OMI Naomi
- Articles
- 特集 アスリートに学ぶアンチエイジング 特集にあたって
麻見 直美
アンチ・エイジング医学―抗加齢医学会/16(16)/pp.21-21, 2020-02 - Comparison of bone mineral density between male long distance runners and non-athletes
Hattori Satoshi; Uchizawa Akiko; Omi Naomi
Journal of running science/31(1)/pp.9-16, 2020-03 - 男子高校生バスケットボール選手を対象としたインシーズンにおけるスポーツ栄養マネジメント -除脂肪体重の増加ならびに維持を目的に-
尾出 翔子; 麻見直美; 清野 隼
日本スポーツ栄養研究誌 = Japanese journal of sports nutrition/13/pp.151-151, 2020-01 - Effect of skipping breakfast for six days on energy metabolism and diurnal rhythm of blood glucose in young healthy Japanese males.
Hitomi Ogata; Momoko Kayaba; Yoshiaki Tanaka; Katsuhiko ...
Am J Clin Nutr/110(1)/pp.41-52, 2019-07 - Influence of Isomaltulose Ingestion on Fat Oxidation During Inclemental Exercise in Endurance Athletes
Hattori Satoshi; Noguchi Ayaka; Sasagawa Katsumi; Ogat...
American Journal of Sports Science/7(4)/pp.193-198, 2019-12 - Effect of Simultaneous Ingestion of Enzymatically Modified Isoquercitrin and Whey Protein on Plasma Amino Acid Concentrations -A Randomized, Double-blind Cross-over Trial-
麻見 直美; 角谷雄哉; 西村栄作; 松井直子; 内田(丸木)裕子; 渡部厚一; 守田稔
Jpn Pharmacol Ther/48(1)/pp.51-55, 2020-01 - Association between breakfast skipping and postprandial hyperglycaemia after lunch in healthy young individuals
Ogata Hitomi; Hatamoto Yoichi; Goto Yusuke; Tajiri Er...
BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION/122(4)/pp.431-440, 2019-08 - Effects of enzymatically modified isoquercitrin in supplementary protein powder on athlete body composition: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial
Omi Naomi; Shiba Hideki; Nishimura Eisaku; Tsukamoto ...
JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SPORTS NUTRITION/16(1)/pp.39-48, 2019-09 - Relationship of height, body mass, Muscle mass, fat mass, and the percentage of fat with athletic performance in male Japanese college sprinters, distance athletes, jumpers, throwers, and decathletes
Aikawa Yuki; Murata Mayu; Omi Naomi
J Phys Fitness Sports Med/9(1)/pp.7-14, 2020 - Jump Exercise and Food Restriction on Bone Parameters in Young Female Rats
Aikawa Yuki; Wakasugi Yusuke; narukawa Takahiro; Yamashit...
Calcified Tissue International/105(5)/pp.557-566, 2019-08 - The Effect of Maple Syrup Ingestion on Fat Oxidation During Incremental Exercise in Endurance Athletes
Hattori Satoshi; Noguchi Ayaka; Ogata Hitomi; Kobayashi ...
American Journal of Sports Science/7(4)/pp.149-154, 2019-10 - Adequate Energy lntake Prevents Low Bone Mass Under Exercise and Low Intake of Nutrients in Young Female Rats
Aikawa Yuki; Kakutani Yuya; Agata Umon; Hattori Satoshi; ...
American Journal of Sports Science/7(3)/pp.127-135, 2019-09 - The influence of food restriction on bone in young female rats with voluntary wheel running over 5 weeks
Aikawa Yuki; Kakutani Yuya; Agata Umon; Ezawa Ikuko; Omi ...
J Phys Fitness Sports Med/7(5)/pp.297-301, 2018-7 - Why Do Athletes Choose Dietary Supplements? Reliability and Validity of the Dietary Supplement Choice Questionnaire (DSCQ) among Japanese College Athletes
Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology/65(4)/pp.343-348, 2019 - Characteristics of Eating Habits in Student Athletes-Examination Based on Gender Difference
Kato Yumi; Ode Shoko; Omi Naomi
ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM/75(3)/pp.220-221, 2019-8 - Relationship between Energy Expenditure, Menstrual Condition, and Bone Mineral Density in Female Athlete Triad
Uchizawa Akiko; Osumi Haruka; Zhang Simeng; Tokuyama ...
ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM/75(3)/pp.147-148, 2019-8 - The Effect of Self-Evaluation of Dietary Life on Physical Conditioning Using Meal Check Slip
Ode Shoko; Kato Yumi; Omi Naomi
ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM/75(3)/pp.144-144, 2019-8 - Effect of Class on Dietary Intake Balance in Junior High School Students
Shiroma Saki; Kato Yumi; Watanabe Chinatsu; Ozawa Sat...
ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM/75(3)/pp.124-124, 2019-8 - 消防防災科学技術賞受賞報告「大規模災害発生時の活動隊員に必要な活動食の要件検討および備蓄内容の現状調査」
麻見 直美
Bull.Facul.Health&Sci.,Univ.of Tsukuba/42/pp.87-90, 2019-03 - Study on the Usefulness of Existing Foods as Disaster Situation-Reserve Food for Fire Fighters during Emergency Rescue Condition
小泉奈央、; 雨宮美宇; 緒方ひとみ; 麻見 直美
JAURNAL OF JAPAN DISASTER FOOD SOCIEY (JJDFS)/6(2)/pp.83-88, 2019-03 - Studies on Storability of Fish-Sausage which is for Existing Foods and Supplemental Foods as Disaster Situation for Pearson Engaged on Disaster relief in Emergency Rescue Condition under Large Scale Disasters
麻見 直美; 緒方ひとみ; 小泉奈央、; 多田元比古; 高橋義宣
JAURNAL OF JAPAN DISASTER FOOD SOCIEY (JJDFS)/6(2)/pp.77-81, 2019-03 - Verification of Effect of Fish-Sausage Focused on Total Energy Intake for Fire-Fighters
緒方ひとみ; 多田元比古; 小泉奈央、; 赤野史典; 玄海嗣生; 高橋義宣; 麻見 直美
JAURNAL OF JAPAN DISASTER FOOD SOCIEY (JJDFS)/6(2)/pp.57-62, 2019-03 - The Food Desired by Fire-Fighters Working in Large-Scale Disaster
雨宮美宇; 小泉奈央、; 緒方ひとみ; 麻見 直美
JAURNAL OF JAPAN DISASTER FOOD SOCIEY (JJDFS)/6(2)/pp.51-55, 2019-03 - Survey on the Reserve Food and Energy Intake of Fire-Fighters in Training Assuming Large Scale Disaster
雨宮美宇; 小泉奈央、; 緒方ひとみ; 麻見 直美
JAURNAL OF JAPAN DISASTER FOOD SOCIEY (JJDFS)/6(2)/pp.43-49, 2019-03 - Consideration of Rescue Foods and Supplementary Meals Menu Using Food on Market of Fire-Fighters Engaged in Large-scale Disaster Response Duty
根岸祐太朗; 小泉奈央、; 雨宮美宇; 鶴田有彩; 宮澤理花子; 緒方ひとみ; 麻見 直美
JAURNAL OF JAPAN DISASTER FOOD SOCIEY (JJDFS)/6(2)/pp.35-41, 2019-03 - more...
- 特集 アスリートに学ぶアンチエイジング 特集にあたって