- Affiliation
- Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences
- Official title
- Professor
- 0000-0001-9603-2418
- ;8*.>&HWS.28Q98:0:'&Q&(Q/5^
- Office
- 居室 3F-202
- Phone
- 029-853-5358, 029-853-5238(理修棟B222)
- Fax
- 029-853-4490
- Research keywords
biosensor modified electrode microbial fuel cell bioelectrochemistry electrochemistry redox enzyme biosensor biofuel cell porous carbon mediator more... - Research projects
使い捨て紙電極を使用した微小流体デバイスでの細胞外神経伝達物質の分析 2022-03 -- 2025-03 辻村清也 日本学術振興会 特別研究員奨励費/ 2,300,000Yen 地下生命圏における炭素循環研究の深化ー微生物代謝速度の定量化ー 2022-06 -- 2025-03 風呂田 郷史 日本学術振興会 挑戦 開拓/ 4,500,000Yen 酵素電極系に適した有機系レドックスポリマーの開発 2024-01 -- 2024-12 辻村清也 電気化学会関東支部/ 500,000Yen 競走馬用ウェラブル汗センサの開発 2024-01 -- 2024-12 辻村清也 日本競走馬協会/ 3,000,000Yen 自己駆動型バイオ電気化学デバイスの開発 2022-04 -- 2023-03 辻村清也 公益財団法人池谷科学技術振興財団/ 1,500,000Yen バイオ系に幅広く適用可能な酸素還元カソードの開発 2022-04 -- 2023-03 辻村清也 八洲環境技術振興財団/ 1,000,000Yen カーボン系非白金酸素還元触媒のバイオ電気化学デバイスへの展開 2022 -- 2023 辻村 清也 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) 6,500,000Yen 医療負担軽減を目的とした体温測定を伴わない熱中症化学センシング 2021-04 -- 2022-03 四反田功 JST,A-STEP 産学共同(育成型)令和2年度追加公募/ 770,000Yen 発汗成分モニタリングのためのウェアラブルセンサの創成と熱中症との相関解析 2021-04 -- 2024-02 四反田功 /日本学術振興会/基盤研究(B) 1,200,000Yen 生体触媒と電極間の電子移動を促進する電極表面修飾の開拓 2021-03 -- 2022-02 辻村清也 公益財団法人 松籟科学技術振興財団/ 1,000,000Yen more... - Career history
2024-04 -- (current) 筑波大学数理物質系教授 2021-04 -- (current) 東京理科大客員准教授 2018-07 -- 2018-08 The University of QueenslandAdvanced Water Management CentreVisiting Researcher 2018-06 -- 2018-06 Centre de Recherche Paul PascalVisiting Researcher 2018-04 -- 2018-05 Université Grenoble AlpesVisiting Professor 2017-04 -- (current) 産業技術総合研究所客員研究員 2002-04 -- 2003-06 JSPSResearch Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC1) 2003-07 -- 2007-03 Kyoto UniversityGraduate School of AgricultureAssistant Professor 2007-04 -- 2011-08 Kyoto UniversityGraduate School of AgricultureAssistant Professor 2010-02 -- 2010-12 Centre national de la recherche scientifique客員研究員 more... - Academic background
1996-04 -- 2000-03 Kyoto University Faculty of Agriculture 生物機能科学科 2000-04 -- 2002-03 Kyoto University Graduate School of Agriculture Division of Applied Life Sciences 2002-04 -- 2003-06 Kyoto University Graduate School of Agriculture Division of Agriculture - Degree
2007-03 Doctor of Agriculture Kyoto University - Licenses and qualifications
2009-07-27 第一種衛生管理者 - Academic societies
2020-02 -- (current) The Japan Society of Applied Physics 2017 -- (current) Bioelectrochemical Society 2001 -- (current) The Electrochemical Society of Japan (ECSJ) 2012 -- (current) Chemical Society of Japan 2001 -- (current) JAPAN SOCIETY FOR BIOSCIENCE, BIOTECHNOLOGY, AND AGROCHEMISTRY 2008 -- (current) The Carbon Society of Japan 2001 -- (current) THE POLAROGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN 2012 -- (current) The Materials Research Society of Japan 2011 -- (current) International Society of Electrochemistry - Honors & Awards
2024-03 電気化学会 学術賞 生体触媒電極反応の新展開 2022-11 日本ポーラログラフ学会 志方メダル 電気化学バイオデバイスの高機能化に向けた材料開発 2018-03 農芸化学奨励賞 バイオエレクトロカタリシスの基礎と応用の新展開 2017-01 Best Speakers Award, JAFOE2017 - Articles
- Electrocatalysis of Bacterial Membrane Vesicles
Savage Thomas Kouyou; Tsujimura Seiya; Nomura Nobuhiko...
