Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • Prognostic Impact of Atrial Fibrillation on Cardiac and Stroke Death in the Ibaraki Prefectural Health Study.
    Murakoshi Nobuyuki; Sairenchi Toshimi; Xu; Igarashi; Irie ...
    American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2018/2018-11-10--2018-11-13
  • MAIR-II deficiency promotes anti-inflammatory macrophage infiltration preventing cardiac dysfunction post-myocardial infarction
    Yonebayashi Saori; Tajiri Kazuko; Murakoshi Nobuyuki; 東洙 ...
    2019 XXIII ISHR WORLD CONGRESS/2019-06-03--2019-06-06
  • IL-6 Promotes Atrial Autonomic Remodeling Associated with Atrial Fibrillation
    Yamagami Fumi; Tajiri Kazuko; Feng Duo; Rujie Qin; Yonebay...
    2019 XXIII ISHR WORLD CONGRESS/2019-06-03--2019-06-06
  • Neutrophil extracellular trap (NET)-associated elastase delays resolution of acute inflammation via Annexin A1 cleavage in myocardial infarction
    Tajiri Kazuko; Ogura Yukino; Yonebayashi Saori; Siqi Li; ...
    2019 XXIII ISHR WORLD CONGRESS/2019-06-03--2019-06-06
  • Gold nanoparticles allow detection and photothermal ablation of vascular macrophages
    Kosuge Hisanori; Nakamura Maki; Oyane Ayako; Tajiri Kazu...
    American Heart Association Scientific Sessions/2019-11-16--2019-11-18
  • Optimal Timing to Start Tolvaptan for Renoprotective Effect in Hypertensive Heart Failure Rats could be Hypertrophy Phase
    Sai Seiga; Seo Yoshihiro; 中務 智文; Yamamoto Masayoshi; 村越 伸行...
  • Direct Injection of Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1-positive Cardiac Fibroblasts Improves Cardiac Dysfunction after Myocardial Infarction
    村越 伸行; 来田 真友子; 渡辺 優奈; 町野 毅; 佐藤 明; 田尻 和子; 秦 如洁; 岡部 雄太; 許 東洙; ...
  • Nonivasive Imaging of Experimental Aortic Aneurysms Using Gold Nanoparticles
    小菅 寿徳; 中村 真紀; 大矢根 綾子; 田尻 和子; 村越 伸行; 酒井 俊; 佐藤 明; 家田 真樹; 青沼 和隆
  • HEART FAILURE: HOW TO PREVENT ACUTE DECOMPENSATION EVENTS. The link between Atrial Fibrillation and Cardiac Death: Data from a Large Cohort Japanese Registry.
    Murakoshi Nobuyuki
    XVIII International Symposium on Progress in Clinical Pacing in Rome/2018-12-04--2018-12-06
  • 生活習慣に潜む不整脈の芽:不整脈からあなたを守る生活とは? 不整脈と飲酒・肥満との関係  
    村越 伸行
    The 65th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Heart Rhythm Society/2018-07-11--2018-07-14
  • Targeted genetic analysis for patients with left ventricular dysfunction complicated with arrhythmias using next-generation sequencing.
    Murakoshi Nobuyuki; Isaka Yumi; Lin Lisheng; Horigome Hi...
    The 82nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society./2018-03-23--2018-03-25
  • Interleukin-6 Mediates Arrhythmogenic Atrial Remodeling in Mice
    山上 文; 田尻 和子; 村越 伸行; 許 東洙; Duo Heng; Rujie Qin; 米林 沙織; 青沼 和隆; 家田 真樹
    The 83th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society/2019-03-29--2019-03-31
  • A Novel CACNA1C Mutation (R860Q) in a Family Presented with QT Prolongation and Mild Mental Retardation Without Timothy Syndrome Phenotypes
    Lin Lisheng; Murakami Takashi; Fuchino Rena; Nozaki Yosh...
    11th Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Session/2018-10-17--2018-10-20
  • MAIR-II deficiency prevents excessive inflammation and fibrosis protecting against cardiac dysfunction post-myocardial infarction
    Yonebayashi Saori; Tajiri Kazuko; Murakoshi Nobuyuki; Fum...
    The 2nd JCS Council Forum on Basic CardioVascular Research/2018-09-22--2018-09-23
  • Indoxyl Sulfate Levels Predict Recurrences after Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation
    Fumi Yamagami; Tajiri Kazuko; Doki Kosuke; Kuroki Kenji; ...
    11th Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Session/2018-10-17--2018-10-20
  • IL-6 Signaling Promotes Atrial Fibrillation-Related Remodeling in Mice
    Fumi Yamagami; Tajiri Kazuko; Feng Duo; Yonebayashi Saor...
    11th Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Session/2018-10-17--2018-10-20
  • IL-6 Signaling Promotes Atrial Fibrillation-Related Remodeling in Mice
    Fumi Yamagami; Tajiri Kazuko; Murakoshi Nobuyuki; Xu Don...
    11th Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Session/2018-10-17--2018-10-20
  • Toll-Like Receptor 4 Signaling Promotes Atrial Fibrillation-Related Remodeling in Mice
    Fumi Yamagami; Tajiri Kazuko; Murakoshi Nobuyuki; Xu Don...
    The 65th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Heart Rhythm Society 2018/2018-07-11--2018-07-14
  • Prevalence and Characteristics of Arrhythmias in Patients with Cardiac Tumor
    Okabe Yuta; Tajiri Kazuko; Tokunaga Chiho; Murakoshi Nob...
    The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society/2018-03-23--2018-03-25
  • 心房細動のリスク因子としてのCKD
    村越 伸行
    心腎連関up to date/2017-6-22--2018-06-22
  • Novel clinical and electrocardiographic characteristics of high-risk Brugada syndrome with drug-and ablation-resistant Ventricular fibrillation : insight from invasive point of view
    村越 伸行
  • 多価不飽和脂肪酸と不整脈.
    村越 伸行
  • 心房細動のリスク因子としてのCKD
    村越 伸行; 許 東洙; 西連地 利己; 入江 ふじこ; 山口 巌; 大田 仁史; 青沼 和隆
  • Allosteric modulation of adenosine A2A receptors in mice induces slow-wave sleep without cardiovascular effects.
    Korkutata Mustafa; Saitoh Tsuyoshi; Feng Duo; Murakoshi ...
    World Sleep 2017/2017-10-07--2017-10-11
  • Brugada症候群overview.
    村越 伸行
  • more...