JOHO Hideo
- Articles
- Overview of NTCIR-10
Joho Hideo; Sakai Tetsuya
Proceedings of the 10th NTCIR Conference on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies/pp.1-7, 2013 - Survey on Practice and Experience of University Students’ Task Management: Case of University of Tsukuba, Japan
Fukuzawa Ryoko; Joho Hideo; Maeshiro Tetsuya
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Library and Information Education and Practice (A-LIEP 2013)/pp.114-127, 2013 - A Survey of Temporal Web Search Experience
Joho Hideo; Jatowt Adam; Blanco Roi
Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web companion (WWW '13 Companion)/pp.1101-1108, 2013 - Doctoral Consortium at ECIR 2013
Joho Hideo; Ignatov Dmitry I.
Advances in Information Retrieval - 35th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2013, Moscow, Russia, March 24-27, 2013. Proceedings./pp.890-890, 2013-03 - Tempo of Search Actions to Modeling Successful Sessions
Fujikawa Kazuya; Joho Hideo; Nakayama Shin-ichi
Advances in Information Retrieval - 35th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2013, Moscow, Russia, March 24-27, 2013. Proceedings/pp.718-721, 2013-03 - Grid-based Interaction for Exploratory Search
Joho Hideo; Sakai Tetsuya
Information Retrieval Technology: 8th Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference, AIRS 2012, Tianjin, China, December 17-19, 2012, Proceedings/pp.496-505, 2012-12 - Constraint Can Affect Human Perception, Behaviour, and Performance of Search
Fujikawa Kazuya; Joho Hideo; Nakayama Shin’ichi
The Outreach of Digital Libraries: A Globalized Resource Network - 14th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, ICADL 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, November 12-15, 2012. Proceedings./pp.39-48, 2012-11 - NTCIR-9総括と今後の展望
酒井 哲也; 上保 秀夫; 神門 典子; (共著者名13人省略)
情報処理学会研究報告情報基礎とアクセス技術/2012-IFAT-106(5)/p.1-15, 2012-03 - Summary of NTCIR-9 and A Look Forward
酒井 哲也; 上保 秀夫; 神門 典子; 加藤 恒昭; 相澤 彰子; 秋葉 友良; 後藤 功雄; 木村 文則; 三...
IPSJ SIG Notes/2012(5)/pp.1-15, 2012-03 - Summary of NTCIR-9 and A Look Forward
酒井 哲也; 上保 秀夫; 神門 典子; 加藤 恒昭; 相澤 彰子; 秋葉 友良; 後藤 功雄; 木村 文則; 三...
IPSJ SIG Notes/2012(5)/pp.1-15, 2012-03 - NTCIR-9 VisExにおけるグリッド型インタラクションモデルの研究
上保 秀夫; 酒井 哲也
人工知能学会情報編纂研究会第7回研究会, 2011-12 - Overview of NTCIR-9
Sakai Tetsuya; Joho Hideo
Proceedings of the Ninth NTCIR Workshop Meeting on the Evaluation of Information Access Technologies (NTCIR-9)/p.1-7, 2011-12 - Overview of the VisEx task at NTCIR-9”
Kato Tsuneaki; Matsushita Mitsunori; Joho Hideo
Proceedings of the Ninth NTCIR Workshop Meeting on the Evaluation of Information Access Technologies (NTCIR-9)/p.524-532, 2011-12 - Grid-based Interaction for NTCIR-9 VisEx
Joho Hideo; Sakai Testsuya
Proceedings of the Ninth NTCIR Workshop Meeting on the Evaluation of Information Access Technologies (NTCIR-9)/p.533-540, 2011-12 - Effect of Explicit Roles on Collaborative Search in Travel Planning Task
Imazu Marika; Nakayama Shin’ichi; Joho Hideo
Proceedings of the 7th Asian Information Retrieval Societies (AIRS 2011)/p.205-214, 2011-12 - Globalization of LIS Education in Japan: A Case of the University of Tsukuba
Joho Hideo; Uda Norihiko; Morishima Atsuyuki; Ishii Hiro...
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Global Collaboration of Information Schools (WIS 2011), 2011-10 - Formulating Effective Questions for Community-based Question Answering
Suzuki Saori; Nakayama Shin'ichi; Joho Hideo
Proceedings of the 34th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval/p.1261-1262, 2011-07 - Diane Kelly: Methods for Evaluating Interactive Information Retrieval Systems with Users
Joho Hideo
Information Retrieval/14(2)/p.204-207, 2011-04 - Looking at the viewer: analysing facial activity to detect personal highlights of multimedia contents
Joho Hideo; Staiano Jacopo; Sebe Nicu; Jose Joemon M.
MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS/51(2:::Sp. Iss. SI)/pp.505-523, 2011-01 - Ideas for the International Collaboration in the LIS Education and Research at Tsukuba
C. Mizoue; N. Nakayama; Ishii Hirotoyo; H. Joho; M. Mats...
Workshop on Global Collaboration of Infomation Schools (WIS2010), 2010-06 - Can an Intermediary Collection Help Users Search Image Databases Without Annotations?
Villa Robert; Halvey Martin; Joho Hideo; Hannah David; Jo...
Proceedings of the 10th annual joint conference on Digital libraries/p.303-312, 2010-01 - Search system requirements of patent analysts
Azzopardi Leif; Vanderbauwhede Wim; Joho Hideo
Proceeding of the 33rd international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval/p.775-776, 2010-01 - A Survey of Patent Users: An Analysis of Tasks, Behavior, Search Functionality and System Requirements
Joho Hideo; Azzopardi L.; Vanderbauwhede W.
Proceedings of the Third Information Interaction in Context Symposium (IIiX 2010)/p.13-24, 2010-01 - Factors Affecting Click-Through Behavior in Aggregated Search Interfaces
Sushmita Shanu; Joho Hideo; Lalmas Mounia; Villa Robert
Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2010), 2010-01 - Study of context influence on classifiers trained under different video-document representations
Bermejo Pablo; Joho Hideo; Jose Joemon M.; Villa Robert
Information Processing and Management/47(2)/p.215-226, 2010-01 - more...
- Overview of NTCIR-10