SATO Yukio
- Articles
- 新生児石川成胃穿孔を来した腹部内蔵逆位症の1治験例
越智五平; 大川治夫; 金子道夫; 堀哲夫; 池袋賢一; 松本正智; 佐藤幸夫
日本小児科学会誌/27(7)/p.1164-1170, 1991-01 - 肺扁平上皮癌切除後気管支断端癌遺残例の検討
森田理一郎; 赤荻栄一; 三井清文; 鬼塚正孝; 石川成美; 石橋敦; 稲毛芳永; 佐藤幸夫; 臺勇一; 山本達生; 堀原一
気管支学/14(4)/p.316-321, 1992-01 - 中枢気管支狭窄例に対する内視鏡的Nd-YAGレーザー照射と気管支内ステントによる治療
66.赤荻栄一; 湯浅洋司; 石橋敦; 稲毛芳永; 臺勇一; 佐藤幸夫; 石川成美; 森田理一郎; 鬼塚正孝; 三井清文; 堀原一
胸部外科/45(1)/p.35-39, 1992-01 - Thoracoscopic repair of diaphragmatic hernia
Sato Y; Ishikawa S; Onizuka S; Akaogi E; Mitsui K; Mitsui T
Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon/44/p.54-55, 1996-01 - 術後皮疹が消退した類天疱瘡合併肺癌の1切除例
佐藤幸夫; 遠藤勝幸; 石川成美; 鬼塚正孝; 三井清文; 三井利夫
日本胸部外科学会雑誌/44(4)/p.524-528, 1996-01 - 喀血を繰り返した肺切除後肺アスペルギルス症に対する残存肺全摘術の一例
佐藤幸夫; 淀縄聡; 木下朋雄; 石川成美; 鬼塚正孝; 赤荻栄一; 三井清文; 三井利夫
日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌/10(2)/p.139-143, 1996-01 - Bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia: Bone marrow release and pulmonary sequestration of neutrophils
Sato Y; vanEeden SF; English D; Hogg JC
Critical Care Medicine/26(3)/p.501-509, 1998-01 - Pulmonary sequestration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes released from the bone marrow in bacteremic infection
Sato Y; vanEeden SF; English D; Hogg JC
American Journal of Physiology, Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology/275/p.255-261, 1998-01 - Nitric oxide reduces the sequestration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in lung by changing deformability and CD18 expression
Sato Y; Walley KR; Klut ME; English D; D’yachkova Y; Hogg...
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine/159/p.1469-1476, 1999-01 - Polymorphonuclear leukocytes released from the bone marrow and acute lung injury
van Eeden SF; Kitagawa Y; Sato Y. Hogg JC
Chest/116/p.43-46, 1999-01 - The effect of selective phosphopdiesterase type 4 inhibitor on polymorphonuclear leukocyte activation During extracorporeal circulation
Sato Y; Hiramatsu Y; Honma S; Kikuchi Y; Sato S; Yamamoto...
Proceedings of 21st European Conference on Microcirculation/p.83-86, 2000-01 - Endothelin-1 changes polymorphonuclear leukocytes' deformability and CD11b expression and promotes their retention in the lung
Sato Y; Hogg JC; English D; van Eeden SF
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology/23(3)/p.404-410, 2000-01 - Neutrophils released from the bone marrow by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor sequester in lung microvessels but are slow to migrate
van Eeden SF; Lawrence E; Sato Y; Kitagawa Y; Hogg JC
European Respiratory Journal/15(6)/p.1079-1086, 2000-01 - A new model of lung metastasis for intravital studies
Funakoshi N; Onizuka M; Yanagi K; Ohshima N; Tomoyasu M; ...
Microvasc Res/59(3)/pp.361-367, 2000-01 - Topographical analysis of p53 expression and DNA ploidy in early bronchial squaous cell carcinoma and preneoplastic lesions
Inage Y; Ogata T; Yamamoto T; Akaogi E; Horiguchi H; Kamma H; S...
Lung Cancer/34/p.351-361, 2001-01 - Nafamostat mesilate modulates platelet and neutrophil activation and whole blood filterbility through silicon microchannels during in vitro cardiopulmonary bypass
Hiramatsu Y; Sato Y; Homma S; Yoshimura Y; Sato S; Kikuch...
Microcirculation annual/17/p.77-78, 2001-01 - 高周波スネアにより気管支鏡下に切除し得た気管支内過誤腫の1例
菊池慎二; 佐藤幸夫; 南優子; 鈴木久史; 今村史人; 後藤 行延; 山本達生; 石川成美; 鬼塚正孝
日本気管支学会雑誌/23(6)/p.540-544, 2001-01 - 皮膚原発巣切除12年後に診断された悪性黒色腫孤立性肺転移の1例
後藤行延; 伊藤博道; 菊池慎二; 今村史人; 佐藤幸夫; 山本達生; 石川成美; 鬼塚正孝
日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌/15(5)/p.619-623, 2001-01 - Phosphodiesterase type 4 inhibitor reduces the retention of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the lung
Sato Y; Sato S; Yamamoto T; Ishikawa S; Onizuka M; Sakaki...
American Journal of Physiology, Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology/282(6)/p.1376-1381, 2002-01 - Blood flow does not correlate with the size of metastasis in our new intravital observaion model of Lewis lung cancer
Hatakawa H; Funakoshi N; Onizuka M; Yanagi K; Ohshima N; ...
Microvascular Research/64/p.32-37, 2002-01 - Management of massive hemoptysis in a thoracic surgical unit
Endo S; Otani S; Saito N; Hasegawa T; Kanai Y; Sato Y; So...
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery/23/p.467-472, 2002-01 - Effect of phosphodiesterase 3 inhibitor (Olprinone) on thoracic duct lymph flow in anesthetized sheep with experimentally induced heart failure by endothelin-1
Tomoyasu M; Onizuka M; Inagaki M; Sato Y; Yamamoto T; Ish...
Lymphorogy/35/p.144-152, 2002-01 - 肺門部肺癌局在診断における高分解能CTの有用性の検討
南優子; 石川成美; 斎田幸久; 梶谷元改; 野口雅之; 山本達生; 佐藤幸夫; 鬼塚正孝; 榊原謙
肺癌/42(1)/p.1-6, 2002-01 - 術後10年目に肺転移で再発した胃原発gastrointestinal stromal tumorの1手術例
稲毛芳永; 山辺克己; 山本達生; 佐藤幸夫; 石川成美; 鬼塚正孝; 吉田カツ江
胸部外科/55/p.907-911, 2002-01 - Activated neutrophils and platelet microaggregates impede blood filterability through microchannels during simulated extracorporeal circulation
Yoshimura Y.; Hiramatsu Y.; Sato Y.; Homma S.; Enomoto Y...
Ann Thorac Surg/75(4)/p.1254-1260, 2003-01 - more...
- 新生児石川成胃穿孔を来した腹部内蔵逆位症の1治験例