- Affiliation
- Institute of Medicine
- Official title
- Associate Professor
- 5609D:>34N]Y8/W?>@6@-,W,.W5;d
- Phone
- 029-853-3143
- Fax
- 029-853-3143
- Research fields
Cardiovascular medicine - Research keywords
Magnetocardiography Atrial Fibrillation - Research projects
Brugada症候群のリスク層別化のための心磁図による右室遅延電位の3次元検出 2022-04 -- 2025-03 YOSHIDA Kentaro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 4,160,000Yen Noninvasive Mapping of Premature Ventricular Contractions by Merging Magnetocardiography and Computed Tomography. 2017-04 -- 2020-03 YOSHIDA Kentaro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 4,160,000Yen - Career history
2016-06 -- (current) 筑波大学医学医療系 茨城県地域臨床教育センター准教授 2015-04 -- 2016-05 茨城県立中央病院循環器内科部長(不整脈担当) 2012-04 -- 2015-03 茨城県立中央病院循環器内科医長 2011-10 -- 2012-03 筑波大学医学医療系講師 2010-04 -- 2011-09 筑波大学大学院人間総合科学研究科講師 2009-08 -- 2010-03 茨城県立中央病院循環器内科医長 2007-07 -- 2009-07 米国ミシガン大学病院心臓血管センターReserch Fellow 2004-10 -- 2006-03 筑波大学附属病院医員(循環器内科研修医) 2004-04 -- 2004-09 なめがた地域総合病院循環器内科医師 2003-04 -- 2004-03 筑波大学附属病院医員(循環器内科研修医) more... - Academic background
1993-04 -- 1999-03 University of Tsukuba - Degree
2009-03 博士(医学) 筑波大学 - Licenses and qualifications
日本内科学会専門医 日本循環器学会専門医 日本不整脈心電学会専門医 - Academic societies
-- (current) American Heart -- (current) THE JANPANESE SOCIETY OF INTERNAL MEDICINE -- (current) THE JAPANESE CIRCULATION SOCIETY -- (current) 日本不整脈心電学会 -- (current) Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society -- (current) heart rhythm - Honors & Awards
2025-03 Best Reviewers Award 2024 (Circulation Journal) 2024-06 日本内科学会第696回関東地方会 奨励賞・指導医賞 2024-03 茨城県立中央病院 優秀論文賞 2024-03 One of the top reviewers (Journal of Arrhythmia) 2023-03 One of the top reviewers (Journal of Arrhythmia) 2024-02 Best Reviewers Award 2023 (Circulation Journal) 2023-03 Remarkable reviewer (Heart Rhythm) 2023-02 Best Reviewers Award 2022 (Circulation Journal) 2022-03 Remarkable reviewer (Heart Rhythm) 2022-03 One of the top reviewers (Journal of Arrhythmia) 2021-05-29 第51回臨床心臓電気生理研究会 優秀演題賞(責任著者) 2021-03 茨城県立中央病院 優秀論文賞 (責任著者) 2021-03 One of the top reviewers (Journal of Arrhythmia) 2021-03 Remarkable reviewer (Heart Rhythm) 2021-03 EHJ - Case Reports, Cases of the Year 2020 (corresponding author) 2020-03 茨城県立中央病院 優秀論文賞 (責任著者) 2020-07 第25回日本不整脈心電学会学術奨励賞優秀賞(責任著者) 2020-03 Remarkable reviewer (Heart Rhythm) 2020-03 茨城県立中央病院 最優秀論文賞 2019-06 第39回日本ホルター・ノンインベイシブ心電学研究会/第34回心電情報処理ワークショップ 最優秀演題賞 2019-03 Remarkable reviewer (Heart Rhythm) 2018-03 Remarkable reviewer (Heart Rhythm) 2018-06 第38回日本ホルター・ノンインベイシブ心電学研究会/第33回心電情報処理ワークショップ 最優秀演題賞 2017-03 茨城県立中央病院 最優秀論文賞(責任著者) 2017-03 Remarkable reviewer (Heart Rhythm) more... - Articles
- Unidirectional reconnection of an inter-atrial epicardial connection with wide right atrial insertion site: a case report
Hasebe Hideyuki; Furuyashiki Yoshitaka; Yoshida Kentar...
EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL-CASE REPORTS/8(12), 2024-12-06 - Three-Dimensional Mapping of the Left Atrial Wall Rather Than the Left Atrial Chamber
Yoshida Kentaro
JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY/Epub, 2024-11-11 - Paradoxical restoration from complete and persistent atrioventricular block after surgical aortic valve replacement: a case report
Nishihara Ami; Okabe Yuta; Morizumi Sei; Enomoto Yosh...
EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL-CASE REPORTS/8(10), 2024-10-19 - Uncoupling endocardial bundles coupled by an epicardial bundle in the left atrium and pulmonary veins
Kobayashi Ayaka; Hasebe Hideyuki; Yoshida Kentaro
JOURNAL OF ARRHYTHMIA/40(3)/pp.624-628, 2024-06 - Vein of Marshall chemical ablation decreases atrial fibrillation drivers detected by CARTOFINDER
Hasebe Hideyuki; Furuyashiki Yoshitaka; Yoshida Kentaro
JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY/35(7), 2024-05-20 - Immediate pharmacotherapy intensification after cardiac resynchronization therapy: incidence, characteristics, and impact
Ogawa Kojiro; Yamasaki Hiro; Aonuma Kazutaka; Otani M...
ESC HEART FAILURE/Epub, 2024-03-11 - Editorial for "Characteristics of right pulmonary vein with epicardial connection needing additional carina ablation for isolation"
Yoshida Kentaro
JOURNAL OF ARRHYTHMIA/40(1)/pp.28-29, 2024-02 - Under-Dose Prescription of Direct Oral Anticoagulants in Japanese Elderly Patients ― Are One Fifth of the Prescriptions All "Inappropriate"? ―
Yoshida Kentaro
CIRCULATION JOURNAL/87(12)/pp.1775-1776, 2023-11-24 - Noninvasive Detection of Pulmonary Venous Reconnections by Magnetocardiography After Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation
Yoshida Kentaro; Ogata Kuniomi; Inaba Takeshi; Horigom...
JACC-CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY/10(2)/pp.367-369, 2023-11-10 - Left posterolateral short atrioventricular Mahaim pathway connecting the left atrium to the left ventricular epicardium
Hasebe Hideyuki; Furuyashiki Yoshitaka; Yoshida Kentar...
HeartRhythm case reports/9(11)/pp.785-789, 2023-11-01 - Unidirectional conduction characterizing epicardial connections in patients with atrial tachyarrhythmias
Yoshida Kentaro; Hasebe Hideyuki; Hattori Masayuki; Ha...
JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY/Epub, 2023-09-15 - Magnetocardiographic risk stratification in patients with Brugada-pattern ST-elevation
Yoshida Kentaro; Inaba Takeshi; Horigome Hitoshi; Noga...
JOURNAL OF INTERVENTIONAL CARDIAC ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY/Epub, 2023-09-11 - Atrio-Hisian block during catheter ablation targeting premature ventricular complexes originating from the left ventricle
Hattori Masayuki; Yoshida Kentaro; Baba Masako; Nogami...
HeartRhythm case reports/9(8)/pp.534-538, 2023-08-01 - Impact of Interatrial Epicardial Connections on the Dominant Frequency of Atrial Fibrillation
Hasebe Hideyuki; Yoshida Kentaro; Nogami Akihiko; Furu...
CIRCULATION JOURNAL/87(7)/pp.973-981, 2023-06-01 - Inter-atrial epicardial muscular fibers as a possible source of atrial tachyarrhythmias
Hattori Masayuki; Baba Masako; Hasebe Hideyuki; Yoshid...
