Researcher's full information

  • A Configuration Method of an Open-Ended Programming Language Complex
    阪口 哲男
    Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan/33/p.5, 1992-01
  • Layered Architecture of Multiple Programming Language System for Multipradigm Programming(jointly worked)
    阪口 哲男
    International Conference Computer Languages, IEEE Computer Society, 1992-01
  • Programming Enviromnment for Concurrent LISP
    阪口 哲男; 杉本 重雄; 田畑 孝一
    全国大会講演論文集/42(5)/pp.3-4, 1991-02
  • A Multi-Media Knowledge-based System(jointly worked)
    阪口 哲男
    15th Annual International Computer Software & Applications Conference, IEEE Computer Society, 1991-01
  • 階層的定義に基づく多様パラダイム指向型プログラミシグ言語
    杉本 重雄; 阪口 哲男; 田畑 孝一
    全国大会講演論文集/41(5)/pp.50-51, 1990-09
  • Predicate logic based on objects
    阪口 哲男; 田畑 孝一; 杉本 重雄
    全国大会講演論文集/40(1)/pp.168-169, 1990-03
  • Development of Common LISP-based Concurrent LISP
    藤田 岳久; 阪口 哲男; 杉本 重雄; 田畑 孝一
    全国大会講演論文集/38(2)/pp.867-868, 1989-03
  • Concurrent LISP Based on Lexical Scope(jointly worked)
    阪口 哲男
    13th Annual International Computer Software & Applications Conference, IEEE Computer Society, 1989-01
  • Concurrent Common LISP
    阪口 哲男; 杉本 重雄; 田畑 孝一
    全国大会講演論文集/37(1)/pp.648-649, 1988-09