- Articles
- The relationship between isometric mid-thigh pull variables, jump variables and sprint performance in collegiate soccer players
Kuki Seita; Sato Kimitake; Stone MH; Okano Kenichi; Yoshi...
Journal of Trainology, 2017-06 - 週1回の大学体育授業における筋力トレーニングが日常的な運動習慣を有する男子大学生の体重,筋力および筋力トレーニングの継続に及ぼす影響
九鬼靖太; 吉田拓矢; 川原布紗子; 水島淳; 谷川聡; 木内 敦詞
筑波大学体育系紀要/42/pp.45-55, 2019-03 - Identifying the characteristics of top-level male volleyball players' jump performance by examining their stretch-shortening cycle exercise
岡野 憲一; 山中 浩敬; 九鬼 靖太; 谷川 聡
Taiikugaku kenkyu (Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences), 2017-08 - Effects of work-matched moderate- and high-intensity warm-up on power output during 2-min supramaximal cycling
Fujii Naoto; Nishida Yuya; Ogawa Takeshi; Tanigawa Sa...
BIOLOGY OF SPORT/35(3)/pp.223-228, 2018 - A longitudinal investigation on drop jump performance-Focusing on brain condition during pre-set, stretch reflex and joint kinetics during take-off-
Yoshida Takuya; Takahashi Kazutaka; Okudaira Masamichi; K...
Proceedings of the 36th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 2018-9 - Change of direction motion during the defensive phase in soccer players
Kawahara Fusako; Yoshida Takuya; Kuki Seita; Tanigawa Sa...
Proceedings of the 36th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 2018-9 - Effects of work-matched supramaximal intermittent vs. submaximal constant-workload warm-up on all-out effort power output at the end of 2 minutes of maximal cycling
Fujii Naoto; Hara Hiroki; Enomoto Yasushi; Tanigawa S...
European journal of sport science/19(3)/pp.336-344, 2018-08 - 女子スプリンターにおける股関節内転筋群の形態的特性とロングスプリントパフォーマンスとの関係
前村公彦; 吉岡利貢; 梶谷亮輔; 山元康平; 遠藤俊典; 木越 清信; 谷川聡
陸上競技学会誌, 2018-03 - エリート学生ラグビー選手におけるアジリティ能力と各種体力要素の関係
九鬼 靖太; 村上 貴弘; 潮田 健志; 臼井 智洋; 岡野 憲一; 吉田 拓矢; 谷川 聡
Football Science/pp.1-9, 2018-5 - A case study of the characteristics of jumping responsible for different training effects in volleyball players.
岡野 憲一; 九鬼 靖太; 秋山 央; 谷川 聡
Taiikugaku kenkyu (Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences)/63(1)/pp.355-366, 2018-06 - The relationship between isometric mid-thigh pull variables, jump variables and sprint performance in collegiate soccer players
Kuki Seita; Sato Kimitake; Stone MH; Okano Kenichi; Yoshi...
Journal of Trainology/6/pp.42-46, 2017 - Effect of voluntary hypocapnic hyperventilation or moderate hypoxia on metabolic and heart rate responses during high-intensity intermittent exercise
Dobashi Kohei; Fujii Naoto; Watanabe Kazuhito; Tsuji Bun...
European journal of applied physiology/117(8)/pp.1573-1583, 2017-05 - Identifying the characteristics of top-level male volleyball players' jump performance by examining their stretch-shortening cycle exercise
岡野 憲一; 山中 浩敬; 九鬼 靖太; 谷川 聡
Taiikugaku kenkyu (Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences)/62(1)/pp.105-114, 2017 - Spatial Awareness is Related to Moderate Intensity Running during a Collegiate Rugby Match
Beyer Kyle S; Fukuda David H; Miramonti Amelia M; Hoff...
Wang Ran; Hoffman Jay R.; Tanigawa Satoru; Miramonti ...
JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH/30(11)/pp.3051-3056, 2016-11 - Strength ratios are affected by years of experience in American collegiate rugby athletes: A preliminary study
Beyer Kyle S.; Fukuda David H.; Miramonti Amelia M.; C...
ISOKINETICS AND EXERCISE SCIENCE/24(3)/pp.257-262, 2016 - Physical Differences Between Forwards and Backs in American Collegiate Rugby Players
La Monica Michael B.; Fukuda David H.; Miramonti Ameli...
JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH/30(9)/pp.2382-2391, 2016-09 - バレーボール国内男子トップリーグの試合中における跳躍頻度に関する研究
岡野 憲一; 谷川聡
バレーボール研究/18(1)/pp.27-31, 2016 - コンプレックス・トレーニングが大学男子バレーボール選手の跳躍力および筋力,パワーに及ぼす影響
岡野 憲一; 谷川聡
バレーボール研究/pp.12-18, 2015 - 天皇杯全日本バレーボール選手権大会優勝チーム選手における形態,柔軟性及び跳躍能力の特徴
岡野 憲一; 内藤景; 谷川聡
コーチング学研究/28(2)/pp.141-150, 2015 - 国内トップリーグ男子バレーボール選手における一側性トレーニングが両側性筋力および跳躍能力に及ぼす影響
岡野 憲一; 谷川聡
東京体育学研究/17/pp.25-30, 2016 - A study on the height and jump performance of elite male volleyball players
岡野 憲一; 山中浩敬; 内藤景; 谷川聡
The Japan Journal of Coaching Studies/29(2)/pp.149-159, 2016 - 準備期におけるウエイトトレーニングと自転車トレーニングがエリートバレーボール選手の形態及び身体能力に及ぼす影響
岡野 憲一; 谷川聡
トレーニング科学/27(3)/pp.55-66, 2016 - Average split times and segment times by race time, body height, and wind speed in men's 100-m sprint
宮代 賢治; 山元 康平; 内藤 景; 谷川 聡; 西嶋 尚彦
Research journal of sports performance/7/pp.356-369, 2015 - Sprint step-type specific characteristics of anthropometric and kinematic variables in sprinting acceleration
Naito Hikari; Kariyama Yasushi; Yamamoto Kohei; Tanigawa Satoru
Proceedings of the 33rd Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports/pp.338-341, 2015-06 - more...
- The relationship between isometric mid-thigh pull variables, jump variables and sprint performance in collegiate soccer players