SAKURAI Hideyuki
- Articles
- ICIの放射線治療への臨床応用
石川 仁; 若月 優; 村田 和俊; 小此木範之; 中嶋 美緒; 青木 秀梨; 角谷 泰輔; 関口 慶仁; 小林 ...
日本放射線腫瘍学会第36回学術大会/pp.135-135, 2023-11-30 - BNCTの装置、機器、ソフトウェアに求められる課題
熊田 博明; 中井 啓; 櫻井 英幸
日本放射線腫瘍学会第36回学術大会/pp.127-127, 2023-11-30 - フェニルボロン酸含有超分子を用いた新規ホウ素製剤の有効性評価
竹内 春; 松本 孔貴; 菅原 裕; 東 大志; 伊敷 帆夏; 本山 敬一; 櫻井 英幸
日本量子医科学会第3回学術大会, 2023-12-08 - 既存ホウ素製剤BPAの治療効果・細胞内集積性とアミノ酸トランスポータLAT1発現量と相関性の解析
菅原 裕; 松本 孔貴; 竹内 春; 櫻井 英幸
日本量子医科学会第3回学術大会, 2023-12-08 - Multimodal treatment with chemoradiotherapy, regional hyperthermia and interstitial brachytherapy for a huge locally advanced cervical cancer: A case report
Saito Takashi; Murakami Motohiro; Sumiya Taisuke; Koba...
TECHNICAL INNOVATIONS & PATIENT SUPPORT IN RADIATION ONCOLOGY/28/p.100222, 2023-11 - Long-term follow-up of unresectable adenoid cystic carcinoma of the trachea and bronchus treated with high-dose proton beam therapy: A report of two cases
Nakamura Masatoshi; Ohnishi Kayoko; Nakazawa Kensuke; ...
THORACIC CANCER/15(2)/pp.201-205, 2023-11-20 - Risk Factors for Radiation Necrosis and Local Recurrence after Proton Beam Therapy for Skull Base Chordoma or Chondrosarcoma
Takahashi Mizuki; Mizumoto Masashi; Oshiro Yoshiko; Kino ...
CANCERS/15(23)/p.5687, 2023-12 - Development of an Experiential Pediatric Proton Therapy Support System using Cross-Reality and Airborne Ultrasonic Haptics Technology
森 祐太郎; 磯辺智範; 櫻井英幸; 榮武二
BIO Clinica/38(14)/pp.44-47, 2023-11 - Proton therapy (PT) combined with concurrent chemotherapy for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer with negative driver genes
Jin Yonglong; Shimizu Shosei; Li Yinuo; Yao Yuan; Liu...
RADIATION ONCOLOGY/18(1)/p.189, 2023-11-16 - A case of massive hemoptysis caused by lung cancer saved by V‑V ECMO and hemostasis achieved by radiotherapy
Takizawa Daichi; Ishida Toshiki; Nakano Hidehiko; Tach...
INTERNATIONAL CANCER CONFERENCE JOURNAL/Epub, 2023-11-02 - Proton beam therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma: Multicenter prospective registry study in Japan
Mizumoto Masashi; Ogino Hiroyuki; Okumura Toshiyuki; T...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS/118(3)/pp.725-733, 2023-09-29 - Analysis of the cost-effectiveness of proton beam therapy for unresectable pancreatic cancer in Japan
Hiroshima Yuichi; Kondo Masahide; Sawada Takuya; Hoshi...
CANCER MEDICINE/Epub, 2023-10-05 - Current development status of accelerator-based neutron source for boron neutron capture therapy
Kumada Hiroaki; Sakae Takeji; Sakurai Hideyuki
EPJ TECHNIQUES AND INSTRUMENTATION/10(1), 2023-10-05 - Comprehensive analysis of Japanese nationwide cohort data of particle beam therapy for pulmonary, liver and lymph node oligometastases: particle beam therapy versus high-precision X-ray radiotherapy
Aibe Norihiro; Ogino Hiroyuki; Wakatsuki Masaru; Fujik...
JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH/64(1)/pp.i69-i83, 2023-06 - Particle beam therapy for pelvic recurrence of colorectal cancer: a registry data analysis in Japan and a systematic review
Murayama Shigeyuki; Yamada Shigeru; Hiroshima Yuichi; ...
JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH/64(1)/pp.i25-i33, 2023-06 - A Japanese registry study and systematic review of particle therapy for renal cell carcinoma
Ishikawa Hitoshi; Arimura Takeshi; Maruo Kazushi; Kawa...
JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH/64(1)/pp.i41-i48, 2023-06 - Proton beam therapy for muscle-invasive bladder cancer: A systematic review and analysis with Proton-Net, a multicenter prospective patient registry database
Araya Masayuki; Ishikawa Hitoshi; Nishioka Kentaro; Ma...
JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH/64(1)/pp.i49-i58, 2023-06 - Analysis of person-hours required for proton beam therapy for pediatric tumors
Mizumoto Masashi; Fukushima Hiroko; Miyamoto Toshio; O...
JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH/64(3)/pp.599-601, 2023-05 - Current status and future prospects of particle therapy (proton beam and heavy ion therapy) in Japan-in the special issue of the Journal of Radiation Research
Sakurai Hideyuki; Ohno Tatsuya; Ogawa Kazuhiko
Journal of radiation research/64(Suppl 1)/pp.i1-i1, 2023-06-16 - The Japanese nationwide cohort data of proton beam therapy for liver oligometastasis in esophagogastric cancer patients
Yamaguchi Hisashi; Fukumitsu Nobuyoshi; Numajiri Haruk...
JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH/Epub, 2023-09-11 - 放射線抵抗性腫瘍に対してmodulated electro-hyperthermia(mEHT) は効率的な治療効果を誘導する
松本 孔貴; 菅原 裕; 竹内 春; 李 宜諾; 櫻井 英幸
日本ハイパーサーミア学会誌 = Japanese journal of hyperthermic oncology/39(2023)/pp.113-113, 2023-09-08 - HEALTH RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE SCORE ANALYSIS AFTER PROTON BEAM THERAPY IN SINGLE INSTITUTE; SECOND REPORT
Fukushima Hiroko; Suzuki Ryoko; Yamaki Yuni; Hosaka S...
PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER/69(4), 2022-11 - Clinical Practice Guidelines for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: The Japan Society of Hepatology 2021 version (5th JSH-HCC Guidelines)
Hasegawa Kiyoshi; Takemura Nobuyuki; Yamashita Tatsuya...
HEPATOLOGY RESEARCH/53(5)/pp.383-390, 2023-03-10 - Proton Beam Therapy for Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: A Multicenter Prospective Registry Study in Japan
Mizumoto Masashi; Terashima Kazuki; Makishima Hirokazu...
LIVER CANCER/Epub, 2023-07-24 - Proton beam therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma with bile duct invasion
Iizumi Takashi; Okumura Toshiyuki; Hasegawa Naoyuki; I...
BMC GASTROENTEROLOGY/23(1)/p.267, 2023-08-03 - more...
- ICIの放射線治療への臨床応用