Takagi Hideki

Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • Effect of exercise training at lactate threshold level with lower muscle temperature in cold water
    Sakaue Hiroyuki; Wakabayashi Hitoshi; Yasuo Sengoku; Hide...
    ARIHHP Human High Performance International Forum 2018/2018-3-5--2018-3-6
  • The effect of endurance training carried out in the muscle temperature reduced state due to a cold water immersion
    Sakaue Hiroyuki; Wakabayashi Hitoshi; Yasuo Sengoku; Hide...
    ARIHHP Human High Performance International Forum 2017/2017-3-7--2017-3-8
  • 筑波大学スポーツ研究イノベーション拠点形成プロジェクト(SRIP)におけるパラリンピアン強化対策事業
    藤井 直人; 高木 英樹; 西保 岳; 齊藤 まゆみ; 仙石 泰雄; 言上 智洋; 澤江 幸則; 香田 泰子; 橘...
  • Cardiorespiratory and metabolic responses during maximal and submaximal eggbeater kicking by water polo players
    Fujii N; Sasaki Y; Takagi H; Tsuji B; Tsubakimoto S; Nish...
    European College of Sport Science Conference/2011-07
  • Effect of additional warm-up on performance and physiological responses during 2-min maximal ex-ercise.
    Fujii N; Sasaki Y; Ueki T; Tsuji B; Takagi H; Tsubakimoto...
    International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics/2011-07
  • アスリートにおけるトレーニング期間中のマスリン酸摂取が主観的疲労および筋痛度に及ぼす影響
    妙圓園香苗; 白井隆⻑; 川合英介; 隈元翔太; 棚橋嵩一郎; 朴ジヨン; 鈴木啓人; 山内優輝; 前田清司; 高木英樹; 武政徹
  • Estimating Hydrodynamic Forces Acting on the Hand during Sculling in Synchronized Swimming
    Homma Miwako; Yuma Kawai; Hideki Takagi
    34th International Conference on Biomechanica in Sports/2016-07
  • 疲労によるクロール泳の上肢動作と手部推進力の変化
    本間 三和子; 甫本研太; 古賀大樹; 仙石泰雄; 高木英樹
    2019 年日本水泳 ・水中運動学会年次大会/2019-10
  • A method of improving the measurement of kinematic parameters above and under water in swimming start
    Takagi Hideki; Tatsumoto Takuma; Sakai Shin
    The 35th Conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports/2017-06-14--2017-06-18
  • The generating mechanism of fluid forces acting on a swimmer and its flow field during swimming
    Takagi Hideki
    The 2nd Global Foot and Ankle Congress/2017-05-26--2017-05-29
  • 競泳プール映像における色情報分布を用いた泳者領域抽出
    積田 貴幸; 北原 格; 高木 英樹; 亀田 能成
    電子情報通信学会 技術研究報告MVE/2017-03-06--2017-03-07
  • Kinetic analysis of start motion on starting block in competitive swimming
    Sakai Shin; Koike Sekiya; Takeda Tsuyoshi; Takagi Hideki
    The 34th International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports/2016-07-18--2016-07-22
  • 競泳スタート台上動作における身体推進メカニズム
    小池 関也; 酒井 紳; 永井 悠樹; 高木英樹
  • University of Tsukuba and NIFS to launch a specialized PhD program to advance physical education instructors in higher education institution
    Kiuchi Atsushi; Nakagawa Akira; Shiraki Hitoshi; Takagi Hdek...
    2015 Madrid AIESEP International Conference/2015-07-09--2015-07-11
  • Digital Zoom Video of Swimmers by High-Definition Camera
    Yoshinari Kameda; Itaru Kitahara; Yuichi Ohta; Joe Yoshimi; K...
    20th Congress of Europian College of Sport Science (ECSS)/2015-06-24--2015-06-27
  • Cycling Power Optimization System Using Link Models of Lower Limbs with Cleat-Shaped Biaxial Load Cells
    Matsuda Akihiro; Yamashita Kento; Ishikura Keisuke; Ta...
    10th Conference of the International-Sports-Engineering-Association/2014-07-14--2014-07-17
  • 大学体育における指導者養成システムの重要性とそのあり方
    中川昭; 松尾彰文; 高木秀樹; 長谷川悦示; 高橋仁大
    高度大学体育スポーツ指導者養成共同学位プログラム キックオフシンポジウム/2014-02-01
  • Effect of Target Sound made by one Swimmer’s Dolphin Kick Movement on Another Swimmer’s Dolphin Kick Performance,
    Shimojo H.; Ichikawa H.; Tsubakimoto S.; Takagi H.
  • 水球競技におけるチームパフォーマンスを構成する要因の分析(6.スポーツの戦術論,オーガナイズドセッション,日本体育学会本部企画)
    洲 雅明; 高木 英樹; 榎本 至
    日本体育学会56回 大会/2005-11-23