SAITO Mayumi
- Teaching
2005-08 -- 2005-11 Practice of Special Physical Education University of Tsukuba. 2005-08 -- 2005-11 Teaching Methods of Physical Education / Sport for Physically Hadicapped University of Tsukuba. 2005-04 -- 2006-03 特殊体育論演習 University of Tsukuba. 2004-04 -- 2004-07 Practice of Special Education Teaching University of Tsukuba. 2004-04 -- 2004-07 Special Physical Education University of Tsukuba. 2004-04 -- 2004-07 Teaching Methods for the Handicapped University of Tsukuba. 2004-04 -- 2004-07 Teaching of the Handicapped University of Tsukuba. 2004-04 -- 2004-07 Freshmen Seminar University of Tsukuba. 2004-12 -- 2005-03 Disability Sport University of Tsukuba. 2004-04 -- 2004-11 Practice of Sport and Physical Education for the Handicapped University of Tsukuba. more...