Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • Collecting and Organizing Citizen Opinions: A Dynamic Microtask Approach and Its Evaluation
    Matsubara Masaki; Matsuda Yuhei; Kuzumi Ryouhei; Koizumi ...
    iConference 2020/2020-03-23--2020-03-26
  • 聴覚情報のみによる理解しやすいマイクロタスクデザイン
    Ying Zhong; 松原正樹; 小林 真; 森嶋 厚行
  • 階層型のラべル付けマイクロタスクにおける能動学習戦略の比較
    鵜尾厚佑; 小林 正樹; 松原正樹; 馬場雪乃; 森嶋 厚行
  • IRTを用いたクラウドソーシング実験の再現性の向上手法の提案
    勝野皓太; 松原正樹; 渡辺知恵美; 森嶋 厚行
  • クラウドソーシングにおけるAIを利用したタスク削減手法
    山下 裕; 小林 正樹; 若林啓; 森嶋 厚行
  • タスク結果品質を考慮した人間+AIクラウドへのマイクロタスク割り当て
    小林正樹; 若林啓; 森嶋 厚行
  • ファシリテータを必要としない相互学習環境の実現を目指したマイクロタスク型ワークフローの検討
    泉陽奈子; 松原正樹; 渡辺知恵美; 森嶋 厚行
  • Improving Reproducibility of Crowdsourcing Experiments
    Katsuno Kohta; Matsubara Masaki; Watanabe Chiemi; Morishi...
    The 7th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP2019)/2019-10-28--2019-10-30
  • Understandable Microtasks with No Visual Representation
    Ying Zhong; Matsubara Masaki; Kobayashi Makoto; Morishima...
    The 7th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP2019)/2019-10-28--2019-10-30
  • Active Learning Strategies for Hierarchical Labeling Microtasks
    Uo Kousuke; Kobayashi Msasaki; Matsubara Masaki; Baba Yu...
    The 3rd IEEE Workshop on Human-in-the-loop Methods and Human Machine Collaboration in BigData (IEEE HMData2019)/2019-12-09--2019-12-09
  • A Microtask Approach to Identifying Incomprehension for Facilitating Peer Learning
    Izumi Hinako; Matsubara Masaki; Watanabe Chiemi; Morishim...
    The 3rd IEEE Workshop on Human-in-the-loop Methods and Human Machine Collaboration in BigData (IEEE HMData2019)/2019-12-09--2019-12-09
  • Incentive Design for Crowdsourced Development of Selective AI for Human and Machine Data Processing: A Case Study
    Hayashi Masafumi; Kobayashi Msasaki; Matsubara Masaki; Am...
    The 3rd IEEE Workshop on Human-in-the-loop Methods and Human Machine Collaboration in BigData (IEEE HMData2019)/2019-12-09--2019-12-09
  • 人間+AIクラウドにおけるマイクロタスク処理の効率化
    小林 正樹; 若林 啓; 森嶋 厚行
  • A Task Assignment Method Considering Inclusiveness and Activity Degree
    Hashimoto Hirotaka; Matsubara Masaki; Shiraishi Yuhki; Wa...
    The Second IEEE Workshop on Human-in-the loop Methods and Human Machine Collaboration in BigData (IEEE HMData2018)/2018-12-10--2018-12-13
  • An Empirical Study on Short- and Long-term Effects of Self-Correction in Crowdsourced Microtasks
    Kobayashi Masaki; Morita Hiromi; Matsubara Masaki; Shimiz...
    The sixth AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing(HCOMP2018)/2018-07-05--2018-07-08
  • Skill-and-Stress-Aware Assignment of Crowd-Worker Groups to Task Streams
    Kumai Katsumi; Matsubara Masaki; Shiraishi Yuhki; Wakatsu...
    The sixth AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing(HCOMP2018)/2018-6-5--2018-6-8
  • Passerby Crowdsourcing: Workers' Behavior and Data Quality Management
    Iwamoto Eiichi; Matsubara Masaki; Ota Chihiro; Nakamura ...
    The ACM Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing 2019 (UbiComp2019)/2019-09-11--2019-09-13
  • Cache-based Approach to Dynamic Switching between Different Dataflows in Crowdsourcing
    Suzuki Yusuke; Matsubara Masaki; Tajima Keishi; Amagasa ...
    The Second IEEE Workshop on Human-in-the-loop Methods and Human Machine Collaboration in BigData(IEEE HMData2018)/2018-12-10--2018-12-13
  • A Route Search System Considering Urgency and Efficient Coverage without Complete Information
    Matsubara Masaki; Nakamura Yuta; Suzuki Nobutaka; Inoguch...
    The First International Workshop on Practical Issues, Systems & Applications for Disaster Risk Reduction in Smart Computing (DRRSC 2019) in IEEE BigComp2019/2019-2-27--2019-3-2
  • Identification of Important Images for Understanding Web Pages
    Zhong Yin; Matsubara Masaki; Morishima Atsuyuki
    The Second IEEE Workshop on Human-in-the-loop Methods and Human Machine Collaboration in Bigdata(IEEE HMData2018)/2018-12-10--2018-12-13
  • Worker Classification based on Answer Pattern for Finding Typical Mistake Patterns
    Mikami Tomoya; Matsubara Masaki; Harada Takashi; Morishim...
    The Second IEEE Workshop on Human-in-the-loop Methods and Human Machine Collaboration in Bigdata(IEEE HMData2018)/2018-12-10--2018-12-13
  • Finding Evidences by Crowdsourcing
    Wijerathna Nadeesha; Matsubara Masaki; Morishima Atsuyuki
    The Second IEEE Workshop on Human-in-the-loop Methods and Human Machine Collaboration in BigData(IEEE HMData2018)/2018-12-10--2018-12-13
  • A Learning Effect by Presenting Machine Prediction as a Reference Answer in Self-correction
    Matsubara Masaki; Kobayashi Masaki; Morishima Atsuyuki
    The Second IEEE Workshop on Human-in-the-loop Methods and Human Machine Collaboration in Bigdata(IEEE HMData2018)/2018-12-10--2018-12-13
  • CyborgCrowd Project: Towards Integration of Human and Machine Intelligence
    森嶋 厚行
    第1回公開シンポジウム2019 "JST CREST HCI for Machine Learning Symposium"/2019-03-11--2019-03-11
  • リファラルベースドクラウドソーシングにおけるワーカの行動分析
    蓑内 あかね; 松原 正樹; 渡辺 知恵美; 森嶋 厚行
    第11回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM2019)/2019-03-04--2019-03-06
  • more...