- Conference, etc.
- Discovering diverse perspectives from large scale time-series documents data
Hirasawa Rei; Ito Hiroyoshi; Matsubara Masaki; Morishima ...
iConference 2022 Student Symposium/2022-2-28 - Making the Ad-Hoc Physical Crowdsourcing Possible with the Coherence Principle
Tanaka Erina; Ito Hiroyoshi; Matsubara Masaki; Morishima ...
iConference 2022 Student Symposium/2022-2-28 - A Document Management System based on Human-in-the-Loop Latent Space Learning
Watanabe Shingo; Ito Hiroyoshi; Matsubara Masaki; Morishi...
iConference 2022 Student Symposium/2022-2-28 - Towards Earth-Scale Data Processing with Human+ AI Crowd
Morishima Atsuyuki
The 16th Korea-Japan Database Workshop (KJDB2021)/2021-12-4 - Computational Division of Labor: Imagine All the People and AI in the Crowd Working Happily
Morishima Atsuyuki
ACM/IEEE 24th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS2021)/2021-10-14 - The Power of the Crowds and the Pandemic: Potentials and Challenges
Morishima Atsuyuki
IFLA World Library and Information Congress (WLIC 2021) DH/DS (Digital Humanities / Digital Scholarship) Forum 2021/2021-8-19 - HAEM: Obtaining Higher-Quality Classification Task Results with AI Co-Workers
Yamashita Yu; Ito Hiroyoshi; Wakabayashi Kei; Kobayashi ...
The Ninth AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP2021)/2021-11-14--2021-11-18 - Quality Assessment of Crowdwork via Eye Gaze: Towards Adaptive Personalized Crowdsourcing
Morishima Atsuyuki
INTERACT2021/2021-09 - Task Assignment Strategies for Crowd Worker Ability Improvement
Matsubara Masaki; Borromeo Ria Mae; Amer-Yahia Sihem; Mor...
The 24th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW2021)/2021-10 - Crowd-Worker Skill Improvement with AI Co-Learners
Nakayama Takumi; Matsubara Masaki; Morishima Atsuyuki
The 9th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI2021)/2021-11 - 作業記憶を考慮したタスク分割によるセマンティックセグメンテーションタスクの効率化
小林 正樹; 森田 ひろみ; 森嶋 厚行
第14回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM2022)/2022-3-1 - BUBBLE : A Quality-Aware Human-in-the-loop Entity Matching Framework
Osawa Naofumi; Ito Hiroyoshi; Fukushima Yukihiro; Harada ...
The 5th IEEE Workshop on Human-in-the-Loop Methods and Future of Work in BigData (IEEE HMData 2021)/2021-12-13--2021-12-15 - A Skill-based Worksharing Approach for Microtask Assignment
Negishi Kanta; Ito Hiroyoshi; Matsubara Masaki; Morishima...
The 5th IEEE Workshop on Human-in-the-Loop Methods and Future of Work in BigData (IEEE HMData 2021)/2021-12-13--2021-12-15 - Human-in-the-loop 潜在空間学習による空間型インタラクティブ⽂献管理システム
渡邉真悟; 伊藤 寛祥; 松原正樹; 森嶋厚行
第14回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム(DEIM2022)/2022/2/28 - Joint Non-negative Tensor Factorization に基づく共通・⾮共通トピックとその時間推移の抽出
平澤嶺; 伊藤 寛祥; 松原正樹; 森嶋厚行
第14回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム(DEIM2022)予稿集/2022-2-28 - ガウス過程回帰に基づく個⼈的・集団的嗜好分布の効率的な推定
開發功太郎; 松原正樹; 伊藤 寛祥; 森嶋厚行
第14回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム(DEIM2022)/2022-3-1 - ⼀貫性の原理に基づくフィジカルクラウドソーシングの効果的なタスク分割・依頼⽅法
田中絵璃菜; 伊藤 寛祥; 松原正樹; 森嶋厚行
第14回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム(DEIM2022)/2022-3-2 - クラウドソーシングによる形式的論証の導出
木田開; 伊藤 寛祥; 松原正樹; 鈴木伸崇; 森嶋厚行
第14回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム(DEIM2022)/2022-3-2 - タスク結果の品質と労働負荷分散を両⽴したタスク割当て⼿法
根岸寛太; 伊藤 寛祥; 松原正樹; 森嶋厚行
第14回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム(DEIM2022)/2022-3-2 - Human+AI Crowd Task Assignment Considering Result Quality Requirements
Kobayashi Masaki; Wakabayashi Kei; Morishima Atsuyuki
The 9th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing/2021-11-14--2021-11-18 - Effects of Cognitive Consistency in Microtask Design with only Auditory Information
Zhong Ying; Matsubara Masaki; Kobayashi Makoto; Morishima...
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2020/2020-07-19--2020-07-24 - A System for Worldwide COVID-19 Information Aggregation
Aizawa Akiko; Bergeron Frederic; Chen Junjie; Cheng Fei; ...
NLP COVID-19 Workshop, The 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2020)/2020-07-09--2020-07-10 - People, AI, Data and the Future of Work: Computational Division of Labor with CyborgCrowd
Morishima Atsuyuki
46th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases2020 (VLDB2020)/2020-09-02--2020-09-02 - Computational Division of Labor for the Earth-Scale Collaboration among AI and People
Morishima Atsuyuki
2020 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICELTICs)/2020-10-27--2020-10-27 - An Attempt to Integration of Bibliographic Data Using Machine Learning
Osawa Naofumi; Fukushima Yukihiro; Harada Takashi; Morish...
iConference 2021 Student Symposium/2021-3-19 - more...
- Discovering diverse perspectives from large scale time-series documents data