- Articles
- Behavior of Leptobacillium sp. on soybean leaves
名田 卓磨; 岡根 泉
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Meeting of the Mycological Society of Japan/64/p.56, 2020 - Two rare chaconiaceous rust fungi with unique anamorph spores found in Thailand
Unartngam Jintana; Janruang Pattama; Sawatsuk Therdsak; A...
Japanese Journal of Mycology/61(2)/pp.115-120, 2020-12 - Phylogeny and taxonomic revision of the genus Candelabrum, aero-aquatic fungi
Yamaguchi Kaoru; Chuaseeharonnachai Charuwan; Huhtinen S...
Mycoscience/61(6)/pp.265-281, 2020-12 - Taxonomy of Southeast Asian-Australasian grapevine leaf rust fungus and its close relatives
Ono Yoshitaka; Okane Izumi; Chatasiri Sinchai; Pota Siri...
Mycological Progress/19(9)/pp.905-919, 2020-09 - First report of heteroecism in Stereostratum corticioides, the causal agent of bamboo culm rust
Okane Izumi; Ando Yuho; Yamaoka Yuichi; Akiba Mitsuteru; ...
Mycoscience/61(4)/pp.172-178, 2020 - A new species of Leptobacillim, L. symbioticum, isolated from mites and sori of soybean rust
Okane Izumi; Nonaka Kenichi; Kurihara Yuko; Abe Junichi ...
Mycoscience/61(4)/pp.165-171, 2020 - Cystomyces antheropori, a new rust fungus on Antheroporum glaucum from Thailand
Okane Izumi; Ayawong Chanjira; Unartngam Jintana; Thiwatw...
Mycoscience/61(4)/pp.179-183, 2020 - Phylogeny and taxonomic revision of the genus Candelabrum, aero-aquatic fungi
Okane Izumi; Yamaguchi Kaoru; Chuaseeharonnachai Charuwa...
Mycoscience, 2020 - Milesina thailandica, a second rust fungus on an early diverged leptosporangiate fern genus, Lygodium, found in Thailand
Okane Izumi; Ono Yoshitaka; Ohmachi Katsura; Unartngam J...
Mycological Progress/19(2)/pp.147-154, 2020 - A report of dieback and mortality of elm trees suspected of Dutch elm disease in Hokkaido, Japan
Miyamoto Toshizumi; Masuya Hayato; Koizumi Akio; Yamaguch...
Journal of Forest Research/24(6)/pp.396-400, 2019-10 - Behavior of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus in the leaves of Fraxinus spp. in Hokkaido
加藤 早織; 岡根 泉; 玉井 裕; 山口 岳広; 石賀 康博; 山岡 裕一
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Meeting of the Mycological Society of Japan/62/p.15, 2018 - Rust fungi (Pucciniales) found on previously unrecorded host plants in Thailand
Ono Yoshitaka; Ayawong Chanjira; Unartngam Jintana; Ok...
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Meeting of the Mycological Society of Japan/62/p.75, 2018 - Thekopsora sp. on Aster iinumae and A. microcephalus var. ovatus
藤森 祥平; 岡根 泉; 小野 義隆; 山岡 裕一
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Meeting of the Mycological Society of Japan/62/p.76, 2018 - The life cycle of Aecidium on Galium trachyspermum
鈴木 浩之; 山岡 裕一; 岡根 泉
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Meeting of the Mycological Society of Japan/62/p.97, 2018 - Alternate host of Melampsora idesiae, rust of Idesia polycarpa in Japan
山岡 裕一; 岡根 泉
Japanese Journal of Mycology/60(1)/pp.15-21, 2019-05 - Secondary conidium-like structures formed by Monochaetia monochaeta NBRC 33068
岡根 泉
Japanese Journal of Mycology/60(1)/pp.7-13, 2019-05 - Field screening of fungicides for effectiveness in pine needle rust control
Yamaoka Yuichi; 幹生 楠; 泉 岡根; 究 藤田; 鐘江保忠; 浩之 鈴木
Tree and Forest Health/23/pp.7-13, 2019-1 - 内生型生活環を有するさび菌3種の系統分類学的所属の検討
山岡 裕一; 岡根 泉; 小野 義隆; 升屋 勇人; 細矢 剛; 安藤 裕萌; 藤森 祥平; 鈴木 ...
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Meeting of the Mycological Society of Japan/61/p.42, 2017 - ヤマカモジグサを宿主とするEpichloë sylvaticaの遺伝的多型と伝搬様式との関連性
三輪 恵実; 岡根 泉; 石賀 康博; 山岡 裕一
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Meeting of the Mycological Society of Japan/61/p.70, 2017 - Field screening of fungicides for effectiveness in pine needle rust control
Okane Izumi
樹病学研究/23/pp.7-13, 2019-01 - The life cycle of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus on Manchurian ash, Fraxinus mandshurica, in Japan
Inoue Takahiro; Okane Izumi; Ishiga Yasuhiro; Degawa Yos...
Mycoscience/60(2)/pp.89-94, 2019 - Three new species in the genus Tulasnella isolated from orchid mycorrhiza of Spiranthes sinensis var. amoena (Orchidaceae)
Fujimori Shohei; Abe Junichi P.; Okane Izumi; Yamaoka ...
MYCOSCIENCE/60(1)/pp.71-81, 2019-01 - Life cycle of an Aecidium species infesting Choerospondias axillaris
安藤 裕萌; 岡根 泉; 久保 慎也; 秋庭 満輝; 山岡 裕一
The Japanese Forest Society Congress/128/p.665, 2017 - Phylogenetic study of indigenous grapevine leaf rust fungi in North America and biological identity of an invasive grapevine leaf rust fungus in Brazil
Okane Izumi; Ono Yoshitaka
MYCOSCIENCE/59(2)/pp.99-104, 2018-03 - Confirmation of taxonomic status of an Epichloë species on Brachypodium sylvaticum in Japan
Miwa Emi; Okane Izumi; Ishiga Yasuhiro; Sugawara Koya; Ya...
Mycoscience/58(3)/pp.147-153, 2017-02 - more...
- Behavior of Leptobacillium sp. on soybean leaves