- Articles
- Changes in Kinematics and Muscle Activity With Increasing Velocity During Underwater Undulatory Swimming
Yamakawa Keisuke Kobayashi; Shimojo Hirofumi; Takagi Hid...
Frontiers in sports and active living/4, 2022-04-01 - コロナ禍における筑波大学臨海実習の授業報告.
仙石 泰雄; 古賀 大樹; 角川 隆明; 坂上 輝将; 高木 英樹; 武政 徹; 椿本 昇三; 富樫...
筑波大学体育系紀要/45/pp.107-111, 2022-03 - Relationship between hand kinematics, hand hydrodynamic pressure distribution and hand propulsive force in sprint front crawl swimming
Koga Daiki; Tsunokawa Takaaki; Sengoku Yasuo; Homoto Ken...
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living/4, 2022-02 - Three-dimensional lower-limb kinematics during undulatory underwater swimming
Matsudaa Yuji; Kaneko Masaki; Sakurai Yoshihisa; Akashi ...
Sports Biomechanics/Epub, 2021-11 - 短距離クロール泳における肩・腰ローテーション動作の解明
兵頭洋樹; 古賀大樹; 和田匡史; 仙石 泰雄
体育学研究, 2021-10 - うつ伏せと仰向けでの水中ドルフィンキックにおける動作と筋活動の比較.
山川啓介; 金子雅紀; 仙石 泰雄
スポーツパフォーマンス研究/13/pp.572-587, 2021-10 - Kinetics of four limb joints during kick-start motion in competitive swimming
Sakai Shin; Koike Sekiya; Takeda Tsuyoshi; Sengoku Yasuo...
Sports Biomechanics, 2021-09 - How do swimmers control their front crawl swimming velocity? Current knowledge and gaps from hydrodynamic perspectives
Takagi Hideki; Nakashima Motomu; Sengoku Yasuo; Tsunokawa...
Sports Biomechanics/Epub, 2021-09 - 競泳競技のインターバルトレーニングにおける運動強度とその実施順序の違いが生理的応答に及ぼす影響に関する事例研究
成田健造; 藤本知臣; 仙石 泰雄
Research journal of sports performance/13/pp.462-471, 2021-08 - Change in short distance swimming performance following inspiratory muscle fatigue
Muranaka Miina; Suzuki Yasuhiro; Ando Ryosuke; Sengoku Y...
Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness/61(11)/pp.1433-1440, 2021-06 - A nation-wide survey to identify the learning contents and actual teaching in university swimming classes
山中裕太; 村瀬瑠美; 本間三和子; 仙石泰雄; 角川隆明; 高木 英樹
Japanese Journal of Physical Education and Sport for Higher Education/18/pp.152-161, 2021-03 - クロール泳におけるストローク頻度と手部推進力の関係
古賀大樹; 角川隆明; 仙石 泰雄; 本間三和子; 高木英樹
体育学研究/66, 2021-02 - Effects of endurance training on the relationship between blood glucose, lactate, and hormones during incremental running test
Nakamura Kazuteru; Sengoku Yasuo; Ogata Hitomi; Watanabe ...
International Journal of Sport and Health Science, 2020-11 - Effect of pre-race medicine ball throw down on fifty-metre front crawl performance
Hasegawa Miki; Homoto Kenta; Koga Daiki; Sakaue Hiroyuki...
Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal/5, 2020-9 - Effects of exceeding stroke frequency of maximal effort on hand kinematics and hand propulsive force in front crawl
Koga Daiki; Gonjo Tomohiro; Kawai Eisuke; Tsunokawa Taka...
Sports Biomechanics, 2020-09 - Training to enhance underwater dolphin kick speed in elite swimmers: focusing on kick frequency and propelling efficiency
Sengoku Yasuo; Yamakawa Kesuke Kobayashi; Tsunokawa Taka...
Research Journal of Sports Performance/12/pp.396-407, 2020-08 - Changes of kinematics during underwater undulatory swimming with increasing swimming velocity
Yamakawa Kobayashi Keisuke; Homoto Kenta; Shimojo Hir...
ISBS Proceedings Archive/38(1)/p.Article 42, 2020-07 - Physiological mechanism of performance impairment during exercise with hypothermic skeletal muscle and application for exercise training
若林 斉; 坂上 輝将; 仙石 泰雄; 高木 英樹
日本運動生理学雑誌/27(1)/pp.9-13, 2020-03 - 日本代表選手と全国大会出場選手における背泳ぎの抵抗力と泳動作の特徴 - 手部動作と体幹の傾きに着目して
成田健造; 仙石 泰雄
スポーツパフォーマンス研究/12/pp.1-13, 2020-01 - Pilot Study : The Effects of Muscle Cooling on Metabolic Responses and Performance during a Wingate Anaerobic Power Test
Chan Arthur; Sakaue Hiroyuki; Muranaka Miina; Sakai Mari...
Sport and olympic-paralympic studies journal : SOPSJ/4(1)/pp.9-17, 2019-10 - Review of planning and periodization in swimming for junior swimmers aged 11-16 years
Kasujja Tonnie; Sengoku Yasuo
Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal/4/pp.220-230, 2019-10 - Pilot study: the effects of muscle cooling on metabolic responses and performance during Wingate anaerobic power test
Chan Arthur; Sakaue Hiroyuki; Muranaka Miina; Sakai Mari...
Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal/4/pp.9-17, 2019-10 - フルマラソンの平均走速度と漸増負荷走時の血糖値の上昇量との関係性
中村和照; 仙石泰雄; 白井祐介; 鍋倉 賢治
トレーニング科学/31/pp.85-92, 2019-08 - Effects of Repetitive Altitude Training on Salivary Immunoglobulin A Secretion in Collegiate Swimmers
Watanabe Koichi; Jesmin Subrina; Murase Yosuke; Takeda...
Journal of clinical medicine research/11(8)/pp.550-555, 2019-08 - フルマラソンの走速度と漸増負荷走時の血糖値の変化量との関係
中村和照; 仙石 泰雄; 白井祐介; 鍋倉賢治
トレーニング科学/31(2)/pp.85-92, 2019-08 - more...
- Changes in Kinematics and Muscle Activity With Increasing Velocity During Underwater Undulatory Swimming