- Articles
- A Fundamental Study on the Development of Aesthetic Sensitivity : A Review of the Pertinent Literature
石崎 和宏; 王 文純
Art Education/0(18)/pp.1-13, 1997-03 - A Study on the Reliability and the Validity of the Art Appreciation Test
石崎 和宏
Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Akita University. Educational science/49(0)/pp.1-8, 1996-03 - フランツ・チゼックの造形表現論に関する考察--発達段階と類型の多角的視点の意義
石崎 和宏
秋田大学教育学部研究紀要, 教育科学/(47)/pp.p99-109, 1995-01
- A Fundamental Study on the Development of Aesthetic Sensitivity : A Review of the Pertinent Literature