Researcher's full information

  • Study on Back-row-attack in Volleyball ((]G0002[)) -Men's Paformance in the V-league
    中西 康己
    日本体育学会第49回大会/p.49, 1998-01
  • Game analysis on the side out rate in Volleyball games(9)-Game structure in men's volleyball-
    中西 康己
    Bulletin of Sports Methodology/15/p.63-69, 1999-01
  • Coaching research on Tsukuba men's Volleyball team-Performance in 1999)
    中西 康己
    Bulletin of Sports Methodology/16/p.1-12, 2000-01
  • Game analysis on the blocking system in volleyball games(1)
    中西 康己
    Bulletin of Sports Methodology/16/p.43-48, 2000-01
  • Study on technique correction for maintaining possession in volleyball (2) - focus on setting and spiking -
    濱田 幸二; 坂中 美郷; 塩川 勝行; 三浦 健; 高橋 仁大; 生瀬 良造; 中西 康己; 成田 明彦
    Annals of fitness and sports sciences/38(0)/pp.61-68, 2009-03