MAENO Takami

Researcher's full information

  • Team-based learning を用いた専門職連携教育の教育効果
    前野貴美; 高屋敷明由美; 鈴木英雄; 稲田晴彦; 前野 哲博; 吉本尚; 堤円香; 内藤隆宏; 速水恵子; 富田美加; 可能尚美; 馬場健
    医学教育 第47回日本医学教育学会大会予稿集/pp.141-141, 2015-07
  • 地域のニーズに応える専門職連携・教育と総合診療医の役割
    前野 貴美
    Gノート/1(3)/pp.410-414, 2014-08
  • The Interprofessional Education Programs of the University of Tsukuba::Programs to Develop Interprofessional Competence through Interuniversity Collaboration
    前野 貴美
    Igaku Kyoiku / Medical Education (Japan)/45(3)/pp.135-143, 2014-06
  • The impact of an early_exposure program on medical students' interest in and knowledge of rural medical practices: a questionnaire survey
    Naoto Ishimaru; Ayumi Takayashiki; Maeno Takami; Yurika Kawa...
    Asia Pac Fam Med/14(1)/p.3, 2015-04
  • Health communication method and primary care seeking after screening for early type 2 diabetes in a Japanese healthcare setting
    Rie Ueki; Masao Ichikawa; Yuri Hiranuma; Takashi Naito; Maeno...
    Diabetology International/5(2)/pp.122-128, 2014-06
  • Does a child's fear of needles decrease through a learning event with needles?
    Natsuki Kajikawa; Takami Maeno; Tetsuhiro Maeno
    Issues Compr Pediatr Nurs/37 (3)/pp.183-194, 2014-08
  • Effectiveness of the interprofessional education program based on team-based learning;comparoson between uniprofessional group and mixed group
    前野貴美; 前野哲博; 鈴木英雄; 高屋敷明由美; 稲田晴彦; 内藤隆宏; 富田美加; 可能尚美
    医学教育 第46回日本医学教育学会大会 予稿集/pp.146-146, 2014-07
  • Can we predict future depression in residents before the start of clinical training?
    Ito Makoto; Seo Emiko; Ogawa Ryoko; Sanuki Masaru; Maeno Taka...
    MEDICAL EDUCATION/49(2)/pp.215-223, 2015-02
  • Patients' impressions about physicians working short-term in community clinics : A qualitative analysis of individual patient interviews
    小曽根 早知子; 高屋敷 明由美; 前野 貴美; 前野 哲博
    An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association/37(3)/pp.219-224, 2014-9
  • 筑波大学における専門職連携教育の取り組み : Interprofessional PBLを用いた専門職連携教育プログラム(多職種連携教育Interprofessional education(IPE)の重要性と実践的構築を目指して,シンポジウム15,新時代を拓く医療薬学フロンティア)
    前野 貴美
    日本医療薬学会年会講演要旨集/24/p.73, 2014-08
  • Advance Directives and Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders Among Patients With Terminal Cancer in Palliative Care Units in Japan: A Nationwide Survey
    Kizawa Yoshiyuki; Tsuneto Satoru; Hamano Jun; Nagaoka Hiroka...
    Am J Hosp Palliat Care/30(7)/pp.664-669, 2013-11
  • Questionnaire survey about stress of Japanese junior residents for 2years
    瀬尾恵美子; 前野哲博; 小川良子; 伊藤 慎; 前野貴美
    第46回日本医学教育学会大会 予稿集/pp.104-104, 2014-7
  • その身だしなみ大丈夫? 患者と医学生の比較調査
    栗原宏; 前野哲博; 前野貴美
    第5回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術大会 プログラム・抄録集/pp.303-303, 2014-5
  • Practice and Attitude Regarding Advance Care Planning in Geriatric Health Services Facilities in Japan: A Nationwide Survey
    Syoji Yokoya; Yoshiyuki Kizawa; Takami Maeno; Tetsuhiro Maeno
    Abstract of WONCA Asia Regional Conference 2014/p.54, 2014-5
  • Diagnostic Characteristics of Symptom Combinations Over Time in Meningitis Patients
    Hiroshi Takagi; Takami Maeno; Tsuneo Fujita; Masatsune Suzuk...
    Abstract of WONCA Asia Regional Conference 2014/pp.75-76, 2014-5
  • Importance of physicians' attire: factors influencing the impression it makes on patients, a cross-sectional study.
    Kurihara Hiroshi; Maeno Takami; Maeno Tetsuhiro
    Asia Pacific family medicine/13(1)/pp.2-7, 2014-01
  • Advance directives and do-not-resuscitate orders among patients with terminal cancer in palliative care units in Japan: a nationwide survey.
    Kizawa Yoshiyuki; Tsuneto Satoru; Hamano Jun; Nagaoka Hiroka...
    The American journal of hospice & palliative care/30(7)/pp.664-669, 2013-10
  • Diagnostic Characteristics of Symptom Combinations over Time in Meningitis Patients
    Takagi H; Maeno T; Fujita T; Suzuki M; Maeno T
    General Medicine/14(2)/pp.119-125, 2013-12
  • Palliative Care Physicians’ Practices and Attitudes Regarding Advance Care Planning in Palliative Care Units in Japan: A Nationwide Survey
    Nakazawa Kazuhiro; Kizawa Yoshiyuki; Maeno Takami; Takayashi...
    The American journal of hospice & palliative care/31(7)/pp.699-709, 2014-11
  • Prospective Clarification of the Utility of the Palliative Prognostic Index for Patients With Advanced Cancer in the Home Care Setting
    Hamano Jun; Kizawa Yoshiyuki; Maeno Takami; Nagaoka Hiro...
    The American journal of hospice & palliative care/31(8)/pp.820-824, 2014-12
  • Association between smoking prevention education for elementary and junior high school students and modification of their parents' smoking behavior - Can children's talk change parents' behavior?
    堤 円香; 中村 明澄; 前野 貴美; 高屋敷 明由美; 阪本 直人; 横谷 省治; 前野哲博
    An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association/36(4)/pp.291-296, 2013-12
  • Japanese students' perception of their learning from an interprofessional education program: a qualitative study
    Takami Maeno; Ayumi Takayashiki; Tokie Anme; Eriko Tohno; Aki...
    International Journal of Medical Education/(4)/pp.9-17, 2013-1
  • Rapid effects of Kikyo-to on sore throat pain associated with acute upper respiratory tract infection.
    Ishimaru N.; Maeno Takami; Suzuki M.; Maeno Tetsuhiro
    J Complement Integr Med/11(1)/pp.51-54, 2013-12
  • 急性蕁麻疹にグリチルリチン製剤と抗ヒスタミン剤ではどちらの注射が有効か -単盲検前向きランダム化試験-
    渡辺裕美; 前野哲博; 鈴木將玄; 小林浩幸; 前野貴美
    第4回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術大会 プログラム・抄録集/pp.134-134, 2013-05
  • Usefulness of Palliative Prognostic Index for Patient With Advanced Cancer in Home Care Setting
    Hamano Jun; Maeno Takami; Kizawa Yoshiyuki; Maeno Tetsuh...
    American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine/30(3)/pp.264-267, 2013-05
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