ANME Tokie

Researcher's full information

  • A study on needs of rearing support children: Qualitative research on children with disabilities
    Jaehee Oh; Tokie Anme; Hiroshi Ushijima; Tadao Takayama
    International Conference on Disability/6/p.461-466, 1997-09
  • Psychosocial factors related to changes of physical functions: Four years longitudinal study
    Chiho Shimada; Tokie Anme; Hiroshi Ushijima; Tadao Takayama
    International Conference on Disability/3/p.649-656, 1997-09
  • "保健福祉領域における専門職の専門性 の構造に関する研究 -保健福祉専門職の 連携と共働に向けて-"
    "安梅勅江; 原田 亮子; 島田千穂 高山忠雄"; +安梅 勅江
    地域保健/28(8)/p.66-80, 1997-09
  • Environmental stimulation and later physical deterioration :a longitudinal study
    Tokie Anme; Hidefumi Katayama; Tadao Takayama
    Congress of the International Association of Gerontology/16, 1997-08
  • Study on the relation between self assessment of daily life activities and instrumental activities of daily living of three years later
    Tokie Anme; Tadao Takayama; Ryuichi Nakamura; Yasuhiro H...
    World Congress of the International Rehabilitation medicine Association/8/p.721-725, 1997-08
  • The kaigo index according to involvement, difficulty and necessity of the whole care given to the elderly and disabled
    H.Sumii; N.Dohi T.Takayama; T.Anme H.Shimokata H.Endoh; +安...
    World Congress of the International Rehabilitation medicine Assocation/8/p.749-754, 1997-08
  • Managing the transition from a family to community-oriented support system in Jaoan for 21st century
    Tokie Anme
    International Conference on Systems Sciences in Health-Social Services for the Elderly and Disabled/6/p.105-109, 1997-05
  • A study on needs of rearing support for children with disabilities focusing on results of qualitative research
    Jaehee Oh; Tokie Anme; Hiroshi Ushijima; Tadao Takayama
    International Conference on Systems Sciences in Health-Social Services for the Elderly and Disabled/6/p.265-268, 1997-05
  • A study on related factors of using assistive devices for the elderly handicapped in the community
    Hiroe Sato; Tokie Anme
    International Conference on Systems Sciences in Health-Social Services for the Elderly and Disabled/6/p.290-293, 1997-05
  • Psychosocial factors related to maintenance of physical functions for the elderly living in the community
    Chiho Shimada; Tokie Anme; Hiroshi Ushijima; Tadao Takayama
    International Conference on Systems Sciences in Health-Social Services for the Elderly and Disabled/6/p.294-302, 1997-05
  • The kaigo index for involvement in and difficulty with total care given to the elderly and disabled
    Hiroshi Sumii; Tokie Anme; Tadao Takayama; Yoshie Hasimo...
    International Conference on Systems Sciences in Health-Social Services for the Elderly and Disabled/6/p.321-325, 1997-05
  • A health-social study for developing the evaluation of environmental stimulation and the relation of physical deterioration after three years
    Tokie Anme
    International Conference on Systems Sciences in Health-Social Services for the Elderly and Disabled/6/p.349-355, 1997-05
  • The development of physical exercise programs to promote health of older people
    Toshiyuki Kasai; Tokie Anme; Kyouichi Sonoda; Tadao Taka...
    International Conference on Systems Sciences in Health-Social Services for the Elderly and Disabled/6/p.440-444, 1997-05
  • "18か月児の育児環境評価の関連要因に関する研究"
    "安梅勅江; 島田 千穂; 片山秀史"; +安梅 勅江
    日本公衆衛生雑誌/44(5)/p.346-352, 1997-05
  • "高齢者の社会関連性評価と3年後の機 能低下との関連性に関する保健福祉学 的研究"
    日本公衆衛生学会誌/44(3)/p.159-166, 1997-03
  • "保健福祉領域における専門職の専門性 評価に関する研究 -専門性の構造-"
    "原田亮子; 島田 千穂; 安梅勅江"; +安梅 勅江
    日本保健福祉学会誌/3(2)/p.55-66, 1997-03
  • "地域在宅高齢者の身体機能関連要因に 関する保健福祉学的研究 -心理社会的 要因を中心とした縦断研究-"
    "島田千穂; 安梅 勅江; 牛島廣治"
    日本保健福祉学会誌/3(2)/p.77-88, 1997-03
  • 在宅高齢者の機能的状態の予測に関する研究                  -老研式活動能力指標を中心として-
    高山忠雄; 安梅 勅江; 河西敏幸 片山秀史; 島田 千穂
    長寿科学総合研究/7/p.319-325, 1997-03
  • 国際保健福祉学の動向と課題
    日本保健福祉学会誌/4(1)/p.3-9, 1997-01
  • タイにおける障害者保健福祉システム及び今後の課題
    海外社会保障情報/(121)/p.69-77, 1997-01
  • "在宅要介護高齢者の介護負担の特徴に関する保健福祉学的研究"
    国立身体障害者リハビリテーションセンター 研究紀要/(17)/p.9-15, 1996-12
  • "小規模自治体における保健福祉支援システムの構築"
    安梅勅江; 高山忠雄
    日本保健福祉学会誌/3(1)/p.37-44, 1996-10
  • "定額支払い制度に関する研究 -定額支払制度と高齢者の機能評価-"
    日本製薬工業協会 長期ビジョン研究会/p.103-116, 1996-09
  • "福祉用具活用の意味 -人と機器とのやさしい関係-"
    "GERONTOLOGY NEW HORIZON '96/8(4)/p.59-64, 1996-09
  • The introduction of long-term care insurance retaining and expanding empowerment in the transition from a family to a community-oriented support system
    Tokie Anme
    International Association of Homes and Services for the Ageing(IAHSA)/3/p.42-46, 1996-06
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