- Articles
- Sports Specialization and Sports-Related Injuries in Japanese School-Aged Children and Adolescents: A Retrospective Descriptive Study
Shigematsu Ryosuke; Katoh Shuta; Suzuki Koya; Nakata ...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH/18(14), 2021-07 - Comparison between volunteer- and expert-led versions of a community-based weight-loss intervention
Mizushima Ryoko; Nakata Yoshio; Sasai Hiroyuki; Zuo X...
Preventive medicine reports/22, 2021-06 - Different degree of intervention in 6-month weight-loss support and arterial stiffness: Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial
Tanabe Yoko; Nakata Yoshio; Zempo-Miyaki Asako; Hieda ...
Obesity research & clinical practice/15(1)/pp.93-95, 2021-01 - Music attenuates a widened central pulse pressure caused by resistance exercise: a randomized, single-blinded, sham-controlled, crossover study
Tagawa Kaname; Nakata Yoshio; Yokota Atsumu; Sato Tom...
European journal of sport science/Epub, 2020-09 - [Associations between psychological attitudes toward exercise and fitness club membership resignation among new members: A cohort study]
Kikuga Nobumasa; Fukushima Noritoshi; Sawada Susumu; M...
[Nihon koshu eisei zasshi] Japanese journal of public health/advpub, 2021-03 - Introduction of "Eight Investments That Work for Physical Activity" Japanese version
天笠 志保; 松下 宗洋; 田島 敬之; 香村 恵介; 中田 由夫; 小熊 祐子; 井上 茂; 岡 浩一朗
Research in Exercise Epidemiology, 2021 - 対象者をどのように選ぶか : フィールド調査におけるサンプリング (特集 発育発達研究における統計手法)
中田 由夫
子どもと発育発達/18(3)/pp.158-161, 2020 - 特定保健指導における運動の意義と効果的な実践
中田 由夫
臨床栄養/137(3)/pp.284-288, 2020-09 - 除脂肪量は骨格筋量の鋭敏な指標か?
中田 由夫
臨床栄養/137(7)/pp.922-926, 2020-12 - 血清コレステロールと肥痩度, 年齢, 減量, 運動習慣化との関連
中田 由夫
日本健康運動看護学会誌/1(1)/pp.5-13, 2020-09 - お悩み解決!その研究、どうデザインし、何を測る?
辻 大士; 中田 由夫
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences Conference Proceedings/70/pp.51_2-51_2, 2019 - Association of abdominal fat with metabolic syndrome components in overweight women: effect of menopausal status
Numao Shigeharu; Katayama Yasutomi; Nakata Yoshio; Mat...
JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY/39(1), 2020-04 - A Single Motivational Lecture Can Promote Modest Weight Loss: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Nakata Yoshio; Sasai Hiroyuki; Tsujimoto Takehiko; Hashim...
Obesity facts/13(2)/pp.267-278, 2020-04 - Associations of Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Sleep with Weight Loss Maintenance: A Preliminary Study of Japanese Adults
Wakaba Kyohsuke; Sasai Hiroyuki; Nakata Yoshio
Behavioral sciences (Basel, Switzerland)/10(1), 2019-12 - Effects of Vibrotactile Feedback on Sedentary Behaviors in Adults: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
Nishimura Makoto; Sasai Hiroyuki; Nakata Yoshio; Maeda...
International journal of environmental research and public health/16(23), 2019-11 - Accuracy of 12 Wearable Devices for Estimating Physical Activity Energy Expenditure Using a Metabolic Chamber and the Doubly Labeled Water Method: Validation Study
Murakami Haruka; Kawakami Ryoko; Nakae Satoshi; Yamada...
JMIR mHealth and uHealth/7(8), 2019-08 - Symposium3-3
中田 由夫
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine/68(1)/pp.17-17, 2019 - Symposium5-3
中田 由夫
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine/68(1)/pp.25-25, 2019 - Associations of age, sex, weight and dynamic balance capability with boat-race performance in professional boat racers: a cross-sectional study
鈴木 康裕; 中田 由夫; 清水 如代; 田邉 裕基; 新井 良輔; 羽田 康司
Research in Exercise Epidemiology/21(1)/pp.38-46, 2019 - Olive leaf tea is beneficial for lipid metabolism in adults with prediabetes: an exploratory randomized controlled trial
Araki Risa; Fujie Keiko; Yuine Nanako; Watabe Yuta; Nakat...
Nutrition research (New York, N.Y.)/67/pp.60-66, 2019-05 - 住民主導による成人肥満者を対象とした減量支援プログラムの実行可能性
水島 諒子; 笹井 浩行; 中田 由夫; 小澤 多賀子; 前田清司; 田中喜代次
Japanese Journal of Health Promotion/20(1)/pp.191-200, 2018-09 - 質的分析により抽出した課題を考慮した住民主導による減量支援プログラムの成果検証
水島 諒子; 笹井 浩行; 中田 由夫; 前田 清司; 田中喜代次
健康支援/21(1)/pp.29-37, 2019-02 - Web-based intervention to promote weight-loss maintenance using an activity monitor: A randomized controlled trial
Nakata Yoshio; Sasai Hiroyuki; Tsujimoto Takehiko; Hashim...
Preventive medicine reports/14, 2019-06 - Symposium5-1
江口 泰正; 中田 由夫
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine/68(1)/pp.23-23, 2019 - A Strategy To Reduce The Dropout Rate In A Volunteer-led Community Weight-loss Program
Mizushima Ryoko; Nakata Yoshio; Zuo Xinyu; Maeda Seiji; T...
MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE/50(5::1)/pp.70-70, 2018-05 - more...
- Sports Specialization and Sports-Related Injuries in Japanese School-Aged Children and Adolescents: A Retrospective Descriptive Study