Researcher's full information

  • A single institutional retrospective evaluation for younger patients with primary central nervous lymphomas on a modified R-MPV regimen followed by radiotherapy and high dose cytarabine
    Hattori Keiichiro; Sakata-Yanagimoto Mamiko; Okoshi Yasu...
    Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hematopathology/57(2)/pp.41-46, 2017-10
  • Clinical significance of disease-specific MYD88 mutations in circulating DNA in primary central nervous system lymphoma
    Hattori Keiichiro; Sakata-Yanagimoto Mamiko; Suehara Yas...
    Cancer science/109(1)/pp.225-230, 2018-01
  • Released washed platelet concentrates are effective and safe in patients with a history of transfusion reactions
    Fujiwara Shin-Ichiro; Fujishima Naohito; Kanamori Heiwa; ...
    Transfusion and apheresis science : official journal of the World Apheresis Association : official journal of the European Society for Haemapheresis/57(6)/pp.746-751, 2018-09
  • A national survey of premedication for transfusion reactions in Japan
    Fujiwara Shin-Ichiro; Kino Shuichi; Tanaka Asashi; Hasega...
    Transfusion and apheresis science, 2017-09
  • Detection of the STAT5B-RARA fusion transcript in acute promyelocytic leukemia with the normal chromosome 17 on G-banding
    Kusakabe Manabu; Suzukawa Kazumi; Nanmoku Toru; Obara Na...
  • The Efficacy and Long-Term Outcomes of Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation in POEMS Syndrome: a Nation-Wide Survey in Japan
    Kawajiri-Manako Chika; Sakaida Emiko; Ohwada Chikako; Miy...
    Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation/24(6)/pp.1180-1186, 2018-06
  • Clinical significance of disease-specific MYD88 mutations in circulating DNA in primary central nervous system lymphoma
    Hattori Keiichiro; Sakata-Yanagimoto Mamiko; Suehara Y...
    Cancer science/109(1)/pp.225-230, 2017-11
    松下 正; 長谷川 雄一; 玉井 佳子; 宮田 茂樹; 安村 敏; 山本 晃士; 松本 雅則
    Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy/63(4)/pp.561-568, 2017
    谷川 道浩; 山口 恭子; 大江 和紀; 羽石 靖浩; 石野 はるみ; 石渡 勇; 伊藤 孝美; 大...
    Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy/63(4)/pp.630-633, 2017
  • Problems of Rh blood group notation -Results of a questionnaire survey by the Kanto-Koshinetsu regional branch of the Japan Society of Transfusion Medicine and Cell Therapy-
    長谷川 雄一; 浅井 隆善; 稲葉 頌一; 岩尾 憲明; 大坂 顯通; 奥山 美樹; 岸野 光司; 下平 滋隆; 高橋 孝喜; 田崎...
    Japanese journal of transfusion and cell therapy/61(3)/pp.427-432, 2015-07
  • Multiple myeloma recurring as small intestinal polyposis after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
    大津 和也; 関 正則; 小川 晋一; 宮本 佳奈; 伊藤 由布; 坂田 晃子; 栗田 尚樹; 横山 泰久; 坂田...
    Rinsho Ketsueki/56(4)/pp.400-405, 2015-04
  • Soluble Recombinant Thrombomodulin Is a Potentially Promising Agent without Causing Severe Hemorrhagic Events for Hematological Malignancy-Induced Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
    Kurita Naoki; Nishikii Hidekazu; Yokoyama Yasuhisa; Sakat...
    BLOOD/120(21), 2012-11
  • 造血器腫瘍患者に対する病名・予後の告知:告知内容の決定過程と告知後の患者の不安変化の解析(共著)
    長谷川 雄一
    癌の臨床/43(1)/p.79-86, 1997-01
  • Interstitial Pneumonitis Related to Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor Administration Following Chemotherapy for Elderly Patients with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
    長谷川 雄一; Ninomiya H; Kamoshita M; Ohtani K; Kobayashi T; K...
    Internal Medicine/36(5)/pp.360-364, 1997-01
  • Serum thrombopoietin(TPO) levels in patients with amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia is much higher than those with immune thrombocytopenic purpura. (共著)
    長谷川 雄一
    Thrombosis and Haemostasis/76(5)/p.675-675, 1997-01
  • Perforin and granzyme Expression in cytotoxic T-cell lymphomas. 共著
    長谷川 雄一
    Mod Pathol/11(4)/p.313-323, 1998-01
  • Serum thrombopoietin level is mainly regulated by megakaryocyte mass rather than platelet mass in human subjects(共著)
    Nagasawa T; 長谷川 雄一; Shimizu S; Kawashima Y; Nishimura S; ...
    British journal of haematology/101(2)/pp.242-244, 1998-01
  • Aplastic large-cell lymphoma of null-cell type with multiple bone involvement(共著)
    長谷川 雄一
    Annals of Hematology/77/p.287-290, 1998-01
  • Complement-induced procoagulant alteration of blood cell membranes with microvesicle formation in paroxysmal nocturnal haemo-globinuria(PNH) : implication for thrombogenesis in PNH. (共著)
    長谷川 雄一
    Brit. J. Haematol/106/p.224-231, 1999-01
  • Priming with G-CSF effectively enhances low-dose Ara-C-induced in vivo apoptosis in myeloid leukemia cells
    Bai A; Kojima H; Hori M; Nara N; Komeno T; 長谷川 雄一; Ninomi...
    Experimental Hematology/27(2)/pp.259-265, 1999-01
  • High-dose chemotherapy with peripheral blood stem cell rescue in blaotoid natural killer cell lymphoma. (共著)
    Mukai H Y; Kojima H; Suzukawa K; Hori M; Komeno T; 長谷川 雄...
    Leukemia and Lymphoma/32(5-6)/pp.583-588, 1999-01
  • Hodgkin disease with subsequent transformation to CD 30 positive non Hodgkin lymphoma in six patients. (共著)
    長谷川 雄一
    Cancer/85(4)/p.970-979, 1999-01
  • Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma followed by plasma cytoma, both arising in a thyroid gland with Hashimoto's disease. (共著)
    長谷川 雄一
    Leukemia and Lymphoma/35(5-6)/p.613-618, 1999-01
  • Priming Effects of macrophage colony-stimulating factor on monocytic leukemia cells in combination with chemotherapy : Induction of programmed cell death in vivo.
    長谷川 雄一; Bai A; Kojima H; Komeno T; Ninomiya H; Nagasawa T
    Leukemia and Lymphoma/36(5-6)/pp.589-593, 2000-01
  • Fatal reactivation of hepatitis B virus followingcyotoxic chemotherapy for acute myelogeneous leukemia: fibrosing cholestatic hepatitis
    H.Kojima; M. Abei; N. Takei; Y. Mukai; Y.Hasegawa; T.Iijima...
    Eur J Haematol/69(2)/pp.101-104, 2002-01
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