HOMMA Masato
- Articles
- Chromatographic Identification of Phenolic Compounds in Human Urine Following Oral Administration of the Herbal Medicines Daisaiko-to and Shosaiko-to
本間 真人
J. Chromatogr. B/693/p.191-198, 1997-01 - Extrashot-ODS, a Syringe Type Minicolumn Sample Injector for a Reversed-phase High-performance Liquid Chromatographic Column : Application to Antiepileptics in Human Sera
本間 真人
J. Chromatogr. B/695/p.349-353, 1997-01 - 小柴胡湯と柴朴湯の尿中ファーマコキネティックス
本間 真人
漢方と免疫・アレルギー/12/p.10-19, 1998-01 - 気管支喘息の咳嗽に対する麦門冬湯の効果と尿中排泄成分の分析
本間 真人
漢方と免疫・アレルギー/12/p.76-86, 1998-01 - Chiral resolution of four major flavanones in post-administrative urine of Chinese herbal medicines by HPLC on macroporous silica gel coated with cellulose tris(3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate).
本間 真人
Biomed. Chromatogr./12/p.199-202, 1998-01 - Stereochemistry and putative origins of flavones found in post-administration urine of the traditional Chinese remedies Shosaiko-to and Daisaiko-to.
本間 真人
Chem. Pharm. Bull./46/p.807-811, 1998-01 - Characteristics of delayed excretion of flavonoids in human urine after administration of Shosaiko-to, a herbal medicine.
本間 真人
Biol. Pharm. Bull./21/p.1251-1257, 1998-01 - Individual variations in Iymphocyte-responses to glucocorticoids in patients with bronchial asthma : Comparisone of potencies for five glucocorticoids.
本間 真人
Immunopharmacology/40/p.57-66, 1998-01 - Activation of llbeta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase by dehydroepiandro-sterone sulphate as an anti-hypertensive agent in spontaneously hypertensive rats
本間 真人
J. Pharm. Pharmacol./50/p.1139-1145, 1998-01 - Glycyrrhetinic acid-induced apoptosis in thymocytes : impact of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase inhibition.
本間 真人
Am. J. Physiol./277/p.E624-630, 1999-01 - High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of ribavirin in whole blood to assess disposition in erythrocytes.
本間 真人
Antimicrob. Agents Chemother./43/p.2716-2719, 1999-01 - Inhibitory effects of lignans and flavonoids in saiboku-to, a herbal medicine for bronchial asthma, on the release of leukotrienes from human polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
本間 真人
Planta Med./66/p.88-91, 2000-01 - Pharmacokinetics of indinavir in HIV-positive pregnant women.
本間 真人
AIDS./14/p.1061-1062, 2000-01 - Liquid chromatographic determination of urinary 6beta-hydroxycortisol to assess cytochrome p-450 3A activity in HIV positive pregnant women.
本間 真人
J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal./23/p.629-635, 2000-01 - Comparative study of lymphocyte-suppressive potency between prednisolone and methylprednisolone in rheumatoid arthritis.
本間 真人
Immunopharmacology./49/p.411-417, 2000-01 - Pharmacological effects of urinary products obtained after treatment with saiboku-to, a herbal medicine for bronchial asthma, on type (]G0004[) allergic reaction.
本間 真人
Planta Med./66/p.607-611, 2000-01 - 腸内細菌での代謝を考慮した漢方薬成分の血中濃度解析モデルの構築
本間 真人
*EMPTY*/6/p.72-74, 2001-01 - Magnolol from Magnolia officinalis inhibits 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase without increases of corticosterone and thymocyte apoptosis in mice.
本間 真人
Planta Med./67/p.33-37, 2001-01 - Glycyrrhetinic acid induced apoptosis in murine splenocytes.
本間 真人
Biol Pharm Bull./24/p.54-58, 2001-01 - Assessing systemic 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase with serum cortisone/cortisol ratios in healthy subjects and patients with diabetes mellitus and chronic renal failure.
本間 真人
Metabolism./50/p.801-804, 2001-01 - Effects of absorbed components of saiboku-to on the release of leukotrienes from polymorphonuclear leukocytes of patients with bronchial asthma.
本間 真人
Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol./23/p.99-104, 2001-01 - Aoki K, Homma M, Hirano T, Oka K, Satoh S, Mukasa K, Ito S, Sekihara H. MRNA and enzyme activity of hepatic llbeta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type l are elevated in C57BL/KsJ-db/db mice.
本間 真人
Life Sci./p.69:2543-9, 2001-01 - Effect of ascites on tacrolimus disposition in a liver transplant recipient
本間 真人; Itagaki F; Hori T; Tomita T; Kakiuchi Y; Yamamoto ...
Therapeutic drug monitoring/23(6)/pp.644-646, 2001-01 - 本間真人.漢方薬と西洋薬の薬物相互作用‐漢方薬成分の体内動態に及ぼす新薬の影響.
本間 真人
日本東洋医学雑誌/(52)/p.443-481, 2002-01 - 高橋雅也,新井克明,本間真人,鈴木 勝,佐藤信一,幸田幸直.錠剤・カプセル剤の包装への使用期限の表示と品質保証に関する調査.
本間 真人
医療薬学/(28)/p.172-175, 2002-01 - more...
- Chromatographic Identification of Phenolic Compounds in Human Urine Following Oral Administration of the Herbal Medicines Daisaiko-to and Shosaiko-to