OMI Naomi

Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • 十種競技選手の競技会中における血糖値の変動
    吉武理香子; 緒形ひとみ; 麻見 直美
  • 男子大学生長距離ランナーにおけるSleep Difficulty Scoreは習慣的な炭水化物摂取量と負の相関を示す
    木岡一輝; 吉武理香子; 山口拓斗; 小林大晃; 鈴木博貴; 伊津野陽菜; 中山智子; 永田光咲; 弘山勉; 麻見...
  • 実測体重と申告された理想体重とのギャップの体重及び腹囲に与える影響:身体活動強度を媒介とした検討
    砂山真琴; 麻見 直美; 西山毅; 大谷隆浩; 中川弘子; 柴田清; 山田珠樹; 鈴木貞夫
    日本疫学会 第34回学術大会/2024-01-31--2024-02-02
  • Exploring the Relationship between Body and Dietary Balance with Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome Scores in Male Long-Distance Runners
    Sunayama Makoto; Kioka Kazuki; Suzuki Hirotaka; Kobaya...
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024/2024-02-17--2024-02-17
  • 陽子線治療を行った小児がん患児における食事摂取状況について
    日本臨床栄養代謝学会関越支部 第10回支部学術集会/2024-06-09--2024-06-09
  • Female Athlete Triad (FAT)の栄養戦略として牛乳は有効か
    海老名慧; 木岡一輝; 當銘良也; 増本幸二; 麻見 直美; 竹越一博
    日本臨床栄養代謝学会 第39回学術集会(JSPEN2024)/2024-02-15--2024-02-16
  • Comparison of body composition in female university basketball players during training and competition periods
    Nagata Misaki; Yoshitake Rikako; Ikeda Eiji; Omi Naomi
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024/2024-02-17--2024-02-17
  • Blood glucose levels and intake-frequency on competition-days for the decathlon
    Yoshitake Rikako; Ishikawa Ryosuke; Yoshitake Seiji; K...
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024/2024-02-17--2024-02-17
  • Estimation of activity level and energy expenditure during competition time   ~Using accelerometers and heart rate monitors~
    Yamaguchi Taketo; Yoshitake Rikako; Nakayama Sota; Sae...
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024/2024-02-17--2024-02-17
  • Association of Whole-Body and Segmental Body Composition Using DXA to Performance in University-Student Athletes: Focus on Runner and Swimmer
    Sekiguchi Ryo; Yoshitake Rikako; Fujii Ryoma; Kioka K...
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024/2024-02-17--2024-02-17
  • Estimation of Energy Consumption and Meal conditions of Firefighters on Shift-wark
    Omi Naomi; Negishi Yutaro; Nagayama Hisashi; Ogata Hi...
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024/2024-02-17--2024-02-17
  • Examination of bone metabolism and iron metabolism in relative energy deficiency in rat
    Agata Umon; Kioka Kazuki; Koga Yusuke; Aikawa Yuki; O...
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024/2024-02-17--2024-02-17
  • Differences in energy expenditure of firefighters during disaster operations and during at work
    Ogata Hitomi; Koizumi Nao; Negishi Yutaro; Nagayama H...
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024/2024-02-17--2024-02-17
  • Prevalence of Surrogate Markers of Relative Energy Deficiency in Male Collegiate Athletes
    Taguchi Motoko; Ishizu Tatsuya; Kioka Kazuki; Yoshitak...
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024/2024-02-17--2024-02-17
  • Factors Associated with Bone Parameters in Male Collegiate Athletes
    Ishizu Tatsuya; Kioka Kazuki; Yoshitake Rikako; Torii ...
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024/2024-02-17--2024-02-17
  • Associations between body balance and fatigue markers in male long-distance runners
    Sunayama Makoto; Kioka Kazuki; Suzuki Hirotaka; Kobaya...
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024/2024-02-17--2024-02-17
  • The effect of dietary-vitamin D supplementation on muscle fiber composition in rats during food restriction and voluntary running
    Yamamoto Hiroyuki; Koida Ayaka; Agata Umon; Iwama Yuu...
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024/2024-02-17--2024-02-17
  • Relationship between physical fitness level and lifestyle habits in junior high school students
    Baba Asami; Yoshitake Rikako; Yumiko Inose; Omi Naomi
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024/2024-02-17--2024-02-17
  • Development of Female Athlete Triad model rats with 6 weeks of dietary restriction and voluntary exercise
    Shingu Hana; Suzuki Hirotaka; Kioka Kazuki; Omi Naomi
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024/2024-02-17--2024-02-17
  • The combination of running exercise and caloric restriction decreases bone mineral density and muscle mass but does not interfere with endurance adaptation of fast-twitch muscle in young female rats 
    Aikawa Yuki; Wakasugi Yusuke; Fukuyasu Tomoya; Kioka ...
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024/2024-02-17--2024-02-17
  • 新規米たんぱく質加水分解物の骨強度強化効果
    木岡一輝; 深澤瞳; 大村果奈江; 樋口裕樹; 三原敏敬; 内山公子; 髙橋肇; 麻見 直美
  • 大学女子バスケットボール選手における試合日の睡眠の実態調査 -心理指標「緊張と興奮」に着目して-
    永田光咲; 吉武理香子; 麻見 直美
  • 指先採血で骨代謝のバランスを評価することは可能か?-新たなコンディション評価方法確立に向けた予備検討-
    木岡一輝; 鈴木博貴; 小林大晃; 山口拓斗; 渡部恭輔; 山本隼汰; 渡邉千夏; 弘山勉; 麻見 直美
    日本スポーツ栄養学会 第9回大会/2023-09-09--2023-09-10
  • 発育期雌ラットにおける走運動とエネルギー摂取制限の組み合わせが筋毛細血管量に及ぼす影響
    相川悠貴; 若杉悠祐; 福安智哉; 堀天; 東田一彦; 中井直也; 山下剛範; 木岡一輝; 大槻誠; 麻見 直美...
    日本スポーツ栄養学会 第9回大会/2023-09-09--2023-09-10
  • 大学女子バスケットボール選手における試合前日の夕食終了時刻と睡眠の関係性
    永田光咲; 吉武理香子; 麻見 直美
    日本スポーツ栄養学会 第9回大会/2023-09-09--2023-09-10
  • more...