ISOBE Tomonori
- Articles
- 磁気共鳴スペクトロスコピーによる非侵襲的脳代謝解析の研究
松村 明; 磯辺智範
筑波大学特別プロジェクト「動的脳機能とこころのアメニティープロジェクト」研究報告書/p.163-183, 2003-03 - Gliomaにおける1H-MRSによる放射線治療効果の検討 -コリン化合物の定量評価の有用性-
磯辺智範; 松村 明; 阿武 泉; 長友 康; 吉澤 卓; 板井悠二; 能勢忠男
脳神経外科/31/p.167-172, 2003-01 - The diagnosis of gliomas by using metabolite quantification with proton MR spectroscopy.
Isobe T; Matsumura A; Anno I; Yoshizawa T; Itai Y; Nose T
The 4th Japan Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine International Symposium Oncologic MR Imaging, 2003-01 - Proton MRSが臨床診断に有用であった類表皮腫の1例
磯辺智範; 松村 明; 阿武 泉; 吉澤 卓; 板井悠二; 能勢忠男
脳と神経/54/p.163-166, 2002-02 - Evaluation of Flow Dynamics of Degenerative Spinal Disease using Perfusion MRI
松村 明; 上村 和也; 阿武 泉; 磯辺智範; 塚田 篤郎; 谷中 清之; 能勢 忠男
Spinal surgery : official journal of the Japanese Society of Spinal Surgery/16(1)/pp.15-20, 2002-03 - Chronological change of brain abscess in 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Akutsu H; Matsumura A; Isobe T; Anno I; Takano S; Itai Y...
Neuroradiology/44/p.574-578, 2002-01 - Quantification of cerebral metabolites in glioma patients with proton MR spectroscopy using T2 relaxation time correction
Isobe T; Matsumura A; Anno I; Yoshizawa T; Nagatomo Y; It...
Magnetic Resonance Imaging/20(4)/pp.343-349, 2002-01 - 悪性グリオーマに対する治療戦略-Functional magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic resonance spectroscopyによる術前診断および治療効果判定-
松村 明; 磯辺智範; 松下 明; 高野晋吾; 木村 泰; 山本哲哉; 坪井康次; 石川栄一; 能勢忠男
Neuro-Oncology/12/p.63-69, 2002-01 - MR Perfusion study of the cervical spondylosis : evaluation of spinal cord damage
Anno I; Uemura K; Matsumura A; Isobe T; Nose T; Itai Y
The Radiological Society of North America(RSNA) 87th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, 2001-11 - Correlation of MIB-1 proliferation index and cell density with choline level using a quantitative 1H-MRS :Discrepancy in benign and malignant glioma.
Matsumura A; Isobe T; Anno I; Takano S; Nagatomo Y; Yoshi...
Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 9th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, 2001-04 - 脳内嚢胞性疾患の鑑別診断
松村 明; 磯辺智範; 阿武 泉; 高野晋吾; 能勢忠男
神経内科/53/p.408-409, 2000-09 - MR perfusion study of the cervical spinal cord:A new approach by PRESTO pulse sequence.
Anno I; Isobe T; Yoshioka H; Niitsu M; Matsumura A; Akuts...
Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 8th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, 2000-05 - Bioeffects of MR examination on human body
磯辺智範; 松村 明; 阿武 泉; 能勢忠男
日本放射線技師会雑誌/(46)/p.1547-1554, 1999-12 - A new boronated porphyrin (STA-BX909) for neutron capture therapy:An in vitro survival assay and in vivo tissue uptake study
Matsumura A; Shibata Y; Yamamoto T; Yoshida F; Isobe T; N...
Cancer Letters/141/p.203-209, 1999-12 - Significance of T2 relaxation time correction in quantification of glioma patients by proton MR spectroscopy. -A clinical study-.
Matsumura A; Isobe T; Anno I; Yoshizawa T; Nagatomo Y; It...
Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 7th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, 1999-05 - Proton MR spectroscopy による脳内代謝物の定量化-緩和時間補正を用いた内部標準法-
磯辺智範; 松村 明; 阿武 泉; 吉澤 卓; 長友 康; 板井悠二; 能勢忠男
INNERVISION, 1998-10 - Quantitative proton MR spectroscopy in normal volunteer and glioma patients with relaxation time correction.
Isobe T; Matsumura A; Anno I; Yoshizawa T; Nagatomo Y; It...
11th International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists (ISRRT) World Congress, 1998-09 - Significance of T2 relaxation time correction for quantification of metabolites using proton MRS in brain tumor patients.
Matsumura A; Isobe T; Anno I; Yoshizawa T; Nagatomo Y; Fu...
The 18th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems (ICMRBS), 1998-08 - Proton MR spectroscopyを用いた脳内代謝物定量化の臨床的意義について
磯辺智範; 松村 明; 阿武 泉; 斉藤正好; 吉澤 卓; 長友 康; 板井悠二; 能勢忠男
千葉県放射線技術研究会誌, 1998-03 - Quantitative proton MR spectroscopy for evaluation of glioma patients
Matsumura A; Isobe T; Anno I; Yoshizawa T; Nagatomo Y; Fu...
Zentralbl Neurochir, 1998-01 - 千葉県下におけるIVR(vasucular IVR)の現状
中村博和; 梁川範幸; 加藤英幸; 飯森隆志; 福知芳和; 白崎智子; 磯辺智範; 岩元健一; 黒田秀也; 佐藤真人; 多田浩章; 黒川...
千葉放射線技術誌, 1997-03 - A basic study for development of boron-porphyrin compound for neutron capture therapy.
Matsumura A; Shibata Y; Yamamoto T; Nakai K; Yoshida F; I...
KKUR Progress Report 1996, 1997-02 - 腹部CR撮影における被ばく線量低減法
磯辺智範; 梁川範幸; 加藤英幸; 奥村 健一郎; 白崎智子; 越智茂博; 飯森隆志
総合医用画像技術研究会誌, 1996-02
- 磁気共鳴スペクトロスコピーによる非侵襲的脳代謝解析の研究