ChemRxiv, 2024-12-30 - Rational design of redox active metal organic frameworks for mediated electron transfer of enzymes
Rezki Muhammad; Hossain Md Motaher; Savage Thomas Kouy...
MATERIALS HORIZONS/Epub, 2024-12-19 - Nature-Inspired Superhydrophilic Biosponge as Structural Beneficial Platform for Sweating Analysis Patch
Ding Hanlin; Yang Hao; Tsujimura Seiya
ADVANCED SCIENCE/11(30)/p.2401947, 2024-06 - Graphene oxide-based nanomaterials for electrochemical bio/immune sensing and its advancements in health care applications: A review
Hybrid Advances/5/p.100123, 2023-12 - Adsorption of Laccase on Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes
Ben Tahar Awatef; Suherman Alex L.; Boualam Abderrahim...
Electrochemistry/92(2)/p.022010, 2024-02 - Performance of a Fe-N-C catalyst in single-chamber MFC air-cathode at neutral media
Sato-soto Silvia; Sato Shota; TSUJIMURA Seiya
Electrochemistry/92(2)/p.022016, 2024-02 - Porous carbon-based electrochemical platform for direct electron transfer in myoglobin
Hossain Md Motaher; Morshed Jannatul; Nomoto Akira; TS...
Electroanalysis/36(6)/p.e202300388, 2024-03 - Enzyme Cascade Electrode Reactions with Nanomaterials and Their Applicability towards Biosensor and Biofuel Cells
Sundaram Shalini devi Kalyana; Hossain Md. Motaher; Rez...
BIOSENSORS-BASEL/13(12), 2023-12 - Effect of pore size of MgO-templated porous carbon electrode on immobilized crosslinked enzyme-mediator redox network
Hossain Md Motaher; Tsujimura Seiya
JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES/594, 2024-02-28 - Emerging electrochemical biosensing strategies using enzyme-incorporated metal-organic frameworks
Devi K. S. Shalini; Rezki Muhammad; Tsujimura Seiya
TALANTA OPEN/8, 2023-12 - Insight into continuous glucose monitoring: from medical basics to commercialized devices
Chmayssem Ayman; Nadolska Malgorzata; Tubbs Emily; Sad...
MICROCHIMICA ACTA/190(5), 2023-05 - Hierarchical Structure of Gold and Carbon Electrode for Bilirubin Oxidase-Biocathode
Nakagawa Yuto; Tsujimura Seiya; Zelsmann Marc; Zebda ...
BIOSENSORS-BASEL/13(4), 2023-04 - A disposable enzymatic biofuel cell for glucose sensing via short-circuit current
Morshed Jannatul; Hossain Motaher M.; Zebda Abdelkader...
BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS/230, 2023-06 - Impact of Lactic Acid and Genipin Concentration on Physicochemical and Mechanical Properties of Chitosan Membranes
Kondratowicz Izabela; Shalayel Ibrahim; Nadolska Malgo...
JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT/31(3)/pp.1221-1231, 2023-03 - High-performance paper-based biocathode fabricated by screen-printing an improved mesoporous carbon ink and by oriented immobilization of bilirubin oxidase
Loew Noya; Shitanda Isao; Goto Himeka; Watanabe Hikar...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/12(1), 2022-08 - Improved Stability of Continuous Operation of Lactate Oxidase-hydrogel Electrodes Using Os(bipyridine)(2)Cl-pendant Poly(vinyl Imidazole)
Terazawa Ryunosuke; Mikawa Tsutomu; Tsujimura Seiya
SENSORS AND MATERIALS/34(8:2)/pp.3133-3140, 2022-05 - Glucose Sensor Strip Using Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide-dependent Glucose Dehydrogenase with Quinones as Redox Mediators
Gong Yue; Tsujimura Seiya
SENSORS AND MATERIALS/34(8:2:SI)/pp.3141-3146, 2022-05 - Self-Powered Diaper Sensor with Wireless Transmitter Powered by Paper-Based Biofuel Cell with Urine Glucose as Fuel
Shitanda Isao; Fujimura Yuki; Takarada Tatsuya; Suzuki...
ACS SENSORS/6(9)/pp.3409-3415, 2021-09 - Chitosan-based enzyme ink for screen-printed bioanodes
Shitanda Isao; Oda Kanako; Loew Noya; Watanabe Hikari...
RSC ADVANCES/11(33)/pp.20550-20556, 2021-06 - High Capacity Lactate Biofuel Cell Using Enzyme Cascade without NAD
Shitanda Isao; Tsunaga Motoki; Watanabe Hikari; Itagak...
CHEMISTRY LETTERS/50(6)/pp.1160-1163, 2021-06 - Disposable electrochemical glucose sensor based on water-soluble quinone-based mediators with flavin adenine dinucleotide-dependent glucose dehydrogenase
Morshed Jannatul; Nakagawa Ryo; Hossain Motaher M.; Ni...
BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS/189, 2021-10 - Designing a cross-linked redox network for a mediated enzyme-based electrode
Hossain Motaher M.; Morshed Jannatul; Tsujimura Seiya
CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS/57(57)/pp.6999-7002, 2021-07 - Fabrication of an Organic Redox Capacitor with a Neutral Aqueous Electrolyte Solution
Nakagawa Yuto; Tsujimura Seiya
ELECTROCHEMISTRY/89(3)/pp.317-322, 2021 - Polydopamine Coating on Lactate Oxidase- and 1,2-Naphthoquinone-modified Porous Carbon Electrode for Stability Improvement
Shitanda Isao; Takamatsu Kotarou; Yoshihata Yukihiro; ...
CHEMISTRY LETTERS/50(4)/pp.593-595, 2021-04 - Electrochemical modification at multiwalled carbon nanotube electrodes with Azure A for FAD- glucose dehydrogenase wiring: structural optimization to enhance catalytic activity and stability
Tsujimura Seiya; Tanaka Shunya; Gross Andrew; Holzinge...
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-ENERGY/3(2), 2021-04 - more...
