OMI Naomi
- Articles
- Dietary Intake of Worid Record Holders in Oldest Master Athletics in Japan
相川 悠貴; 勝田 茂; 川島 紫乃; 麻見 直美
J Jpn Soc Nutr Food Sci/69(5)/pp.257-263, 2016-10 - 特集:最先端技術で測るヒューマンパフォーマンス 骨密度を測る::DXA(dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry)
麻見 直美
体育の科学/66(4)/pp.252-255, 2016-04 - The Impact of Different Amounts of Calcium Intake on Bone Mass and Arterial Calcification in Ovariectomized Rats
Umon Agata; Jong-Hoon Park; Satoshi Hattori; Yuki Aikawa; Yuy...
JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE AND VITAMINOLOGY/61(5)/pp.391-399, 2015-10 - The Preventive Effect of Calcium Supplemetation on Weak Bones Caused by the Interraction of Exercise and Food Restriction in Young Female Rats During the Period from Acquiring Bone Mass to Maintaining Bone Mass
Yuki Aikawa; Umon Agata; Yuya Kakutani; Syoyo Kato; Yuichi Mo...
Calcified Tissue International/28, 2015-10 - Association between Regular Exercise and Dietary Intake among Japanese Young Adults Aged 18-24 Years: A Cross-Sectional Study
Yuya Kakutani; Saori Kamaya; Omi Naomi
Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology/61(3)/pp.255-262, 2015-07 - Development of a decisional balance scale for consuming a balanced diet among higher grades of elementary school children
神家さおり; 角谷雄哉; 住友かほる; 麻見 直美
JJHEP/23(2)/pp.123-133, 2015-05 - シンポジウム11 日本体力医学会新評議委員の研究・キャリア 「「體」という字に出会って」
麻見 直美
体力科学(日本体力医学会雑誌)/64(1)/pp.65-65, 2015-2 - Relationship between subjective evaluation of acquiring information on own dietary habits and the food group intakes:― a cross-sectional study for elementary and junior high school students in Kamisu city ―
神家さおり; 角谷雄哉; 麻見 直美
Journal for the Integrated Study of Dietary Habits/25(4)/pp.241-249, 2015-04 - Association between the Frequency of Meals Combining "Shushoku, Shusai, and Hukusai" (Staple Food, Main Dish, and Side Dish) and Intake of Nutrients and Food Groups among Japanese Young Adults Aged 18-24 Years: a Cross-Sectional Study
Yuya Kakutani; Saori Kamiya; Omi Naomi
JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE AND VITAMINOLOGY/61(1)/pp.55-63, 2015-02 - The protective effect of lycopene intake on bone loss in ovariectomized rats
Iimura Y; Agata U; Takeda S; Kobayashi Y; Yoshida S; Ezawa I; O...
JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL METABOLISM/33(3)/pp.270-278, 2015-05 - 救急活動と健康管理 交代制勤務を考慮した食生活
麻見 直美
プレホスピタル・ケア/27(5)/pp.22-27, 2014-10 - 当庁が備蓄している非常食糧(職員用)に関する検証
赤野史典; 佐藤建司; 玄海嗣生; 熊野裕二; 緒形ひとみ; 麻見 直美
消防技術安全所報/51/pp.46-54, 2014-09 - Dietary intake of elderly elite Japanese athletes: Follow-up study after 10 years
相川悠貴; 川島紫乃; 麻見 直美; 勝田茂
Ibaraki Journal of Health and Sport Sciences/31/pp.23-29, 2014-08 - 当庁が備蓄している非常食糧(職員用)に関する検証
麻見 直美
平成26年度消防技術安全所 検証・研究成果発表会概要集/pp.29-30, 2014-09 - 高高齢者エリートアスリートの食生活の実態~運動習慣のない同年代の高高齢者と比較して~
奥本正; 前田美裕紀; 相川悠希; 麻見 直美; 川島紫乃; 勝田茂
第69回日本体力医学会大会予稿集/p.238, 2014-08 - アラニン・プロリンの慢性投与がラットの筋グリコーゲン蓄積に与える影響
前原千佳; 遠藤祐紀; 緒形ひとみ; 麻見 直美
第69回日本体力医学会大会予稿集2014/p.233, 2014-08 - シンポジウム11 日本体力医学会新評議委員の研究・キャリア「「體」という字に出会って」
麻見 直美
第69回日本体力医学会大会予稿集2014/p.106, 2014-08 - Dehydroepiandrosterone Administration Increased Trabecular Mass and Dihydrotestosterone Levels in the Cancellous Region of Tibia in Young Female Rats
Park J.; K.Aizawa; T.Akimoto; M.Iemitsu; U.Agata; Maeda S.; K.L...
HORMONE AND METABOLIC RESEARCH/46(9)/pp.651-655, 2014-08 - The effects of different exercise modes for preventing endotheliel dysfunction of arteries and bone loss in ovariectomized rats
Jonghoon Park; Omi Naomi
J Exerc Nutr Biochem/18(2)/pp.133-139, 2014-05 - The Relationship between Salivary Calcium Concentration and Differences in Bone Mineral Density Level in Female Rats
Hattori Satoshi; Agata Umon; Jong-Hoon Park; Iimura Yuki; Tok...
JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE AND VITAMINOLOGY/60(3)/pp.152-158, 2014-06 - Influence of exercise and sports on bone
Omi Naomi
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine/3(2)/pp.241-248, 2014-04 - Lycopene Intake Facilitates the Increase of Bone Mineral Density in Growing Female Rats
Yuki Iimura; Umon Agata; Satoko Takeda; KOBAYASHI Yuki; Shige...
JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE AND VITAMINOLOGY/60(2)/pp.101-107, 2014-04 - 食事誘発性熱産生の算出方法の検討
緒形ひとみ; 麻見 直美; 徳山薫平
Bull.Facul.Health&Sci.,Univ.of Tsukuba/37/pp.169-171, 2014-03 - 大規模災害発生時における消防隊員の活動食と補給食の検討
麻見 直美; 緒形ひとみ
Bull.Facul.Health&Sci.,Univ.of Tsukuba/37/pp.165-168, 2014-03 - Food Restriction Causes Low Bone Strength and Microarchitectural Deterioration in Exercised Growing Male Rats
Hattori Satoshi; Park JH; Agata Umon; Oda Masaya; Higano Mich...
- Dietary Intake of Worid Record Holders in Oldest Master Athletics in Japan