Researcher's full information

  • Joint torque evaluation of cycling by biaxial load cells
    松田 昭博; 石倉 恵介; 高木 英樹
    Symposium on sports and human dynamics/2014/pp.B-9-1-B-9-7, 2014-10
  • トレーニング進行に伴う圧力分布から推定した平泳ぎ中の足部流体力の変化
    角川隆明; 仙石 泰雄; 椿本昇三; 高木英樹
    J Train Sci Exerc Sport/25(4)/pp.311-318, 2014-10
  • 2軸ロードセルを用いた自転車競技における関節トルク評価
    松田 昭博; 石倉 恵介; 高木 英樹
    日本機械学会 スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマンダイナミクス2014講演論文集/p.No.B-9, 2014-09
  • Cycling power optimization system using link models of lower limbs with cleat-shaped biaxial load cells
    Matsuda Akihiro; Yamashita Kento; Ishikura Keisuke; Takagi H...
    Proceedings of 10th Conference of the International Sports Engineering Association (2014ISEA)/72/pp.68-73, 2014-07
  • Kinematics and kinesthesia of competitive swimmers during dolphin kick swimming in an indoor pool and a water flume
    下門洋文; 仙石 泰雄; 椿本昇三; 高木英樹
    Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences/59(1)/pp.237-249, 2014-06
  • Unsteady hydrodynamic forces acting on a hand and its flow field during sculling motion
    Takagi Hideki; Shimada Shohei; Miwa Takahiro; Kudo Shige...
    Human Movement Science/38/pp.133-142, 2014
  • A new method to evaluate breaststroke kicking technique using a pressure distribution analysis
    Tsunokawa Takaaki; Nakashima Motomu; Sengoku Yasuo; Tsubakim...
    Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming XI/pp.263-269, 2014-04
  • Unsteady hydrodynamic forces acting on a robotic arm and its flow field: Application to the crawl stroke
    Takagi Hideki; Motomu Nakashima; Ozaki Takashi; Matsuuchi...
    Journal of Biomechanics/47(6)/pp.1401-1408, 2014-04
  • 集中実技「マリンスポーツ」における学習目標の達成度と授業満足度に影響を与える要因の検討~海への入水時間と学生の体調について~
    村瀬 洋介; 長岡 裕里子; 橋冨 達也; 酒井 紳; 下門 洋文; 安藤 邦彬; 向後 佑香; 武田 剛; 鍋山 隆弘; 白木 仁...
    大学体育研究/36/pp.29-37, 2014-03
  • Development of the simulation model for throwing motion in water polo
    Nakashima Motom; Nakayama Yuta; Minami Yutaka; Takagi Hideki
    Sports Engineering/17(1)/pp.45-53, 2014-01
  • Pedaling optimization system using link model of lower limbs with cleat-shaped biaxial load cells
    山下健人; 松田 昭博; 石倉惠介; 高木 英樹; 吉見譲
    Symposium on sports and human dynamics/2013/pp.223-1-223-10, 2013-11
  • Kinetic Analysls of Pedaling Mechanism Using Cleat-Shaped Biaxial Load Cells
    山下 健人; 松田 昭博; 石倉 恵介; 高木 英樹
    茨城講演会講演論文集 : Ibaraki district conference/2013(21)/pp.169-170, 2013-09
  • 水球における「ふりかえり」によるシュート場面の意識過程に焦点を当てて : 第14回上海水泳世界選手権日本代表選手を対象に(09 体育方法,一般研究発表抄録)
    南 隆尚; 榎本 至; 青柳 勧; 塩田 義法; 大本 洋嗣; 洲 雅明; 川上 哲; 村瀬 陽介; 高木 英樹
    日本体育学会大会予稿集/(64)/p.294, 2013-08
  • Unsteady hydrodynamic forces acting on a robotic hand and its flow field
    Takagi Hideki; Nakashima Moromu; Ozaki Takashi; Matsuuchi...
    Journal of Biomechanics/46(11)/pp.1825-1832, 2013-07
  • 日本体育学会茨城支部シンポジウム助成事業報告「BAMIS International Symposium: ボディワークと心身統合」
    征矢 英昭; 西保 岳; 坂入洋右; 清水 諭; 酒井利信; 遠藤卓郎; 鈴木健嗣; 高木英樹; 長谷川聖修
    いばらき健康・スポーツ科学/(30)/pp.77-81, 2013
  • 大学生の体形と体力に関する縦断的研究−男子大学生の入学後3年間の変化について−
    高木英樹; 下門洋文; 中田由夫; 征矢 英昭
    ./(35)/pp.1-12, 2013
  • Musculoskeletal Simulation of the Breaststroke
    NAKASHIMA Motomu; HASEGAWA Takahiro; KAMIYA Seiji; TAKAGI Hi...
    Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering/8(2)/pp.152-163, 2013
  • Trends in body mass index and physical fitness of Japanese university students over 26 years and the association between these parameters
    下門洋文; 中田由夫; 富川理充; 高木 英樹; 征矢英昭
    Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences/58(1)/pp.181-194, 2013-03
  • A longitudinal study of physical constitution and fitness in college students- Changes in male college students three years after enrollment -
    高木英樹; 下門洋文; 中田由夫; 征矢英昭
    Journal of Sport and Physical Education Center University of Tsukuba/35/pp.1-12, 2013-03
  • Lactate production and clearance during high intensity swimming test in elite water-polo players
    Takagi Hideki; Yousuke Murase; Takahisa Minami; Kan Aoyagi; Y...
    The Bulletin of Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences/36/pp.77-84, 2013-03
  • The use of contact lenses during water-polo play: A 20-year study of Japanese college players
    Komori Yasuka; Kobayashi Daisuke; Murase Yosuke; Enomoto Ita...
    JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES/31(6)/pp.607-611, 2013-03
  • Factors for an improvement of throwing velocity in water polo
    Japanese Journal of Biomechanics in Sports and Exercise/16(2)/pp.162-168, 2012-11
  • The important kinesthesia for enhancement of swimming skill in college swimmers
    下門洋文; 仙石泰雄; 椿本昇三; 高木英樹
    Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences/57(1)/pp.201-213, 2012-07
  • Relationship between swimming performance and fluid force determined by pressure distribution analysis of breaststroke kicking motion
    角川 隆明; 高木英樹; 仙石 泰雄; 椿本昇三
    Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences/57(2)/pp.515-525, 2012-01
  • Effect of inclination and position of new swimming starting block's back plate on track-start performance
    Takeda Tsuyoshi; Takagi Hideki; Tsubakimoto Shozo
    SPORTS BIOMECHANICS/11(3)/pp.370-381, 2012-01
  • more...