- Conference, etc.
- 水溶液中における酸化カーボンナノホーンの分散凝集挙動
小林 幹佳; 大見謝清乃
第72回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会/2021-09-15--2021-09-17 - Aggregation of microplastic particles in the presence of humic acid: Effects of KCl and CaCl2 solutions
Hakim Azizul; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
The 11th Interfaces Against Pollution/2021-05-14--2021-05-17 - Shake-gel of aqueous colloidal suspension of silica nanoparticle and polyethylene oxide: effect of pH and molecular weight
Kobayashi Motoyoshi; Huang Yi
Geneva Colloids 2021/2021-04-08--2021-04-09 - Fundamental of Colloidal Dispersion in Bio-Resources and Environmental Engieering
Kobayashi Motoyoshi
界面動電現象研究会セミナー/2021-03-04--2021-03-04 - Aggregation and Charging of Natural Colloids
Kobayashi Motoyoshi
International Symposium on “Interfacial Processes and Soil Health”/2020-11-11--2020-11-11 - How I have been playing with Hiroyuki Ohshima theories
Kobayashi Motoyoshi
Tsukuba Global Science Week 2020/2020-09-28--2020-09-30 - Aggregation and aggregate strength of natural organic matter: effects of hydrophobicity and solution pH
Hakim Azizul; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
Tsukuba Global Science Week 2020/2020-09-28--2020-09-30 - Effects of Turbulent Flow and Co-ion Valence on Aggregation Kinetics of Polystyrene Latex Particles
Gao Jiahui; Sugimoto Takuya; 幹佳 小林
第71回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会/2020-09-14--2020-09-16 - Critical coagulation ionic strength of allophane particles in the presence of multivalent counter-ions
Li Maolin; 小林 幹佳
第71回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会/2020-09-14--2020-09-16 - Effects of Turbulent Flow and Co-ion Valence on Aggregation Kinetics of Polystyrene Latex Particles
Gao Jiahui; Sugimoto Takuya; 小林 幹佳
第71回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会/2020-09-14--2020-09-16 - サポナイトと polyethylene oxide の混合コロイドのシェイクゲル
李 江澤; 黄逸; 小林 幹佳
第71回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会/2020-09-14--2020-09-16 - シリカナノ粒子とポリエチレンオキサイドからなるシェイクゲルの緩和の直接観察
黄逸; 小林 幹佳
第71回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会/2020-09-14--2020-09-16 - 生物資源環境コロイドの基礎凝集工学
小林 幹佳
高分子と水・分離に関する研究会および2019年度界面動電現象研究会/2020-03-09--2020-03-09 - 分散凝集と界面動電現象入門~やさしいイントロダクションとリテラシー
小林 幹佳
第7回分散・凝集のすべて/2019-12-19--2019-12-19 - Critical Coagulation Ionic Strengths on Heteroaggregation in the presence of Multivalent Ions
Sugimoto Takuya; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
OKINAWA COLLOIDS 2019 An International Conference on Colloid & Surface Science Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Divisional Meeting of Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, The Chemical Society of Japan/2019-11-03--2019-11-08 - Maximum adsorbed amount of charged macromolecules on gold-water interface: Effect of surface potential
YAMAGUCHI Atsushi; Helfricht Nicolas; Kobayashi Motoyosh...
OKINAWA COLLOIDS 2019 An International Conference on Colloid & Surface Science Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Divisional Meeting of Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, The Chemical Society of Japan/2019-11-03--2019-11-08 - Critical Coagulation Ionic Strengths on Heteroaggregation in the presence of Multivalent Ions
SUGIMOTO Takuya; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
OKINAWA COLLOIDS 2019 An International Conference on Colloid & Surface Science Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Divisional Meeting of Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, The Chemical Society of Japan/2019-11-03--2019-11-08 - Charging and aggregation behaviors of oxidized carbon nanohorn (CNHox) in aqueous solution
OMIJA Kiyono; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
OKINAWA COLLOIDS 2019 An International Conference on Colloid & Surface Science Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Divisional Meeting of Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, The Chemical Society of Japan/2019-11-03--2019-11-08 - Charging and aggregation-dispersion of cellulose nanofibers in aqueous solution: effect of pH and electrolyte concentration
Kobayashi Motoyoshi
OKINAWA COLLOIDS 2019 An International Conference on Colloid & Surface Science Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Divisional Meeting of Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, The Chemical Society of Japan/2019-11-03--2019-11-08 - Aggregation Kinetics of Colloidal Particles in Turbulent Flow: Effect of Multivalent Co-Ions
Gao Jiahui; Sugimoto Takuya; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
2019年度 土壌物理学会大会/2019-10-26--2019-10-26 - 多価イオンの存在下でのヘテロ凝集の臨界凝集濃度
杉本 卓也; 小林 幹佳
2019年度 土壌物理学会大会/2019-10-26--2019-10-26 - 多価イオンの存在下でのヘテロ凝集の臨界凝集濃度
杉本 卓也; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
2019年度 土壌物理学会大会/2019-10-26--2019-10-26 - Strength of Flocs of Lysozyme - Humic Acid Complexes
Wan Khairunnisa; Hakim Azizul; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
2019年度 土壌物理学会大会/2019-10-26--2019-10-26 - Charging and aggregation behaviors of allophane in the presence of multivalent counter-ions
Li Maolin; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
2019年度 土壌物理学会大会/2019-10-26--2019-10-26 - Aggregation Kinetics of Colloidal Particles in Turbulent Flow: Effect of Multivalent Co-Ions
Gao Jiahui; Sugimoto Takuya; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
2019年度 土壌物理学会大会/2019-10-26--2019-10-26 - more...
- 水溶液中における酸化カーボンナノホーンの分散凝集挙動