- Electrocatalysis of Bacterial Membrane Vesicles
- Books
- 多孔質炭素を活用したバイオ燃料電池の高性能化
辻村 清也; 四反田功
酵素トランスデューサーと酵素技術展開―酵素センサ&バイオ電池,そして酵素処理応用(食品,医薬,修復), 2020-03 - 印刷によるウェアラブルバイオ燃料電池
辻村 清也; 四反田功
酵素トランスデューサーと酵素技術展開―酵素センサ&バイオ電池,そして酵素処理応用(食品,医薬,修復), 2020-03 - Graphene
Tsujimura Seiya; Takai Kazuyuki; Kang Feiyu; Inagaki Michio
Elsevier, 2019-10 - Porous carbon materials for enzymatic fuel cells
辻村 清也
Bioelectrochemistry : Design and Applications of Biomaterials/de Gruyter GmbH, 2019-03 - Porous carbon materials for enzymatic fuel cells
辻村 清也
Bioelectrochemistry : Design and Applications of Biomaterials/de Gruyter GmbH/pp.59-76, 2019-03 - 印刷型酵素バイオ燃料電池の開発とエネルギーハーベスターへの応用
辻村 清也
Frontiers of Printed Electronics for Industrialisation/シーエムシー出版/pp.88-95, 2018-09 - Molecular Design of Glucose Biofuel Cell Electrodes
Tsujimura Seiya
Molecular Technology: Energy Innovation/John Wiley & Sons/pp.287-306, 2018-06 - ウェアラブルデバイスのためのバイオ燃料電池
辻村 清也
ウェアラブル機器の開発とマーケット・アプリケーション・法規制動向, 2017-07 - 印刷技術を用いたバイオ燃料電池の開発と自己駆動型センサへの応用
辻村 清也; 四反田功
生体情報センシングとヘルスケアへの最新応用 ~ウェアラブル、非侵襲・非接触計測、連続モニタリング~/情報技術協会, 2017-06 - ウェアラブル電源としてのバイオ電池
辻村 清也; 四反田功
Advances in Healthcare Wearable Devices/シーエムシー出版, 2017-03 - センサ
辻村 清也
応用微生物学 第3版/文永堂出版, 2016-07 - センサ
辻村 清也
応用微生物学 第3版/文永堂出版, 2016-07 - 酵素電極反応
加納健司 ; 辻村清也 ;
"バイオ電池の最新動向(Recent Progress in Biofuel Cells)", 加納健司監修/シーエムシー出版/pp.1-24, 2011-01 - 多孔性炭素電極
"バイオ電池の最新動向(Recent Progress in Biofuel Cells)", 加納健司監修,シーエムシー出版, 2011-01 - ボルタンメトリと対流ボルタンメトリによる評価
"バイオ電池の最新動向(Recent Progress in Biofuel Cells)", 加納健司監修,シーエムシー出版, 2011-01 - 直接電子移動型バイオ電池
"バイオ電池の最新動向(Recent Progress in Biofuel Cells)", 加納健司監修,シーエムシー出版, 2011-01 - Studies on energy conversion systems based on bioelectrocatalytic reactions
辻村 清也
- 多孔質炭素を活用したバイオ燃料電池の高性能化
- Conference, etc.
- Evaluation of flavin-modified anodes and its interaction with Shewanella oneidensis
Sato-Soto Silvia; Tokunou Yoshihide; Tsujimura Seiya
73rd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry/2022-09
- Evaluation of flavin-modified anodes and its interaction with Shewanella oneidensis
- Intellectural property rights
- 酵素架橋体、バイオ電極材料、バイオ電極及び電気化学デバイス
- 酵素架橋体、バイオ電極材料、バイオ電極及び電気化学デバイス
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in MI VA University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Joint Seminar IIIA University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Chemistry and Engineering of Materials and BiomaterialsIVA University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in IMI VB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Chemistry and Engineering of Materials and Biomaterials VA University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Joint Seminar VA University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in MI IVA University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Joint Seminar IIIA University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in MI IIIA University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Joint Seminar VB University of Tsukuba. more... - Professional activities
2024 -- (current) 電気化学会 理事 2024 -- (current) 電気化学会 関東支部 事務局長 2021 -- (current) The Electrochemical Society of Japan (ECSJ) 生物工学研究会運営委員 2019 -- (current) The Electrochemical Society of Japan (ECSJ) 男女共同参画推進委員会委員 2022 -- 2023 The Electrochemical Society of Japan (ECSJ) 代議員 2022 -- 2024 The Electrochemical Society of Japan (ECSJ) 関東支部監事 2020-03 -- 2020-12 IOP J Phys. Energy guest editor 2017 -- 2020 Heliyon Editorial board member 2016-11 -- (current) The Electrochemical Society of Japan (ECSJ) 電力貯蔵技術研究会 幹事 2016-02 -- 2018-02 電気化学会 編集幹事 more...
(Last updated: 2024-08-21)