SEKI Yohei
- Articles
- コミュニティQAを用いたクエリ拡張のためのコンテキスト抽出に関する一考察
大塚淳史; 関洋平; 神門典子; 佐藤哲司
日本データベース学会/11(1), 2012-07 - QAque: Faceted Query Expansion Techniques for Exploratory Search using Community QA Resources
Atsushi Otsuka; Yohei Seki; Noriko Kando; Tetsuji Satoh
Proceedings of Workshop on Community Question Answering on the Web (CQA2012), in conjunction with the 21st International World Wide Web Conference (WWW)/p.799-806, 2012-04 - Facemark Recommendation based on Emotion, Communication, and Motion Type Estimation in Text
江村 優花; 関 洋平
IPSJ SIG Notes/2012(1)/pp.1-7, 2012-03 - Evaluation of Interactive Information Access System using Concept Map
Masaharu Yoshioka; Noriko Kando; and Yohei Seki; +関 洋平
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Evaluating Information Access, 2011-12 - 情報要求の言語化を支援するクエリ拡張型Web 検索システムに関する一検討
大塚 淳史; 関 洋平; 神門 典子; 佐藤 哲司
情報処理学会 論文誌 データベース(TOD)/4(3)/p.1 -11, 2011-10 - Automatic Prediction of High-Quality Answers in Community QA
石川 大介; 酒井 哲也; 関 洋平; 栗山 和子; 神門 典子
Joho Chishiki Gakkaishi/21(3)/pp.362-382, 2011-09 - Experimental Analysis of NSContrast: Comparison and Analysis System for News Sites from Multiple Countries
吉岡 真治; 神門 典子; 関 洋平
IPSJ SIG Notes/2011(2)/pp.1-8, 2011-07 - A Study for Many-sided Assessment of Community QA
渡邊 直人; 島田 諭; 関 洋平; 神門 典子; 佐藤 哲司
Joho Chishiki Gakkaishi/21(2)/pp.163-168, 2011-05 - Determination of the Quality of Answers in Community QA by Multiple Assessors
石川 大介; 酒井 哲也; 関 洋平; 栗山 和子; 神門 典子
Joho Chishiki Gakkaishi/21(2)/pp.169-177, 2011-05 - Using Graded-Relevance Metrics for Evaluating Community QA Answer Selection
Tetsuya Sakai; Daisuke Ishikawa; Noriko Kando; Yohei Sek...
Proceedings of The Fourth ACM Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2011), 2011-02 - 言語を横断したアプレイザル辞書の構築と多言語意見分析タスクにおける評価
関 洋平
情報アクセスシンポジウム 2010, 2010-09 - RD-003 Selecting Good Answers for Community QA : A Note on Evaluation Methods
酒井 哲也; 石川 大介; 栗山 和子; 関 洋平; 神門 典子
情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集/9(2)/pp.13-20, 2010-08 - Overview of Multilingual Opinion Analysis Task at NTCIR-8 - A Step Toward Cross-Lingual Opinion Analysis
Yohei Seki; Lun-Wei Ku; Le Sun; Hsin-Hsi Chen; and Norik...
Proc. of the Eighth NTCIR Workshop, 2010-06 - Multilingual Opinion Holder Identification from Author and Authority Viewpoints, Information and Processing Management
Yohei Seki; Noriko Kando; and Masaki Aono
Information Processing and Management/45(2)/p.189-199, 2009-01 - ユーザのタグ付けの傾向を利用したソーシャルブックマーク内の関連ページ検索手法
杉山典之; 関洋平; 青野雅樹
日本データベース学会/7(1)/p.239-244, 2008-07 - 多重フーリエスペクトル表現に基づく3 次元モデルの形状類似検索
立間淳司; 関洋平; 青野雅樹; 大渕竜太郎
電子情報通信学会和文論文誌/J91-D(1)/p.23-36, 2008-01 - Opinion Holder Extraction from Author and Authority Viewpoints
Yohei Seki
Proc. of the 30th Ann. Int'l. ACM SIGIR Conf. on Research and Development on Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2007), 2007-07 - Opinion Analysis across Languages: An Overview of and Observations from the NTCIR6 Opinion Analysis Pilot Task
David K. Evans; Lun-Wei Ku; Yohei Seki; Hsin-Hsi Chen; No...
Proc. of the Third international Cross-Language Information Processing workshop (CLIP2007), 2007-07 - Flexible Credibility Estimation Based on Topic Types Using Five Metrics
Yohei Seki
Proc. of the First Workshop on Information Credibility on the Web (WICOW), 2007-06 - Time Series Data Mining for Multimodal Bio-Signal Data
Masaki Aono; Yusuke Sekiguchi; Yoshifumi Yasuda; Naoya S...
Int'l Journal of Computer Science and Network Security/6(10), 2006-10 - Automatic Alignment of Ontology Eliminating the Probable Misalignments
Seddiqui Md. Hanif; Yohei Seki; and Masaki Aono
Proc. of the 1st Asian Semantic Web Conf. (ASWC 2006), 2006-09 - A Method of Rating the Credibility of News Documents on the Web
Ryosuke Nagura; Yohei Seki; Noriko Kando; and Masaki Aono
Proc. of the 29th Ann. Int'l. ACM SIGIR Conf. on Research and Development on Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2006), 2006-08 - Multi-Document Summarization Reflecting Information Needs on Subjectivity
Yohei Seki; Koji Eguchi; Noriko Kando; and Masaki Aono
Proc. of the Fifth NTCIR Workshop [Presented at the Refereed Sessions]., 2005-12 - Multi-document Viewpoint Summarization Based on Users' Information Needs and Its Evaluation
関 洋平; 江口 浩二; 神門 典子
情報処理学会論文誌. データベース/46(8)/pp.106-119, 2005-06 - Analysis of Multi-Document Viewpoint Summarization Using Multi-Dimensional Genres
Yohei Seki; Koji Eguchi; and Noriko Kando
AAAI Spring Symposium on Exploring Attitude and Affect in Text: Theories and Applications, Technical Report SS-04-07, 2004-03 - more...
- コミュニティQAを用いたクエリ拡張のためのコンテキスト抽出に関する一考察