Researcher's full information

  • Distribution of IgE and IgG antibody levels against house dust mites in schoolchildren, and their relation with asthma(jointly worked)
    Noguchi Emiko
    J Asthma/34/pp.235-242, 1997-01
  • Evidence for linkage between asthma/atopy in childhood and chromosome 5q31-q33 in a Japanese population(jointly worked)
    Noguchi Emiko
    Am J Respir Crit Care Med/156/pp.1390-1393, 1997-01
  • IgE responsiveness to Dermatophagoides farinae in asthma and atopic dermatitis(jointly worked)
    Noguchi Emiko; Shibasaki M
    Int Arch Allergy Immunol/113(4)/pp.489-494, 1997-01
  • Linkage and association of an interleukin 4 gene polymorphism with atopic dermatitis in Japanese families(jointly worked)
    Noguchi Emiko
    J Med Genet/35/pp.502-504, 1998-01
  • Evidence for linkage between the development of asthma in childhood and the T-cell receptor beta chain gene in Japanese(jointly worked)
    Noguchi Emiko
    Genomics/47/pp.121-124, 1998-01
  • Association of asthma and the interleukin-4 promoter gene in Japanese(jointly worked)
    Noguchi Emiko
    Clin Exp Allergy/28/pp.449-453, 1998-01
  • No evidence for an association between a variant of the mast cell chymase gene and atopic dermatitis based on case-control and haplotype-relative-risk analyses(jointly worked)
    Noguchi Emiko
    Hum Hered/48/pp.271-274, 1998-01
  • Comparison of IgG, IgG1 and IgG2 immune responses to pneumococcal polysaccharide in atopic and nonatopic children(jointly worked)
    Noguchi Emiko
    Allergology International/47/pp.183-186, 1998-01
  • Transfusion transmitted virus(jointly worked)
    Noguchi Emiko
    Lancet/352(discussion 1)/pp.1309-1310, 1998-01
  • アトピー遺伝子
    野口恵美子 柴崎正修 有波忠雄; +野口 惠美子
    アトピー遺伝子 小児科/39(12)/pp.1419-1426, 1998-01
  • No association between atopy/asthma and the ILe50Val polymorphism of IL-4 receptor(jointly worked)
    Noguchi Emiko
    Am J Respir Crit Care Med/160/pp.342-345, 1999-01
  • No association between atopic asthma and a coding variant of Fc epsilon R1 beta in a Japanese population(jointly worked)
    Noguchi Emiko
    J Hum Genet/44/pp.308-311, 1999-01
  • Linkage and association of atopic asthma to markers on chromosome 13 in the Japanese population (jointly worked)
    Noguchi Emiko
    Hum Mol Genet/8/pp.1487-1490, 1999-01
  • Significant evidence for linkage of mite-sensitive childhood asthma to chromosome 5q31-q33 near the interleukin 12 B locus by a genome-wide search in Japanese families(jointly worked)
    Noguchi Emiko
    Genomics/66/pp.152-160, 2000-01
  • Mutation screening of interferon regulatory factor 1 gene (IRF-1)as a candidate gene for atopy/asthma(jointly worked)
    Noguchi Emiko
    Clin Exp Allergy/30/pp.1562-1567, 2000-01
  • Extent and distribution of linkage disequilibrium in three genomic regions(jointly worked)
    Noguchi Emiko
    Am J Hum Genet/68/pp.191-197, 2001-01
  • 気管支喘息、アレルギーの遺伝子診断
    野口 惠美子; 有波忠雄
    医学のあゆみ/39(12)/pp.1089-1093, 2001-01
  • 5番染色体とアトピー
    PharmaMedica/19/pp.83-91, 2001-01
  • アレルギー疾患におけるゲノムの解析の現状と今後の展望
    野口 恵美子; 有波 忠雄
    アレルギー・免疫/8(10)/pp.46-52, 2002-01
  • 呼吸器疾患関連遺伝子異常 小児喘息関連遺伝子
    野口恵美子 柴崎正修; +野口 惠美子
    分子呼吸器病学/6(2)/pp.81-84, 2002-01
  • 疾患感受性のSNP解析
    野口 恵美子
    小児科/43(11)/pp.1726-31, 2002-01
  • Failure to find causal mutations in the GABA(A)-receptor gamma2 subunit (GABRG2) gene in Japanese febrile seizure patients
    Nakayama J; Hamano K; Noguchi E; Horiuchi Y; Iwasaki N; O...
    Neurosci lett/343(2)/pp.117 -120, 2003-01
  • No evidence for association between the -112G/A polymorphism of UGRP1 and childhood atopic asthma.
    Jian Z; Nakayama J; Noguchi E; Shibasaki M; Arinami T
    Clin Exp Allergy/33(7)/pp.902 -904, 2003-01
  • Association between polymorphisms in the SPINK5 gene and atopic dermatitis in the Japanese
    Nishio Y; Noguchi E; Shibasaki M; Kamioka M; Ichikawa E; ...
    Genes and immunity/4(7)/pp.515-517, 2003-01
  • Insertion/deletion coding polymorphisms in hHAVcr-1 are not associated with atopic asthma in the Japanese population.
    Noguchi E; Nakayama J; Kamioka M; Ichikawa K; Shibasaki ...
    Genes and Immunity/4(2)/pp.170- 173, 2003-01
  • more...