SAITO Mayumi
- Articles
- Influence of the differences of schools on the physical fitness of deaf students : comparison among deaf school graduates, regular school graduates and deaf/regular school graduates
及川 力; 橋本 有紀; 斉藤 まゆみ; 稲垣 敦
Japanese journal of adapted sport science/3(1)/pp.22-27, 2005-06 - A Study on the Improvement in the Motor Ability of Swimming for Students : Analysis from Measurement of 10 Minutes Swimming Distance
大山 康彦; 鋤柄 純忠; 椿本 昇三; 齋藤 まゆみ; 佐藤 晋也
Journal of Ibaraki Christian College. I, Humanities, II, Social and natural sciences/38(0)/pp.217-229, 2004-12 - 114T60102 教育形態の違いが聴覚障害者の形態、体力や運動能力に及ぼす影響 : 通常の小学校に在籍する聴覚障害児と聾学校小学部に在籍する聴覚障害児の比較(11.体育科教育学,一般研究発表)
及川 力; 橋本 有紀; 齊藤 まゆみ; 稲垣 敦
Proceedings of the Congress of the Japanese Society of Physical Education/0(55)/p.604, 2004-09 - 114T60103 6歳から11歳の聴覚障害児の体格および体力・運動能力 : 聴覚障害児と健常児の比較(11.体育科教育学,一般研究発表)
橋本 有紀; 及川 力; 齊藤 まゆみ; 稲垣 敦
Proceedings of the Congress of the Japanese Society of Physical Education/0(55)/p.605, 2004-09 - A few remarks on how to show visual information in aerobics lesson for hearing impaired students
村上 裕史; 斉藤 まゆみ; 内藤 一郎; 加藤 伸子; 皆川 洋喜; 河野 純大
Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan/24(1)/pp.283-286, 2004-07 - A cross-sectional study on motor ability of deaf children aged four to six
及川 力; 斉藤 まゆみ; 稲垣 敦
Japanese journal of adapted sport science/2(1)/pp.14-24, 2004-06 - 水泳授業におけるwater safety--聴覚障害学生を対象とした5年間の比較検討
齊藤 まゆみ; 及川 力
筑波技術短期大学テクノレポート/(8)/pp.77-81, 2001-01
- Influence of the differences of schools on the physical fitness of deaf students : comparison among deaf school graduates, regular school graduates and deaf/regular school graduates