Journal of cardiology cases/27(4)/pp.143-147, 2023-04-01 - Impact of catheter ablation and subsequent recurrence of atrial fibrillation on glucose status in patients undergoing continuous glucose monitoring
Baba Masako; Yoshida Kentaro; Nogami Akihiko; Hanaki ...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/13(1)/p.4299, 2023-03-15 - Diastolic potentials manifest the extension of a slow pathway to the inferolateral right atrium during fast-slow atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia
Hasebe Hideyuki; Furuyashiki Yoshitaka; Yoshida Kentar...
HeartRhythm case reports/9(2)/pp.91-96, 2023-02-01 - No or little negative impact of ablation targeting non-PV Triggers on left atrial strain: Can restoration of sinus rhythm and reversal of functional remodeling stand side by side?
Yoshida Kentaro
JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY/34(2)/pp.335-336, 2023-02-01 - Dual atrioventricular nodal non-reentrant tachycardia: Various atrioventricular conduction responses to atrioventricular simultaneous pacing
Adachi Toru; Asakawa Tetsuya; Yamauchi Yasuteru; Naito S...
Heart rhythm/19(11)/pp.1841-1855, 2022-07-08 - Right-sided substrate eliminated by transmural ablation from the left atrial septum in a patient with atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia
Yoshida Kentaro
HeartRhythm Case Reports, 2022-05 - An Epicardial Connection With a Unidirectional Conduction Property From the Left Atrium to Pulmonary Vein
Niiyama Daichi; Tsumagari Yasuaki; Uehara Yoshiko; Baba ...
JACC. Case reports/4(5)/pp.310-314, 2022-03-02 - Potential advantages of the KODEX-EPD system as the fourth 3D mapping system for atrial fibrillation ablation
Yoshida Kentaro
Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology/33(4)/pp.626-628, 2022-02 - Epicardial Connections as Intra-Atrial Conduction Routes in a Patient With Advanced Atrial Remodeling
Tsumagari Yasuaki; Yoshida Kentaro; Baba Masako; Haseb...
JACC. Case reports/3(16)/pp.1774-1779, 2021-11-17 - An iatrogenic arteriovenous fistula as a drainage route of pseudoaneurysmal bleeding
Tsumagari Yasuaki; Koyama Ken; Morizumi Sei; Honda Ju...
European heart journal. Case reports/5(10)/p.ytab389, 2021-10-01 - Upgrade of cardiac resynchronization therapy by utilizing additional His-bundle pacing in a patient with lamin A/C cardiomyopathy: an autopsy case report
Baba Masako; Yoshida Kentaro; Igawa Osamu; Yamamoto Masa...
European Heart Jounal-Case Reports/5(10), 2021-09 - more...
- Unidirectional reconnection of an inter-atrial epicardial connection with wide right atrial insertion site: a case report
- Conference, etc.
- 心磁図 up-to-date 体外式リファレンスマーカを用いた3次元マップ(CARTO) CTマージ法の開発
吉田 健太郎; 木全 啓; 服部 正幸; 會田 敏; 稲葉 武; 津曲 保彰; 堀米 仁志; 家田真樹
第35回日本生体磁気学会大会/2020-10-02 - 筑波大学病院における心臓磁気計測(心磁図)の臨床応用
稲葉 武; 會田 敏; 吉田 健太郎; 中澤 陽子; 服部 愛; 小松 雄樹; 星 智也; 石津 智子; 佐藤 ...
第34回日本生体磁気学会大会/2019-06-21--2019-06-22 - 心室性期外収縮に対する心磁図と3次元CT画像の合成による非侵襲的マッピング法
會田 敏; 吉田 健太郎; 稲葉 武; 青沼 和隆; 堀米 仁志; 野上昭彦
第34回日本生体磁気学会大会/2019-06-21--2019-06-22 - Association of coronary artery disease and revascularization with recurrence of atrial fibrillation after catheter ablation
Hiraya Daigo; Sato Akira; Hoshi Tomoya; Watabe Hiroaki; Y...
