Researcher's full information

  • The Transition of Nenbutsu Dojos and Religious Rites in Gokayama
    瀧澤侑加; 黒田 乃生
    Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture/79(5)/pp.449-452, 2016-03
  • Existing Condition and Utilization of Sotetsubate, Fields with Cycas Hedges in Amami-Oshima
    不破 正仁; 黒田 乃生; 原 忠信; 高 松花
    Landscape Research Japan Online/Vol. 8/pp.22-30, 2015-04
  • The Transition of Tourist Routes to Mt. Tsukuba
    西邑 雅未; 黒田 乃生
    journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture/78(5)/pp.587-592, 2015-03
  • A study on the construction process of the wooden houses of ethnic minorities in Gui Zhou Province, China : a case study on Gong Na village, Miao-Dong Autonomous Prefecture of Qiandongnan
    李 雪; 黒田 乃生; 藤川 昌樹; 安藤 邦廣
    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting/2014(建築計画)/pp.967-968, 2014-09
  • Transitions of Protection Policy and Residents' Involvement of Zengchong Traditional Dong Village in Guizhou Province
    何銀春; 黒田乃生
    Landscape Research Japan Online/7/pp.98-105, 2014
  • The Current Situation and Conservation of Traditional Villages with "Log Cabin Houses" around Changbai Mountain, China
    高 松花; 藤川 昌樹; 黒田 乃生
    ランドスケープ研究/77(5)/pp.689-692, 2014-03
  • Transition of the gaze at Shirakawa-go
    Kuroda Nobu
    Meanings & Aesthetics in Asian Cultural Landscape/pp.135-142, 2013-10
  • Conservation of Gassho-style Houses and Villages
    黒田 乃生
    Journal of Rural Planning Association/32(2)/pp.117-120, 2013-09
  • A study on the Administration and Management of World Cultural Heritage in China
    何銀春; 黒田 乃生
    journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture/76(5)/pp.597-600, 2013-03
  • 合掌造り集落の風景の魅力
    黒田 乃生
    The World Heritage in Japan/pp.24-24, 2012-09
  • 合掌造り集落の風景の魅力
    日本の世界遺産&暫定リスト 白川郷・五箇山/22/p.24, 2012
  • The Transition of Tourism in the Mt. Aso Area Focusing on the Designation as a National Park
    Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture/5/pp.55-62, 2012
  • 世界遺産はだれのため?ー登録への長い道のり
    文化資源学/(10)/p.15-22, 2012-03
  • 学問・教育遺産としての偕楽園の価値と保護・保存の方向性‐文化的景観論の視点から‐
    近世日本の学問・教育と水戸藩Ⅱ/p.174-184, 2011-10
  • Current Status and Issues of Resting Places and Settai in Shikoku Pilgrimage
    樋笠 奈穂美; 黒田 乃生
    Landscape Research Japan Online/4(0)/pp.57-61, 2011-01
  • 伝統的建造物群保存地区における街路舗装の現状と課題
    中村遥子; 黒田 乃生
    建築学会計画系論文集/(657)/p.2729-2736, 2010-11
  • 世界遺産登録の意義‐地域への影響‐
    調査研究情報誌ECPR/2010No.1(26)/p.3‐8, 2010-11
  • Conservation of Historical Environment in Shanghai's Old City Area with Historical Cultural Features
    Katsuyuki SUZUKI; Nobu KURODA
    Journal of Ladnsape Architecture in Asia Vol. 5/5/p.106-111, 2010-10
  • Landscape Theory
    ランドスケープ研究/74(1)/p.3-6, 2010-04
  • A Study on the Protection of "Panoramic Views" as Places of Scenic Beauty
    上村 さつき; 黒田 乃生; 羽生 冬佳
    Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture/73(5)/pp.679-684, 2010-01
  • A Study on the Farmland Conservation in Gokayama Ainokura Village
    春名 美玲; 黒田 乃生
    Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture/73(5)/pp.751-754, 2010-01
  • Current Condition and Issues of Tourism in Shirakawa-go; the World Heritage Site
    ランドスケープ研究/73(2)/p.108-109, 2009-08
  • A Study on the Change of ‘Yui and ‘Rethatching of Shirakawa-mura
    内海 美佳; 黒田 乃生
    Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture/72(5)/pp.665-668, 2009-01
  • A Study on the Existing Condition of the Forest Areas in the World Cultural Heritage Sites in Japan
    黒田 乃生
    Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture/72(5)/pp.645-650, 2009-01
  • A Study on the State and Preservation of Rethatching in Ogimachi, Shirakawa Village
    内海 美佳; 羽生 冬佳; 黒田 乃生
    Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture/71(5)/pp.697-700, 2008-01
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