 - 高齢者の腎機能障害と疼痛管理
山縣 邦弘
ペインクリニック/42(6)/pp.731-739, 2021-06 - Association of blood pressure and renal outcome in patients with chronic kidney disease; a post hoc analysis of FROM-J study
Tsuchida-Nishiwaki Mariko; Uchida Haruhito A; Takeuchi H...
Sci Rep/11(1)/p.14990, 2021-07 - One-year change in plasma volume and mortality in the Japanese general population: An observational cohort study
Otaki Yoichiro; Watanabe Tetsu; Konta Tsuneo; Watanabe M...
PloS one/16(7)/p.e0254665, 2021-07 - REACH-J研究とCKDopps
星野 純一; 山縣 邦弘
The Japanese journal of nephrology/63(2)/pp.219-224, 2021-03 - 腎臓リハビリテーションガイドライン
山縣 邦弘
Journal of CLINICAL REHABILITATION/30(8)/pp.821-829, 2021-07 - Weight loss reduces the incidence of dipstick proteinuria: a cohort study from the Japanese general population
Nagai Kei; Yamagata Kunihiro; Iseki Kunitoshi; Moriyama ...
Clinical and experimental nephrology/25(12)/pp.1329-1335, 2021-12 - Ratio of serum creatinine to cystatin C ratio is related to leg strength in predialysis CKD patients
Shiomi Kohei; Saito Chie; Nagai Kei; Kosaki Keisei; Kawam...
Clinical and Experimental Nephrology/25(10)/pp. 1079-1086, 2021-08 - Renal hemodynamics across the adult lifespan: Relevance of flow pulsatility to chronic kidney disease
Kosaki Keisei; Tarumi Takashi; Sugawara Jun; Tanahashi K...
Experimental Gerontology/152, 2021-09 - 保存期慢性腎臓病のESA低反応性腎性貧血患者に対するエポエチンベータペゴル製剤投与時の維持ヘモグロビン値による腎予後の評価 RADIANCE-CKD Study
平方 秀樹; 山本 裕康; 長谷 弘記; 西 慎一; 山縣 邦弘; 南学 正臣; 鶴屋 和彦; 和田 隆志; 林 ...
腎と透析/89(2)/pp.178-182, 2020-08 - The Effect of CKD on Associations between Lifestyle Factors and All-cause, Cancer, and Cardiovascular Mortality: A Population-based Cohort Study
Wakasugi Minako; Narita Ichiei; Iseki Kunitoshi; Asahi K...
Internal Medicine/60(14)/p.2189, 2021-07 - 透析患者の新型コロナウイルス感染症対策-都道府県透析医会(支部)におけるこれまでの状況と今後の課題- 茨城県における透析患者の新型コロナウイルス感染症対策 これまでの状況と今後の課題
山縣 邦弘; 斎藤 知栄; 海老原 至; 前田 益孝
J Jpn Ass Dial Physicians/35(3)/pp.575-576, 2020-12 - 尿蛋白を認めないM蛋白血症を伴う腎障害
田原 敬; 臼井丈一; 山縣 邦弘
Japan medical journal/(5054)/pp.10-11, 2021-03 - 腎臓リハビリテーションガイドライン 今後の展望
山縣 邦弘
The Japanese journal of nephrology/62(7)/pp.723-729, 2020-10 - 高齢者の腎機能を保つための食事と生活習慣とは
金内 則子; 山縣 邦弘
Anti-aging medicine/16(6)/pp.719-723, 2020-12 - FROM-J10研究の目的と今後
山縣 邦弘; 斎藤知栄
臨床栄養/137(7)/pp.928-929, 2020-12 - The points of diet therapy and lifestyle counseling for elderly patients with CKD G3
斎藤知栄; 山縣 邦弘
腎と透析/89(4)/pp.563-565, 2020-10 - 難病研究の進歩 III.腎・泌尿器 急速進行性糸球体腎炎
金子修三; 山縣 邦弘
生体の科学/71(5)/pp.438-439, 2020-10 - 大動脈瘤に伴う慢性DICの急性増悪と後天性血友病XIIIによる多彩な出血症状に対して、遺伝子組み換えトロンボモジュリン製剤とトラネキサム酸が著効した透析患者の1例
鈴木竜太郎; 椎名映里; 郡司真誠; 荷見祥子; 黒澤 洋; 佐藤ちひろ; 海老原 至; 臼井丈一; 須磨崎 亮; 山縣 邦弘
Nihon Toseki Igakkai Zasshi/53(8)/pp.439-446, 2020-08 - Unusual ischemic kidney injury presenting as slowly declining graft function and successful use of oral desmopressin in a kidney transplant recipient with subclinical central diabetes insipidus
Kaneko Shuzo; Usui Joichi; Kawanishi Kunio; Ishii Ryota; ...
Clinical nephrology/95(4)/pp.208-214, 2021-04 - The population-attributable fraction for premature mortality due to cardiovascular disease associated with stage 1 and 2 hypertension among Japanese
Yu Hatano; Yuichiro Yano; Shouichi Fujimoto; Yuji Sato; K...
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION/34(1)/pp.56-63, 2021-02 - Possible burden of hyperuricaemia on mortality in a community-based population: a large-scale cohort study
Otaki Yoichiro; Konta Tsuneo; Ichikawa Kazunobu; Fujimoto...
Sci Rep/11(1)/p.8999, 2021-04 - Literature review of allograft adenovirus nephritis and a case presenting as mass lesions in a transplanted kidney without symptoms of urinary tract infection or acute kidney injury
Megumi Watanabe; Shuzo Kaneko; Joichi Usui; Kazuhiro Tak...
Transplant infectious disease : an official journal of the Transplantation Society/23(2)/p.e13468., 2021-04 - Impact of Chronic Kidney Disease on Aortic Disease-related Mortality: A Four-year Community-Based Cohort Study
Otaki Yoichiro; Watanabe Tetsu; Konta Tsuneo; Watanabe M...
INTERNAL MEDICINE/60(5)/pp.689-697, 2021-03 - Impact of calculated plasma volume status on all-cause and cardiovascular mortality: 4-year nationwide community-based prospective cohort study
Otaki Yoichiro; Watanabe Tetsu; Konta Tsuneo; Watanabe M...
PLOS ONE/15(8)/p.e0237601., 2020-08 - more...
- Kidney transplant patient with immunoglobulin A nephropathy subsequently diagnosed as concurrent autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease during 17-year follow-up