European Society of Cardiology (ESC) congress 2018/2018-08-24--2018-08-29 - Non-invasive mapping for premature ventricular contractions by means of merging a magnetocardiographic image with a three-dimensional computed tomography image
Yoshida Kentaro; Aita Satoshi; Ogata Kuniomi; Komatsu Yu...
American Heart Association 2018/2018-11-10--2018-11-12 - 心磁図を用いた非侵襲的不整脈起源同定法の臨床評価
吉田 健太郎; 會田 敏; 緒方 邦臣; 稲葉 武; 小松 雄樹; 服部 愛; 小菅 寿徳; 青沼 和隆; 堀米 ...
第38回日本ホルター・ノンインベイシブ心電学研究会/2018-06-28--2018-06-30 - 心磁図を用いた非侵襲的不整脈起源同定法の臨床評価
吉田 健太郎; 會田 敏; 緒方 邦臣; 稲葉 武; 小松 雄樹; 服部 愛; 小菅 寿徳; 青沼 和隆; 堀米 ...
第33回日本生体磁気学会大会/2018-06-15--2018-06-16 - 心磁図を用いた非侵襲的不整脈起源同定法の開発
緒方 邦臣; 吉田 健太郎; 會田 敏; 稲葉 武; 小松 雄樹; 服部 愛; 小菅 寿徳; 青沼 和隆; 堀米 ...
第33回日本生体磁気学会大会/2018-06-15--2018-06-16 - Catheter ablation of atrial tachyarrhythmias in endurance athletes
Yoshida Kentaro; shinoda yasutoshi; hayashi kosuke; wakak...
The 82th annual scientific meeting of the Japanese circulation society/2018-03-23--2018-03-25 - Underrecognized entity of the transient rise in the atrial capture threshold early after dual-chamber pacemaker implantation
Yoshida Kentaro; uehara yoshiko; ebine mari; takeyasu no...
American Heart Association 2017/2017-11-11--2017-11-15 - Electrophysiological relation between the superior vena cava and right superior pulmonary vein in patients with paroxysmal atrial fbrillation
Yoshida Kentaro; aonuma kazutaka; nogami akihiko
American Heart Association 2017/2017-11-11--2017-11-15 - 急性心筋梗塞におけるCT遅延造影像の意義
渡部浩明; 林孝典; 若木富貴; 国府田尚矢; 篠田康俊; 春成智彦; 馬場雅子; 吉田健太郎; 仁科秀崇; 武安法之; 野口祐一; 佐...
第2回茨城県心臓画像研究会/2018-01-20 - 筑波大学病院における心臓磁気計測(心磁図)の臨床応用
稲葉 武; 中澤 陽子; 吉田 健太郎; 加藤 愛章; 神鳥 明彦; 緒方 邦臣; 服部 愛; 木村 泰三; 星 ...
つくば医工連携フォーラム2018/2018-01-26 - Radiofrequency Power Settings for Atrial Fibrillation Ablation: Low Power and High-force Time Integral vs High Power and low Force-time Integral
Yasuaki Tsumagari; Kentaro Yoshida; Hidekazu Tsuneoka; Ko...
