Researcher's full information

2003-08 -- 2004-03Seminar in Kendo IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2003-08 -- 2004-03KendoUniversity of Tsukuba.
2003-04 -- 2004-03Special Practice of KendoUniversity of Tsukuba.
2002-04 -- 2002-11KendoUniversity of Tsukuba.
2002-08 -- 2003-03Seminar in Kendo ⅡUniversity of Tsukuba.
2002-08 -- 2003-03Seminar in Kendo IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2002-08 -- 2003-03KendoUniversity of Tsukuba.
2002-04 -- 2003-03English for Specialized Subjects IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2002-04 -- 2003-03Special Practice of KendoUniversity of Tsukuba.