ISOBE Tomonori

Researcher's full information

  • Proton MR Spectroscopy of Central Neurocytoma Using Short and Long Echo Time: New Proofs for the Existence of Glycine and Glutamate
    Liu Mengqi; Yue Qiang; Isobe Tomonori; Matsumura Akira; L...
    ACADEMIC RADIOLOGY/19(7)/pp.779-784, 2012-07
  • Standard Map of FA Value in a Skeletal Muscle
    Isobe T; Okamoto Y; Hirano Y; Mori S; Sato E
    The Section for Magnetic Resonance Technologists (SMRT) 21st Annual Meeting (Melbourne, Australia), 2012-05
  • MRI Assessment of Slow Training Effect on Focal Fat Metabolism in Skeletal Muscle.
    Okamoto Y; Mori S; Isobe T
    International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 20th ANNUAL MEETING & EXHIBITION(Melbourne, Australia), 2012-05
  • The Measurement and Interpretation of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) of Skeletal Muscle In Vivo.
    Okamoto Y; Isobe T; Hirano Y
    Preliminary Results. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 20th ANNUAL MEETING & EXHIBITION(Melbourne, Australia), 2012-05
  • Comparison of Diffusion Tensor Imaging-Derived Fraction Anisotropy in Maltiple Vendors at 1.5T.
    Saotome K; Matsushita A; Isobe T; Satou E; Osuka S; Ishim...
    International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 20th ANNUAL MEETING & EXHIBITION(Melbourne, Australia), 2012-05
  • Development of The Robust Technique for Enviromental Radioacivity using Imaging Plate.
    Isobe T; Mori Y; Takada K; Sakae T
    World Congress on Biomedical Engineering, 2012-05
  • X-Ray Shielding Device for Reduction of the Irradiation Dose to the Lens during Neuriinterventional Procedures.
    Moritake T; Koizumi H; Matsuura Y; Hayakawa M; Akahane K...
    World Congress on Biomedical Engineering, 2012-05
  • The Essential Knowledge for Exposition of Radiation Protection
    磯辺 智範; 森 祐太郎; 榮 武二; 松原 孝祐; 五十嵐 隆元
    Japanese Journal of Radiological Technology/68(10)/pp.1419-1427, 2012-01
  • Comparison of Diffusion Tensor Imaging-Derived Fractional Anisotropy in Multiple Centers for Identical Human Subjects
    五月女 康作; 石森 佳幸; 磯辺 智範; 佐藤 英介; 篠田 和哉; 大久保 淳; 平野 雄二; 大須賀 覚; ...
    Japanese Journal of Radiological Technology/68(9)/pp.1242-1249, 2012-01
  • Influence of secondary neutrons induced by proton radiotherapy for cancer patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators
    Hashimoto T; Isobe T; Hashii H; Kumada H; Tada H; Okumura T; Ts...
    Radiat Oncol/7/pp.10-10, 2012-01
  • Boron neutron capture therapy combined with fractionated photon irradiation for glioblastoma: A recursive partitioning analysis of BNCT patients
    Nakai K.; Yamamoto T.; Aiyama H.; Takada T.; Yoshida F.; ...
    APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES/69(12:::SI)/pp.1790-1792, 2011-12
  • A clinical trial protocol for second line treatment of malignant brain tumors with BNCT at University of Tsukuba
    Aiyama H.; Nakai K.; Yamamoto T.; Nariai T.; Kumada H.; I...
    APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES/69(12:::SI)/pp.1819-1822, 2011-12
  • Can we apply the results of probabilistic diffusion tractography analysis to diffusion tensor tractography analysis ?
    Sato E; Isobe T; Yamamoto T; Akutsu H; Matsushita A; Mats...
    The Radiological Society of North America(RSNA)97st Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting (Chicago), Illinois, USA, 2011-11
  • Influence of heavy ion therapy on pacemakers -An experimental study -
    橋本孝之; 磯辺智範; 橋井晴子; 大川綾子; 高橋英希; 藤淵俊王; 藤本裕; 砂川和彦; 水野正裕; 阿部英人; 難波将夫; 新田和...
    平成22年度放射線医学総合研究所重粒子がん治療装置等共同利用研究報告書/pp.280-281, 2011-11
    Fujibuchi Toshioh; Tanabe Yu; Sakae Takeji; Terunuma Tos...
    RADIATION PROTECTION DOSIMETRY/147(3)/pp.394-400, 2011-11
  • 放射性同位元素装備機器および放射線発生装置の安全取り扱い(入門講座3(放射線防護))
    磯辺 智範; 森 祐太郎; 照沼 利之; 安岡 聖; 熊田 博明; 榮 武二
    放射線防護分科会会誌/0(33)/pp.4-9, 2011-10
  • Basic characteristics of a CR-39 track-etched detector in a radiotherapy field.
    Takada K; Isobe T; Shida K; Takahashi H; Seki M; Yokota ...
    The 6th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting on Medical Physics and 11th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (Fukuoka, Japan), 2011-09
  • An initial experience with the moving table technique for total body irradiation.
    Takada K; Isobe T; Shida K; Kobayashi D; Sato E; Seki M; ...
    The 18th East Asia Conference of Radiological Technologists (Aomori, Japan), 2011-09
  • Basic characteristics of a micro liquid-filled ionization chamber for quality assurance in high-precision radiotherapy.
    Shida K; Takada K; Isobe T; Hashimoto T; Kobayashi D; Yos...
    The 6th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting on Medical Physics and 11th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (Fukuoka, Japan), 2011-09
  • 1H-MRSにおける定量解析が放射線壊死とanaplastic oligodendrogliomaの再発の識別に有効だった一例
    磯辺智範; 阿久津博義; 山本哲哉; 椎貝真成; 増本智彦; 中井 啓; 高野晋吾; 阿武 泉; 松村 明
    No Shinkei Geka/39/p.485-490, 2011-05
  • Elucidation for improvement of visualization in the skeletal muscle tractography using probabilistic diffusion tractography.
    Okamoto Y; Tadano K; Masumoto T; Hirano Y; Isobe T; Minam...
    The 19th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine(ISMRM)(Montréal, Québec, Canada), 2011-05
  • Evaluation of the metabolism change of the cadaver brain by proton MRS
    Isobe T; Akutsu H; Kobayashi T; Tadano K; Hayakawa S; Shi...
    European Congress of Radiology 2011(Vienna, Austria), 2011-03
  • Noninvasive Quantification of L-p-boronophenylalanine (BPA) using Proton MR Spectroscopy
    Isobe T; Yamamoto Y; Yamamoto T; Kumada H; Akutsu H; Mats...
    European Congress of Radiology 2011(Vienna, Austria), 2011-03
  • Characteristics of intramyocellular lipid content based on the difference in athletic sports by 3 T proton MR spectroscopy
    Isobe T; Okamoto Y; Tadano K; Hirano Y; Sato E; Mori S
    European Congress of Radiology 2011(Vienna, Austria), 2011-03
  • Application of the multi-modal Monte-Carlo treatment planning system combined with PHITS to proton radiotherapy
    Kumada H; Sakae T; Saito K; Isobe T; Hashimoto T; Sakurai H
    Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology/2/pp.213-218, 2011-01
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