第81回日本循環器学会学術集会/2017-03-17--2017-03-19 - Coronary Revascularization for Concomitant Coronary Artery Disease Reduces the Recurrence of Atrial Fibrillation after Pulmonary Vein Isolation
平谷太吾; 佐藤明; 星智也; 渡部浩明; 関口幸夫; 野上昭彦; 青沼和隆; 吉田健太郎; 武安法之
第81回日本循環器学会学術集会/2017-03-19--2017-03-19 - Impact of CHADS2 Score in Patients of Coronary Artery Disease with Atrial Fibrillation Treated with Pulmonary Vein Isolation
平谷太吾; 佐藤明; Hoshi Tomoya; 渡部浩明; 関口幸夫; 野上昭彦; 青沼和隆; 吉田健太郎; 武安法之
第81回日本循環器学会学術集会/2017-03-18--2017-03-18 - 房室接合部頻拍を疑う複数の所見を認めたが、自然発生した上室期外収縮に対する頻拍の反応からslow/fast AVNRTと診断された1例
津曲保彰; 吉田健太郎; 常岡秀和; 林 孝典; 国府田尚矢; 馬場雅子; 美崎昌子; 武安法之; 野上昭彦; 青沼和隆
カテーテルアブレーション関連秋季大会/2016-10-27--2016-10-29 - 発作性心房細動が強く疑われ肺静脈隔離術を予定したが、右房起源の上室期外収縮に対するアブレーションにより頻拍発作を抑制できた1例
津曲保彰; 吉田健太郎; 常岡秀和; 林 孝典; 国府田尚矢; 馬場雅子; 美崎昌子; 武安法之; 野上昭彦; 青沼和隆
カテーテルアブレーション関連秋季大会/2016-10-27--2016-10-29 - 軽度の左室収縮不全を呈する心不全患者に心臓再同期療法を導入したところ、除細動抵抗性であった長期持続性心房細動の洞調率化をえられた1例
津曲保彰; 吉田健太郎; 常岡秀和; 林 孝典; 国府田尚矢; 馬場雅子; 美崎昌子; 武安法之; 野上昭彦; 青沼和隆
Yoshida Kentaro; Tada Hiroshi; Sekiguchi Yukio; Aonuma K...
61st Annual Scientific Session and Expo of the American-College-of-Cardiology (ACC)/2012-03-24--2012-3-27 - Electrophysiologic importance of the right ventricular outflow tract: analysis of the induced ventricular tachycardia characteristics in Brugada syndrome
Nobuyuki Murakoshi; Kazutaka Aonuma; Yasuaki Tanaka; Yasuhir...
27th Congress of the European-Society-of-Cardiology/2005-08--2005-08 - Insights into delayed potential detection by high resolution scar mapping of life threatening ventricular arrhythmias in patients with ischernic cardiomyopathy
Yoshida Kentaro; Aonuma Kazutaka; Kuroki Kenji; Yamasaki ...
79th Annual Scientific Session of the American-Heart-Association/2006-11-12--2006-11-15
- 心磁図 up-to-date 体外式リファレンスマーカを用いた3次元マップ(CARTO) CTマージ法の開発
- Teaching
2023-10 -- 2024-02 Advanced Seminar in Medical Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2023-04 -- 2023-08 Advanced Seminar in Medical Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2022-04 -- 2022-08 Advanced Seminar in Medical Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2022-10 -- 2023-02 Advanced Seminar in Medical Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2021-04 -- 2021-08 Advanced Seminar in Medical Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2021-10 -- 2022-02 Advanced Seminar in Medical Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2020-04 -- 2020-08 Advanced Seminar in Medical Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2020-10 -- 2021-02 Advanced Seminar in Medical Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2019-10 -- 2019-10 M3#9 腎・泌尿系1 筑波大学 2019-07 -- 2019-07 M1ふれあい実習(新患外来エスコート実習) 筑波大学 more... - Talks
- 心房頻拍の一成因:心外膜側筋束と一方向性ブロック
吉田 健太郎
- 心房頻拍の一成因:心外膜側筋束と一方向性ブロック
- Professional activities
2020-05 -- (current) Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology Editorial Board Member 2019-05 -- (current) 臨床心臓電気生理研究会 幹事 2016-07 -- (current) 日本不整脈心電学会 評議員 2016-02 -- (current) Heart Rhythm Heart Rhythm Journal / Editorial Board
(Last updated: 2025-01-22)