MIZUNO Michiyo

Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • Hope held by patients with hematological cancer who are undergoing long-term care
    Mizuno M
  • Characteristics of the Needs of Ambulatory Cancer Patients Who Visited Outpatient Units in Japanese Hospitals
    Mizuno M
  • Perception and Attitude of Colorectal Cancer Patients During the Six Month After Surgery
    Mizuno; M; Kakuta; M; +水野 道代
  • Comparison of 2 Points after Surgery of Quality of Life and Psychosocial Variations in Japanese Patients Treated for Digestive System Cancer.
    M. Mizuno
  • Factors Related To The Adaptation And Quality Of Life In Patients Treated For Digestive System Cancer
    M. Mizuno
  • A Pilot Study on the Development of a Practical Support Program Promoting Adaptive Behaviors in Cancer Patients After Surgery
    M. Mizuno
  • Adaptation Status and Response to a Booklet Providing Cancer-Related Knowledge to postoperative Cancer Patients.
    Mizuno; Michiyo; Kataoka; J.; Oishi; F.; Kanakubo; A.; Sumi; T.:; +...
  • Postoperative Illness-related Demands and Adaptation Status in Patients with Gastrointestinal Cancer
    MIZUNO; Michiyo; KATAOKA; Jun; OISHI; Fumiko; KANAKUBO; Aiko; SUM...