ANME Tokie
- Articles
- Maternal stress, parenting factors, experiences in day care, and developmental outcomes in 5-year-old children in day care in Japan(Paper & Abstract September 18th)
Ishii Yukiko; Maruyama Akiko; Tokie Anme; McCall Mary E.
Japanese journal of human sciences of health-social services/18(1)/pp.148-159, 2011-08 - Relation of child rearing environment and child abuse-focus on mother's childrearing confusion, anxiety and depression tendency(Paper & Abstract September 18th)
Mochizuki Yukiko; Shinohara Ryoji; Yuka Sugisawa; Yuko S...
Japanese journal of human sciences of health-social services/18(1)/p.160, 2011-08 - "高齢者支援に向けたコミュニティ・エンパワメント展開のためのニーズ把握: フォーカス・グループインタビューを用いて"
"平野真紀 川島悠,冨崎悦子,渡辺多恵子,恩田陽子,森田健太郎 石井享子,伊藤澄雄,安梅勅江 "
厚生の指標/7, 2011-07 - 絆育力(きずなはぐくむちから)
"せいらんそう 社会福祉法人芳香会"/3(14), 2011-05 - 「働く人の喜び」を生み出す経営
JMAマネジメントレビュー 日本能率協会/p.7-23, 2011-04 - The Relation between the Maintenance of Physical Functions and Social Interaction among Community-dwelling Elderly People: A Six-year Follow-up Study
Sawada Yuko; Shinohara Ryoji; Sugisawa Yuka; Tokie Anme
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY SCIENCE/23(2)/pp.171-175, 2011-04 - 生涯発達をみすえた社会能力の評価と活用にむけて
チャイルド・サイエンス/6/p.10-14, 2011-03 - Early Development of Empathy in Toddlers: Effects of Daily Parent–Child Interaction and Home-Rearing Environment
Lian Tong; Ryoji Shinohara; Yuka Sugisawa; Emiko Tanaka; ...
Journal of Applied Social Psychology/42(10)/p.2457-2478, 2011-01 - Health of school-aged children in 11+ hours of Center-Based Care
Tokie Anme; Shinohara R.; Sugisawa Y.; Sawada Y.; Tong L...
Japanese Journal of Human Science of Health-Social Services/17(2), 2011-01 - "Oral health behaviors and mortality in a 6-year cohort study of community –dwelling elderly people"
Kentaro Morita Ryoji Shinohara Yuka Sugisawa Yuko Saw...
Japanese Journal of Human Science of Health-Social Services/17(2), 2011-01 - Predictors of working mother’s parenting practices in infancy on the competences of vocabulary and communication of two-year-old children
Lian Tong Ryoji Shinohara Yuka Sugisawa Emiko Tanaka ...
Japanese Journal of Human Science of Health-Social Services/17(2), 2011-01 - 子どもにとって安全なインターネット環境の整備に関する研究-フォーカスグループインタビュー調査より-
渡辺多恵子 篠原亮次、杉澤悠圭、童連、田中笑子、森田健太郎、Amaraa Gan-Yadam、平野真紀、冨崎悦子...
子ども環境学/6(3)/p.31-36, 2010-12 - The validity of Social Skill Scale (SSS) : Correlation with Interaction Rating Scale (IRS)
恩田 陽子; 篠原 亮次; 杉澤 悠圭; 童 連; 田中 笑子; 冨崎 悦子; 平野 真紀; 渡辺 多恵子; 望月...
Japanese journal of human sciences of health-social services/16(2)/pp.23-28, 2010-11 - 被虐待児の育児環境の特徴と支援に関する研究
望月由紀子 篠原亮次、杉澤悠圭、童連、平野真紀、冨崎悦子、田中笑子、渡辺多恵子、恩田陽子、川島悠里、安梅勅江
厚生の指標/57(12)/p.P24-30, 2010-10 - Child development and childcare in Japan
Tokie Anme Uma Segal
Journal of Early Childhood Research/8(2)/p.193-210, 2010-05 - Child Development and Environment
Journal of Science Council of Japan/2010(4)/p.28-33, 2010-04 - Alidity and reliability of Interaction Rating Scale as an index of social competence
Yuka Sugisawa; Ryoji Shinohara; Tong Lian; Emiko Tanaka; ...
Journal of Japanese Human Sciences in Health and Social Services/16(1)/p.43-56, 2010-03 - Gender differences of children’s social skills and parenting using Interaction Rating Scale (IRS)
Tokie Anme; Shinohara R; Sugisawa Y; Tong L; Tanaka E; Wa...
Social and Behavioral Sciences/2/p.260-268, 2010-03 - 30か月児 の社会能力に関連する要因に関する追跡研究
田中笑子; 篠原亮次; 杉澤悠圭; 矢藤優子; 山川紀子; 安梅勅江
日本保健福祉学会誌/16(1)/p.57-65, 2010-03 - Utility of Subjective Sleep Assessment Tools for Healthy Preschool Children : A Comparative Study Between Sleep Logs, Questionnaires, and Actigraphy
Journal of Epidemiology/20(2)/pp.143-149, 2010-03 - 就学前児の社会的スキル : コホート研究による因子構造の安定性と予測的妥当性の検討(IX 優秀論文賞を受賞して(2008年度))
高橋 雄介; 岡田 謙介; 星野 崇宏; 安梅 勅江
The Annual report of educational psychology in Japan/49(0)/p.232, 2010-03 - Supportive Role of Nursery Staffs in the Authorized Nurseries for Extended and Night Care from a Survey Focusing on Child Care Environment
渡辺 多恵子; 田中 笑子; 冨崎 悦子; 安梅 勅江
The journal of child health/69(2)/pp.329-335, 2010-03 - Utility of Subjective Sleep Assessment Tools for Healthy Preschool Children: A Comparative Study Between Sleep Logs, Questionnaires, and Actigraphy
Iwasaki Mizue; Iwata Sachiko; Iemura Akiko; Yamashita Na...
JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY/20(2)/pp.143-149, 2010-03 - A Longitudinal Study on Social Competence Development and Sleeping Habits
Tokie Anme
J Epidemiol/2(20)/p.472, 2010-02 - 「だめ」はだめ 子育ちエンパワメント
釧路新聞, 2010-02 - more...
- Maternal stress, parenting factors, experiences in day care, and developmental outcomes in 5-year-old children in day care in Japan(Paper & Abstract September 18th)