- Articles
- Physicochemical properties and micromorphology of degraded alpine meadow soils in the Eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Ma Xuping; Asano Maki; Tamura Kenji; Zhao Ruonan; Nak...
CATENA/194, 2020-11 - Evaluating vanadium bioavailability,to cabbage in rural soils using geochemical and micro-spectroscopic techniques
Wu Cho-Yin; Asano Maki; Hashimoto Yohey; Rinklebe Joe...
ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION/258, 2020-03 - 埼玉県三芳町における落ち葉堆肥連用圃場の土壌の特徴
渋澤孝雄; 田村 憲司; 梅宮善章; 浅野眞希
日本土壌肥料学会関東支部会講演要旨集, 2019-12 - 自然栽培土壌の特徴づけ - 土壌微細形態的考察 -
尾坂奈生; 田村 憲司; 中塚博子; 島田紘明; 高橋純子; 浅野眞希
日本土壌肥料学会関東支部会講演要旨集, 2019-12 - The Characteristics of Soil Organic Matter of Andosols of Forest Sites in Japan using Particle Size Fractionation and STXM NEAFS
Eseese Victoria F.; Maki Asano; Wagai R.; Ohigashi T.; Ta...
Proceeding of 14th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies, 2019-11 - Comparison of adjacent soils formed different parent materials, Cache Valley, Utah, USA
Shimada Hiroaki; Boettinger Janis L.; Jacobson Astrid; Ma...
Proceeding of 14th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies, 2019-11 - Characteristics of soil morphology of high mountain belt in Khuvsgul mountain region, Mongolia
Narangerel Saruul.; Jamsran Undarmaa; Maki Asano; Tamura ...
Proceeding of 14th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies, 2019-11 - Comparison of Sample Preparation Methods for Multielements Analysis of Olive Oil by ICP-MS
Damak Fadwa; Asano Maki; Baba Koji; Ksibi Mohamed; Ta...
Methods and protocols/2(3), 2019-08 - An improved method to identify osmium-stained organic matter within soil aggregate structure by electron microscopy and synchrotron X-ray micro-computed tomography
Arai Miwa; Uramoto Go-Ichiro; Asano Maki; Uematsu Kat...
SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH/191/pp.275-281, 2019-08 - Interregional traceability of Tunisian olive oils to the provenance soil by multielemental fingerprinting and chemometrics
Damak Fadwa; Asano Maki; Baba Koji; Suda Aomi; Araoka...
Food chemistry/283/pp.656-664, 2019-06 - 9-1-6 土壌教育の世界標準を日本から発信する~国際土壌10年の取組~土壌教育とSDGs(9-1 社会・教育,2019年静岡大会)
浅野 眞希; 家永 佳帆織; 田村 憲司
Abstracts of the Annual Meetings, Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2019 - 10 埼玉県三芳町における落ち葉堆肥連用圃場の土壌の特徴(関東支部講演会,2019年度各支部会)
渋澤 孝雄; 田村 憲司; 梅宮 善章; 浅野 眞希
Abstracts of the Annual Meetings, Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2019 - 9 自然栽培土壌の特徴づけ − 土壌微細形態的考察 −(関東支部講演会,2019年度各支部会)
尾坂 奈生; 田村 憲司; 中塚 博子; 島田 紘明; 高橋 純子; 浅野 眞希
Abstracts of the Annual Meetings, Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2019 - 9-1-2 生物基礎「生物の多様性と生態系」における土壌を教授する効果−高校生を対象とした学習展開例−(9-1 社会・教育,2019年静岡大会)
家永 佳帆織; 浅野 眞希; 田村 憲司
Abstracts of the Annual Meetings, Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2019 - Seabird-affected taluses are denitrification hotspots and potential N2O emitters in the High Arctic
Hayashi Kentaro; Tanabe Yukiko; Ono Keisuke; Loonen M...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/8, 2018-11 - New findings and future prospects of the research on Kuroboku-do (volcanic ash soil)
浅野 眞希; 井上 弦; 早津 雅仁; 高橋 正; 和田 信一郎; 和穎 朗太
Jpn. J. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr./89(1)/pp.56-61, 2018-06 - In Search of a Binding Agent: Nano-Scale Evidence of Preferential Carbon Associations with Poorly-Crystalline Mineral Phases in Physically-Stable, Clay-Sized Aggregates
Asano Maki; Wagai Rota; Yamaguchi Noriko; Takeichi Yasuo...
Soil Systems/2(2), 2018-5 - X線CT技術を用いた土壌団粒中の有機物と間隙構造の可視化(ポスター,1-1 物質循環・動態,2017年度仙台大会)
荒井 見和; 浅野 眞希; 浦本 豪一郎; 諸野 祐樹; 和穎 朗太
Abst. AMS. JSSSPN/63(0)/pp.8-8, 2018-05 - 団粒の三次元構造内部の間隙および有機物の空間分布の特徴:放射光源を利用したX線CT法とOs染色法の応用(1-1 物質循環・動態,2018年度神奈川大会)
荒井 見和; 浦本 豪一郎; 浅野 眞希; 諸野 祐樹; 上杉 健太郎; 竹内 晃久; 岩崎 亘典; ...
Abstracts of the Annual Meetings, Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition/64/pp.1-1, 2018 - 中国内蒙古自治区フルンボイル草原の異なる管理方式における土壌微細形態と土壌団粒分析(ポスター,5-2 土地分類利用・景域評価,2018年度神奈川大会)
三林 翠; 田村 憲司; 浅野 眞希; 韓 兴国; 烏 云娜; 王 正文
Abstracts of the Annual Meetings, Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2018 - 三宅島2000年噴火火山灰堆積地における有機物集積の経時変化(5-1 土壌生成・分類,2018年度神奈川大会)
浅野 眞希; 上條 隆志; 田村 憲司; 和穎 朗太; 向井 広樹; 武市 泰男; 高木 哲一; 小野 寛太; 菅...
Abstracts of the Annual Meetings, Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2018 - ユタ州キャッシュバレーにおける母材の異なる土壌の生成(5-1 土壌生成・分類,2018年度神奈川大会)
島田 紘明; Janis L. Boettinger; Astrid Jacobson; 浅野 眞希; 田...
Abstracts of the Annual Meetings, Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition/64/pp.80-80, 2018 - 土壌物理分画から得られる炭素・窒素同位体比の変動を支配する法則性:微生物変性、鉱物表面反応、団粒化 (Governing rules behind C and N isotope variations in soil density fractions across a range of soil types)(2-1 土壌有機・無機成分の構造・機能・ダイナミクス,2018年度神奈川大会)
和穎 朗太; 梶浦 雅子; 井上 弦; 浅野 眞希; 早川 智恵
Abstracts of the Annual Meetings, Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition/64/pp.16-16, 2018 - Distinctive roles of two aggregate binding agents in allophanic Andisols: young carbon and poorly-crystalline metal phases with old carbon
Wagai Rota; Kajiura Masako; Uchida Masao; asano M
Soil Systems/2(2), 2018-4 - What does the soil profile give us? Approach from pedology to geoparks
Asano Maki
The Quaternary Research (Daiyonki-Kenkyu)/56(3)/pp.137-143, 2017-06 - more...
- Physicochemical properties and micromorphology of degraded alpine meadow soils in the Eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau