- Articles
- Comparison of annual eGFR decline among primary kidney diseases in patients with CKD G3b-5: results from a REACH-J CKD cohort study
Hoshino Junichi; Tsunoda Ryoya; Nagai Kei; Kai Hiraya...
Clinical and experimental nephrology/25(8)/pp.902-910, 2021-04 - Higher baseline uric acid concentration is associated with non-attainment of optimal blood pressure
Sato Yuji; Fujimoto Shouichi; Iseki Kunitoshi; Konta Tsu...
PloS one/15(7)/p.e0236602., 2020-07 - Higher cardiovascular mortality in men with persistent dipstick hematuria
Kunitoshi Iseki; Tsuneo Konta; Koichi Asahi; 山縣 邦弘; Shoui...
CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL NEPHROLOGY/25(2)/pp.150-156, 2021-02 - Fast walking is a preventive factor against new-onset diabetes mellitus in a large cohort from a Japanese general population
Iwasaki Mariko; Kudo Akihiro; Asahi Koichi; Machii Norit...
Sci Rep/11(1)/p.716, 2021-01 - Impact of hyperuricemia on mortality related to aortic diseases: a 3.8-year nationwide community-based cohort study
Otaki Yoichiro; Watanabe Tetsu; Konta Tsuneo; Watanabe M...
Sci Rep/10(1)/p.14281, 2020-08 - 薬剤性腎障害
角田亮也; 山縣 邦弘
臨牀と研究/97(6)/pp.689-693, 2020-06 - 関連基礎知識 変形性膝関節症の治療ガイド 経口非ステロイド性抗炎症薬の副作用(腎障害)予防の観点から
鶴岡 秀一; 山縣 邦弘; 中田 研; 石島 旨章; 比嘉 辰伍; 津村 弘
整形外科/71(7)/pp.787-793, 2020-06 - Cost-Effectiveness of Behavior Modification Intervention for Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease in the FROM-J Study
Okubo Reiko; Kondo Masahide; Hoshi Shu-Ling; Okada Ma...
Journal of renal nutrition : the official journal of the Council on Renal Nutrition of the National Kidney Foundation/31(5)/pp.484-493, 2021-03 - Combination of genome-wide association study and whole genome se-quencing in a Japanese population revealed novel candidate genes for antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis
Harigai Masayoshi; Kawasaki Aya; Tsuchiya Naoyuki; Sada ...
Modern Rheumatology/30(Supplement)/p.S144, 2020-08 - Nationwide Survey of Post-Transplant Glomerular Diseases, Based on the Japan Renal Biopsy Registry (J-RBR)
Usui Joichi; Yamagata Kunihiro; Nagata Michio; Shimizu A...
Annals of transplantation/26, 2021-05 - The efficacy of cortex recipient weight ratio on the short-term renal function after a living donor kidney transplantation
高橋 一広; 金子 修三; 臼井 丈一; 木村 友和; 福田 将一; 星 昭夫; 西山 博之; 小田 竜也; 山縣...
日本臨床腎移植学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Renal Transplantation/8(2)/pp.217-224, 2020-12 - Bowel obstruction caused by a colonic mass 2 years after living-donor kidney transplantation
Takahashi Kazuhiro; Kurihara Yoko; Usui Joichi; Kimura T...
ANZ journal of surgery/91(12)/pp.2839-2841, 2021-04 - Physical activity, sedentary behavior, and skeletal muscle strength in patients with chronic kidney disease: An isotemporal substitution approach
Yoshioka Masaki; Kosaki Keisei; Matsui Masahiro; Takahash...
Physical Therapy/101(7)/p.pzab101, 2021-03 - Association of a variant upstream of HLA-DRA with MPO-ANCA positive vasculitis
Aya Kawasaki; Ken-ei Sada; Fumio Hirano; Shigeto Kobayas...
Modern Rheumatology/30(Supplement)/pp.S126-S126, 2020-08 - Estimating the prevalence of definitive chronic kidney disease in the Japanese general population
Nagai Kei; Asahi Koichi; Iseki Kunitoshi; Yamagata Ku...
Clinical and experimental nephrology/25/pp.885-892, 2021-04 - Prevalences of hyperuricemia and electrolyte abnormalities in patients with chronic kidney disease in Japan: A nationwide, cross-sectional cohort study using data from the Japan Chronic Kidney Disease Database (J-CKD-DB)
Sofue Tadashi; Nakagawa Naoki; Kanda Eiichiro; Nagasu ...
PloS one/15(10)/p.e0240402., 2020-04 - Kidney organoids: research in developmental biology and emerging applications
Shimizu Tatsuya; Yamagata Kunihiro; Osafune Kenji
Development, growth & differentiation/63(2)/pp.166-177, 2021-02 - Adherence to the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes CKD Guideline in Nephrology Practice Across Countries
Stengel Bénédicte; Muenz Daniel; Tu Charlotte; Speyer El...
Kidney international reports/6(2)/pp.437-448, 2021-02 - Exploratory classification of clinical phenotypes in Japanese patients with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis using cluster analysis
Watanabe Haruki; Sada Ken-Ei; Harigai Masayoshi; Amano K...
Scientific reports/11(1), 2021-03 - The impact of cortex recipient weight ratio on the short-term renal function after a living donor kidney transplantation
Takahashi Kazuhiro; Kaneko Shuzo; Usui Joichi; Furuya ...
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION/21(1)/pp.26-26, 2021-01 - Renal prognoses by different target hemoglobin levels achieved by epoetin beta pegol dosing to chronic kidney disease patients with hyporesponsive anemia to erythropoiesis-stimulating agent: a multicenter open-label randomized controlled study
Tsuruya Kazuhiko; Hayashi Terumasa; Yamamoto Hiroyasu; ...
CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL NEPHROLOGY/Epub, 2021-01 - Sedentary Behavior, Physical Activity, And Baroreflex Sensitivity In Middle-aged And Older Adults
Mori Shoya; Kosaki Keisei; Matsui Masahiro; Takahashi Ka...
MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE/52(17::S)/pp.738-738, 2020-07 - Sedentary Behavior, Physical Activity And Bone Mineral Density In Ckd Patients: An Isotemporal Substitution Approach
Yoshioka Masaki; Kosaki Keisei; Matsui Masahiro; Takah...
MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE/52(17::S)/pp.455-455, 2020-07 - High Salt Diet Impacts the Risk of Sarcopenia Associated with Reduction of Skeletal Muscle Performance in the Japanese Population
Yoshida Yasuko; Kosaki Keisei; Sugasawa Takehito; Matsui ...
Nutrients/12(11)/p.3474, 2020-11 - Treatment-related damage in elderly-onset ANCA-associated vasculitis: safety outcome analysis of two nationwide prospective cohort studies
Sada Ken-Ei; Ohashi Keiji; Asano Yosuke; Hayashi Keig...
ARTHRITIS RESEARCH & THERAPY/22(1)/p.236, 2020-10 - more...
- Comparison of annual eGFR decline among primary kidney diseases in patients with CKD G3b-5: results from a REACH-J CKD cohort study