Researcher's full information

  • 岩手県の農業域小河川におけるSS,TN,TPの流出特性と凝集による制御の可能性
    小林幹佳・似内美貴・山田健太・阿部勉・原科幸爾; +小林 幹佳
    水工学論文集/55/pp.S1285-S1290, 2011-02
  • Rheological Properties of Flocculated Colloidal Suspension
    足立 泰久; 小林 幹佳; 深澤 智典; SCALES Peter J.
    Journal of the Society of Powder Technology,Japan/47(4)/pp.230-239, 2010-04
  • 水中に懸濁した微粒子の凝集分散:基礎理論とその適用性
    塗装工学/45(11)/p.429-442, 2010-01
  • 天然有機物の存在下における懸濁粒子の凝集に関するモデル実験
    小林幹佳; 阿部勉; 牛米慶太; 細田貴之
    水工学論文集/54/p.1651‐1656, 2010-01
  • Protonation of silica particles in the presence of a strong cationic polyelectrolyte
    Cakara; D.; Kobayashi; M.; Skarba; M.; and Borkovec; M.; +小林 幹佳
    Colloids and Surfaces A/339/p.20-25, 2009-01
  • Initial deposition rate of latex particles in the packed bed of zirconia beads
    Kobayashi; M.; Nanaumi; H.; and Muto; Y.; +小林 幹佳
    Colloids and Surfaces A/347/p.2-7, 2009-01
  • 水利環境工学研究室紹介―水と土のコロイド学雑話―
    北水会報/115/p.6-7, 2008-01
  • Electrophoretic mobility of latex spheres in the presence of divalent ions: experiments and modeling
    Kobayashi M.
    Colloid and Polymer Science/286/p.935-940, 2008-01
  • Aggregation of unequal-sized and oppositely charged colloidal particles in a shear flow,
    Kobayashi M.
    Journal of Applied Mechanics, JSCE/11/p.517-523, 2008-01
  • Break-up Strength of Flocs Analyzed Using Orifice Converging Flow
    足立 泰久; 小林 幹佳; 福原 康之
    Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi(Journal of the Society of Rheology, Japan)/35(2)/pp.69-72, 2007-04
  • Kinetics of shear coagulation of oppositely charged particles: A trajectory analysis
    Kobayashi M.
    Theoretical Applied Mechanics Japan/56/p.267-272, 2007-01
  • Heteroaggregation in binary mixtures of oppositely charged particles
    Lin; W.; Kobayashi; M.; Skarba; M.; Mu; C.; Galletto; P.; Borkovec ...
    Langmuir/22/p.1038-1047, 2006-01
  • Study of colloidal stability of allophane dispersion by dynamic light scattering
    Adachi Y; Koga S; Kobayashi M; Inada M
  • Capture efficiency and coagulation rate of polystyrene latex particles in a laminar shear flow: Effects of ionic strength and shear rate
    Sato D; Kobayashi M; Adachi Y
  • Effects of heat treatment on the aggregation and charging of Stöber-type silica
    Kobayashi Motoyoshi; Michal Skarba; Paolo Galletto; Dusko Ca...
    Journal of colloid and interface science/292( 1)/pp.139-147, 2005-01
  • Aggregation and charging of colloidal silica particles: effect of particle size
    Kobayashi; M.; Juillerat; F.; Galletto; P.; Bowen; P.; Borkovec; M...
    Langmuir/21/p.5761-5769, 2005-01
  • Strength of natural soil flocs.
    Kobayashi M.
    Water Research/39/p.3273-3278, 2005-01
  • Capillary Diameter Effects on the Apparent Viscosity of the Suspension of Clay Flocs
    宮原 和己; 大井 節男; 中石 克也; 小林 幹佳; 足立 泰久
    Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi(Journal of the Society of Rheology, Japan)/32(5)/pp.277-284, 2004-12
  • Colloid stability and coagulation rate of polystyrene latex particles in a turbulent flow
    Kobayashi M; Maekita T; Adachi Y; Sasaki H
  • Evaluation of the strength of sodium montmorillonite flocs based on apparent viscosity and yield stress.
    Miyahara; K.; Ooi; S.; Nakaishi; K.; Adachi; Y.; and Kobayashi; M...
    Proceedings of XIVth International Congress on Rheology/SU63/p.1-3, 2004-01
  • Effects of salt concentration on the yield stress of Na-montmorillonite suspension.
    Miyahara K; Ooi S; Nakaishi K; Adachi Y; Kobayashi M
    Proceedings of XIVth International Congress on Rheology/SU69/pp.1-3, 2004-01
  • Effect of floc structure on the rate of shear coagulation
    D.Sato; +足立 泰久; +小林 幹佳
    Journal of Colloid and Interface Science/272/p.345-351, 2004-01
  • Breakup and strength of polystyrene latex flocs subjected to a converging flow
    Kobayashi M.
    Colloids and Surfaces A/235/p.73-78, 2004-01
  • Densification of small flocs formed in the mixing flow under the condition of rapid coagulation
    Adachi; Y.; Kobayashi; M.; and Yanagibashi; T.; +小林 幹佳
    Trans. JSIDRE/233/p.49-56, 2004-01
  • On the yield stress of sheared coagulated suspensions
    Kobayashi; M.; Ooi; S.; and Adachi; Y.; +小林 幹佳
    Annual J. Hydraulic Engineering/46/p.637-640, 2002-01
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