ANME Tokie
- Articles
- Parenting and social competence of toddlers: longitudinal perspective
Sugisawa Y; Shinohara R. Tanaka E; Yato U; Yamakawa N; To...
Journal of Epidemiology/20/p.459-465, 2010-02 - Implication of social competence development among thirty-month toddlers: focused on theory of mind
Tanaka E; Sugisawa Y; Shinohara R. Yato U; Yamakawa N; To...
Journal of Epidemiology/20/p.447-451, 2010-02 - Relations of children’s individual factors of intelligence development to the emotional and behavioral problems of first grader
Tong L. Shinohara R. Shinohara R; Sugisawa Y; Tokie Anme...
Journal of Epidemiology/20/p.466-471, 2010-02 - Trajectories of social competence by using Interaction Rating Scale (IRS) as an evidence-based practical index of children’s social skills and parenting
Tokie Anme. Shinohara R; Sugisawa Y; Tong L; Tanaka E; Ya...
Shinohara Ryoji; Yuka Sugisawa; Tong Lian; Emiko Tanaka; ...
Japanese journal of human sciences of health-social services/16(1)/pp.31-42, 2010-02 - RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY OF INTERACTION RATING SCALE AS AN INDEX OF SOCIAL COMPETENCE
Sugisawa Yuka; Shinohara Ryoji; Tong Lian; Tanaka Emiko; ...
Japanese journal of human sciences of health-social services/16(1)/pp.43-55, 2010-02 - IMPLICATIONS OF SOCIAL COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT AMONG EIGHTEEN-MONTH TODDLERS
田中 笑子; 篠原 亮次; 杉澤 悠圭; 童 蓮; 渡辺 多恵子; 恩田 陽子; 川島 悠里; 矢藤 優子; 山川...
Japanese journal of human sciences of health-social services/16(1)/pp.57-66, 2010-02 - A Longitudinal Study on Social Competence Development and Sleeping Habits
Etsuko Tomisaki; Emiko Tanaka; Shinohara Ryoji; Sugisawa ...
JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY/20(Suppl. 2)/pp.472-475, 2010-02 - Relationship between Children's Intelligence and Their Emotional/Behavioral Problems and Social Competence: Gender Differences in First Graders
Tong Lian; Shinohara Ryoji; Yuka Sugisawa; Emiko Tanaka; ...
JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY/20(Suppl. 2)/pp.0-0, 2010-02 - The Trajectory Patterns of Parenting and the Social Competence of Toddlers: A Longitudinal Perspective
Sugisawa Yuka; Shinohara Ryoji; Tong Lian; Emiko Tanaka; ...
JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY/20(Suppl. 2)/pp.0-0, 2010-02 - Implications of Social Competence among Thirty-Month-Old Toddlers: A Theory of Mind Perspective
Emiko Tanaka; Tomisaki Etsuko; Shinohara Ryoji; Sugisawa ...
JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY/20(Suppl. 2)/pp.0-0, 2010-02 - The Trajectory of Children's Social Competence from 18 Months to 30 Months of Age and Their Mother's Attitude towards the Praise
Shinohara Ryoji; Sugisawa Yuka; Tong Lian; Tanaka Emiko; ...
JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY/20(Suppl. 2)/pp.0-0, 2010-02 - Infant Responses to Maternal Still Face at 9 Months Predict Social Abilities at 18 Months
Yato Yuko; Tanaka Daisuke; Shinohara Ryoji; Sugisawa Yuk...
Journal of Epidemiology/20(Suppl. 2)/pp.0-0, 2010-02 - Interaction Rating Scale (IRS) as an Evidence-Based Practical Index of Children's Social Skills and Parenting
Anme Tokie; Shinohara Ryoji; Sugisawa Yuka; Tong Lian; Ta...
JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY/20(Suppl. 2)/pp.0-0, 2010-02 - Overview of the Japan Children's Study 2004-2009; Cohort Study of Early Childhood Development
Yamagata Zentaro; Maeda Tadahiko; Anme Tokie; Sadato Nor...
JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY/20(Suppl. 2)/pp.0-0, 2010-02 - 就学前児の社会的スキル
高橋 雄介; 岡田 謙介; 星野 崇宏; 安梅 勅江
The Annual Report of Educational Psychology in Japan/49(0)/pp.232-232, 2010-01 - Child Care Environment and Child Development : Enhance Empowerment with Evidence by Cohort Studies
安梅 勅江
TRENDS IN THE SCIENCES/15(4)/pp.4-4, 2010-01 - Longitudinal perspective, with emphasis on "praise" in the parenting of four- and nine-month-old infants
Ryoji Shinohara; Yuka Sugisawa; Lian Tong; Emiko Tanaka; ...
Japanese Journal of Human Science of Health-Social Services, 2009-12 - Reliability and Validity of Interaction Rating Scale as an index of social competence
Yuka Sugisawa; Ryoji Shinohara; Lian Tong; Emiko Tanaka; ...
Japanese Journal of Human Science of Health-Social Services, 2009-12 - 就学前児社会スキル尺度と広汎性発達障害(PDD)との関連
篠原亮次; 星野崇宏; 杉澤悠圭; 童連; 田中笑子; 渡辺多恵子; 恩田陽子; 安梅勅江
厚生の指標/56(12)/p.20-25, 2009-12 - Contribution of parenting factors to the developmental attainment of 9-month-old infants: results from the Japan Children's Study
Cheng S Maeda T Tomiwa K Yamakawa N Koeda T Kawai M...
Journal of Epidemiology/19(6)/p.319-327, 2009-10 - Relationship of working mothers' parenting style and consistency to early childhood development: a longitudinal investigation
Tong Lian; Shinohara Ryoji; Sugisawa Yuka; Tanaka Emiko; ...
JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING/65(10)/pp.2067-2076, 2009-10 - Relationship of working mother’s parenting style and consistency to early childhood development: a longitudinal investigation
Lian Tong; Ryoji Shinohara; Yuka Sugisawa; Tokie Anme
Journal of Advanced Nursing/24/p.2070-2076, 2009-08 - Maintenance of Physical Function and Related Factors for Community Dwelling Elderly: A Nine-Year Follow-up Study
Sawada Yuko; Shinohara Ryoji; Sugisawa Yuka; Anme Tokie
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY SCIENCE/21(3)/pp.245-251, 2009-08 - Individual differences in changes in infants' interest in social signals in relation to developmental index
Kutsuki A Kuroki M Egami S Ogura T Itakura S; Japan ...
Infant Behavior Development/32(4)/p.381-391, 2009-07 - more...
- Parenting and social competence of toddlers: longitudinal perspective