- Articles
- A Study on the Indoor Thermal Environment in the Wooden Temporary Housings in Winter : Part 1:Results in Aizuwakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture
豊川 尚; 橋本 剛; 小林久高; 安藤 邦廣
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting/2012/pp.237-238, 2012-09 - Investigation of Indoor Thermal Environment in CHOCHIKUKYO : Part 2. Preliminary Measurement in Summer and Winter
伊藤 帆奈美; 橋本 剛
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting/2012/pp.433-434, 2012-09 - The cooling effect of "green curtain" on the indoor thermal environment in the apartment building
加藤 真司; 桑沢 保夫; 石井 儀光; 樋野 公宏; 橋本 剛; 池田 今日子
日本緑化工学会誌 = Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology/38(1)/pp.39-44, 2012-08 - 聴竹居における室内温熱環境の実測調査 : その1 夏季における予備実測調査
伊藤 帆奈美; 橋本 剛
日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集/82(0)/pp.81-84, 2012 - Thermal Environment Measurements of the Modern House with Wooden Storehouses Construction
Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Human-Environment System/p.691-696, 2011-10 - 6033 Questionnaire Surveys and Microclimate Observations of the Environmental Effects of Windbreaks : A Case Study in Horage Settlement, Tsukuba City, Ibraki Pref.
出川 錬; 吉廣 祥子; 橋本 剛; 石井 仁; 豊川 尚
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education/2011/pp.453-454, 2011-07 - 6034 A Study on the Microclimate and the Landscape in a Rural Mountain Village Affected by Topographical Features : A Case Study in Tanekura Settlement, Hida City, Gifu Prefecture
橋本 剛; 豊川 尚; 吉廣 祥子; 出川 錬; 石井 仁
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education/2011/pp.455-456, 2011-07 - The temporary structure of the movable scenery in Yamaage festival, Karasuyama
小柳 萌衣; 小林 久高; 安藤 邦廣; 橋本 剛
AIJ journal of technology and design/17(36)/pp.649-654, 2011-06 - THE EFFECT OF A SERIES OF WINDBREAKS ON THE MICROCLIMATE IN A SETTLEMENT IN WINTER
橋本 剛; 鈴木健次; 長野和雄; 石井 仁; 兼子朋也; 堀越哲美
Journal of Environmental Engineering/75(656)/p.907-913, 2010-10 - 冬季におけるタテグルミのクラとその隣室に形成される温熱環境
豊川 尚; 橋本 剛
日本生気象学会雑誌/47(3)/p.39, 2010-09 - 丘陵と斜面による複雑な地形が農山村集落の小気候形成に及ぼす影響
橋本 剛; 豊川 尚; 吉廣 祥子; 鈴木 健次; 石井 仁
日本生気象学会雑誌/47(3)/p.41, 2010-09 - 5577 A Study on Construction System of Storehouses in TAKEKURA GIHU-pre.
小林 久高; 青柳 由佳; 濱 定史; 豊川 尚; 安藤 邦廣; 橋本 剛; 三宅 正人
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory/2010(0)/pp.1199-1200, 2010-07 - 41198 Microclimate Affected by Topographical Features and It's Effects on Thermal Environment in the Wooden Storehouses : Results of Field Measurement in Tanekura Settlement, Hida City, Gifu Prefecture, in Summer
橋本 剛; 豊川 尚; 小林 久高; 安藤 邦廣
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services/2010(0)/pp.395-396, 2010-07 - 41204 A Study on a Thermal Enviroment in "Tategurumi" in the Area of Suwa Part 3 : On Effect of Covering Type
豊川 尚; 橋本 剛; 安藤 邦廣
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services/2010(0)/pp.407-408, 2010-07 - The outdoor thermal environment in Gokasyou Kondo area, Higashiomi City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan
橋本 剛; 長野 和雄; 石井 仁; 堀越 哲美
Japanese journal of biometeorology/47(1)/pp.13-23, 2010-03 - 5560 Construction and organization of movable scenery : A study on the direction climaxes of yamaage festival :Part1
小柳 萌衣; 小林 久高; 安藤 邦廣; 橋本 剛; 青柳 由佳; 豊川 尚; 李 黎
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory/2009(0)/pp.1143-1144, 2009-07 - 5583 A research on resetting of wooden storehouse and recycling of used peaces
李 黎; 樋口 貴彦; 安藤 邦廣; 橋本 剛; 小林 久高; 豊川 尚; 青柳 由香
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory/2009(0)/pp.1189-1190, 2009-07 - 5561 A study on construction system of movable scenery : A study on how to make climaxes of yamaage festival :Part2
小林 久高; 小柳 萌衣; 安藤 邦廣; 橋本 剛; 青柳 由佳; 豊川 尚; 李 黎
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory/2009(0)/pp.1145-1146, 2009-07 - 5559 A Study on the Characteristics of the Planning of Store Houses in the Area of Suwa, Nagano Pre.
豊川 尚; 李 黎; 青柳 由佳; 小林 久高; 濱 定史; 樋口 貴彦; 橋本 剛; 安藤 邦廣
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory/2009(0)/pp.1141-1142, 2009-07 - 41097 Thermal Environment in Tategurumi in the Area of Suwa : Results of Field Measurement in Summer
橋本 剛; 豊川 尚; 樋口 貴彦; 安藤 邦廣
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-2, Environmental engineering II, Heat, moisture, thermal comfort, natural energy, air flow, ventilation, smoke exhaustion, computational fluid dynamics, indoor air quality heating, cooling and air-conditioning heat and cold sources, piping systems application of building services/2009(0)/pp.205-206, 2009-07 - 4015 夏季における緑道と住宅地に形成される熱環境の実測調査(環境工学)
橋本 剛; 鈴木 健次
Proceeding of the ... architectural research meetings : materials and construction, structures, fire safety, environmental engineering/0(79)/pp.653-656, 2009-03 - SEA BREEZES BLEW UP ALONG THE HORIKAWA CANAL IN NAGOYA BASED ON THE FIELD OBSERVATIONS AT FIXED POINTS AND ITS APPLICATION TO WIND BLOW TRAIL DESIGN
橋本 剛; 堀越 哲美
Journal of environmental engineering/73(634)/pp.1443-1449, 2008-12 - 冬季における諏訪地方のタテグルミの温熱環境実測
豊川 尚; 橋本 剛; 樋口 貴彦
日本生気象学会雑誌/45(3)/p.24, 2008-10 - 薪ストーブ使用時に板倉構法を応用した現代住宅に形成される温熱環境
橋本 剛; 安藤 邦廣
日本生気象学会雑誌/45(3)/p.42, 2008-10 - 40493 The Effects of Traditional Hedge of the Thermal Environment : Case Study of Ikigune in the Area of Mt. Tsukuba
橋本 剛
Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment/2008(0)/pp.1027-1028, 2008-07 - more...
- A Study on the Indoor Thermal Environment in the Wooden Temporary Housings in Winter : Part 1:Results in Aizuwakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture