NAOE Toshio
- Articles
- Craft Education at the Cross Roads in Britain and Japan
Rachel Mason; Norihisa Nakase; Toshio Naoe
Journal of Multicultural and Cross-cultural Research in Art Education/(16)/p.7-25, 1998-01 - Unconsciousness and Body Sensation: A Case for Integrated Learning of Appreciation and Production in Art
Bulletin on the Study on Art and Design Education in the University of Tsukuba/(11)/pp.31-46, 2003-01 - Japan's New Teacher Education System and Challenges for Art Students
Toshio Naoe
Proceeding 2004, Asian Regional Congress of the International Society for Education through Art/p.263-269, 2004-01 - Potential of Education through Writing about Art: A Case of Cooperation with Secondary Education
Education of Art Journalist for Art Environment Support/p.52-62, 2005-03 - Art Collections, Art Museums and Exhibition Planning as Educational Media: Workshops in Higher Education Curriculum
Learning Media for Development of Imagination and Sensibility/p.176-183, 2005-03 - Curriculum Development for Art Writing Education by Active Engagement of Graduate and Undergraduate Students
Education of Art Journalist for Art Environment Support/p.5-16, 2006-03 - Learning by Writing about Artistic Experiences: The Present Situation and Prospects in Senior High Schools
Japanese Journal of Art Education/(40)/p.3-12, 2007-03 - The role of cooperative learning in the introductory stages of art teacher training programmes in Japan
Toshio Naoe
International Journal of Education thorough Art/4(2)/p.163-176, 2008-01 - Hedonic Tone of Viewers in Art Appreciation in a Group Setting: Measurement by the Two-Dimensional Mood Scale
Bulletin of Institute of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba/(31)/pp.57-66, 2011-03 - 英国の中等学校における美術科ナショナル・カリキュラムへの対応― イングランド中西部における調査(1994年・2010年)から
芸術研究報/32/p.71-82, 2012-03 - A Study on the Art Education Curriculum Implemented in Junior High Schools
直江 俊雄
Bulletin of the Study on Art and Design Education in University of Tsukuba/4(0)/pp.115-132, 1992-01 - 変容する子ども像と芸術教育(座談会)
河路 澄人; 栗山 裕至; 直江 俊雄
Bulletin of the study on art and desugn education in University of Tsukuba/5(0)/pp.107-125, 1993-01 - On the Teaching Materials Implemented in Junior High Schools
直江 俊雄
Journal for Association of Art Education/0(14)/pp.241-250, 1993-03 - Development of Research Database in Art and Design : Cases in U.K. and Others
直江 俊雄
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Utsunomiya University. Section 1/46(1)/pp.157-170*, 1996-03 - On Functions of Mind Picturing in an Early Syllabus by M. Richardson
直江 俊雄
Journal for Association of Art Education/0(17)/pp.177-187, 1996-03 - Problems of Practice in the "Richardson Methods" : On Criticism in G.H. Hooper's Letter
直江 俊雄
Journal for Association of Art Education/0(18)/pp.177-187, 1997-03 - Gallery Talk for Junior High School Students
直江 俊雄; 鈴木 雅子
The Technology in Education, Utsunomiya University bulletin of the Center for Educational Research and Training/21(0)/pp.42-55, 1998-04 - Application of the Richardson Methods to Contemporary School Practice
直江 俊雄
Journal for Association of Art Education/0(20)/pp.267-277, 1999-03 - On the Collection of Mind Pictures and Its Classification - Survey on Items in the Marion Richardson Archive (1)-
直江 俊雄
The Technology in Education, Utsunomiya University bulletin of the Integrated Research Center for Educational Practice/22(0)/pp.203-212, 1999-04 - Classification of Mind Pictures by the Date of Production - Survey on Items in the Marion Richardson Archive (2)-
直江 俊雄
The Technology in Education, Utsunomiya University bulletin of the Integrated Research Center for Educational Practice/22(0)/pp.213-222, 1999-04 - 美術と美術教育における連続と不連続 (特集 どうなる美術の教育) -- (日本の美術教育ここが問題だ)
直江 俊雄
BT/51(0)/pp.30-33, 1999-05 - イギリス (特集 どうなる美術の教育) -- (海外の美術教育事情)
玉重 佐知子; 直江 俊雄
BT/51(0)/pp.86-90, 1999-05 - 20世紀前半の英国における美術教育改革の研究 (第34回日本美術教育研究発表会) -- (B群の部 実践研究報告、研究ノート等)
直江 俊雄
日本美術教育研究紀要/0(34)/pp.171-178, 2001-01 - <前号を読んで> 「教育の社会対応」とは?
直江 俊雄
Tsukuba forum/61(0)/p.107, 2002-03 - Herbert Read and the Reform in Art Education in the United Kingdom : A Consideration on the Dialogues between Critics and an Educator
直江 俊雄
Journal for Association of Art Education/0(25)/pp.285-298, 2004-03 - more...
- Craft Education at the Cross Roads in Britain and Japan