ARANHA Claus de Castro

Institute of Systems and Information Engineering
Official title
Associate Professor
Mathematical Modeling and Algorithms Laboratory, Evolutionary Algorithms Group
029 853 6574
Research fields
Soft computing
Entertainment and game informatics
Intelligent informatics
Theory of informatics
Research keywords
Evolutionary Computation
Artificial Life
Procedural Generation
Research projects
A novel Multi‑Agent Model with Adversarial Mobility Learning for Epidemic Simulation at the Community Level2022-04 -- 2025-03Claus ARANHAThe Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)4,290,000Yen
Production of high value-added crops by labor-saving production technology2019-09 -- (current)Japan Science and Technology Agency/OPERA1,920,000Yen
Heterogeneous Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Improved CO2 Storage Monitoring2019-07 -- 2019-10Claus AranhaJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Foreign Researcher Fellowship (Long-term)150,000Yen
Achieving Belief Models Deep Reinforcement Learning2019-06 -- 2020-03Claus AranhaUniversity of Tsukuba/Intramural Young Fusion Research Project400,000Yen
Human-Computer Collaboration for the Generation of Soccer Strategies using Multi-Agent Simulations2019-02 -- 2020-01Claus AranhaUniversity of Tsukuba and Foundation for Research Support of the State of Sao Paulo (FAPESP)/Collaborative Research and Mobility project SPRINT1,000,000Yen
Modeling of Negotiation Agent Protocol in Group Discussion2018-12 -- 2019-02Fujio ToriumiUniversity of Tsukuba Center for Artificial Intelligence Research/Applied Collaborative Research in AI500,000Yen
Development of organ-specific classifier of greenhouse-grown tomato using thermal image and RGB image2018-12 -- 2019-02Fujiuchi NaomichiUniversity of Tsukuba Center for Artificial Intelligence Research/Applied Collaborative Research in AI980,000Yen
Development of artificial intelligence base technology for automation of magnetic particle flaw detection test2018-12 -- 2019-02Kyosuke YamamotoUniversity of Tsukuba Center for Artificial Intelligence Research/Applied Collaborative Research in AI500,000Yen
Concrete Crack Detection and Identification based on Image Recognition with Machine Learning2017-04 -- 2018-03Claus AranhaUniversity of Tsukuba/Intramural Young Fusion Research Project500,000Yen
Career history
2010-10 -- 2012-01Federal University of Rio de JaneiroPost Doc Researcher
Academic background
1998-03 -- 2002-02State University of Campinas Institute of Computing Computer Sciences
2002-03 -- 2005-02State University of Campinas Institute of Computing Computer Science
2005-10 -- 2007-09The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences Dept. of Frontier Informatics
2007-10 -- 2010-09The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences Department of Frontier Informatics
2010-10Doctor in SciencesThe University of Tokyo
2005-03Master in Computer SciencesState University of Campinas
2007-10Master in SciencesThe University of Tokyo
Academic societies
2021-05 -- (current)International Society for Artificial Life (ISAL)
2021-03 -- (current)Japan Society for Artificial Life
2018-03 -- (current)Japanese Society for Evolutionary Computation
2012 -- (current)Association for Computing Machinery
2012 -- 2015Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Honors & Awards
2022-031st Place in Fiction Science ContestAchieved the 1st place in the "Fiction Science" essay contest.
2021-08ICPC Coach AwardTook a team to the ICPC World Finals 5 times
2021-08First place at the Generative Design in Minecraft CompetitionWinner of the 2021 edition of the Generative Design in Minecraft competition.
2020-03Award for Educational Achievement from the Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering
2019-10ICPC Jakarta Regional Gold Medal
2019-07HUMIES Competition Finalist
2018-03Award for Educational Achievement from the Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering
2017-12Best Paper Award
2015-03Award for Educational Achievement from the Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering
2002ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, South American Regional Contest, First Place
2011-03Dean's award of the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo
  • Practical Applications of Evolutionary Computation to Financial Engineering: Robust Techniques for Forecasting, Trading and Hedging
    Hitoshi Iba; Claus C. Aranha
    Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012-03
  • Composition of Music and Financial Strategies via Genetic Programming
    Hitoshi Iba; Claus Aranha
    Genetic Programming Theory and Practice VIII/Springer New York/pp.211-226, 2011-01
  • Development of Hybrid Evolutionary Techniques to Solve Resource Allocation Problems
  • Portfolio Management with Cost Model using Multi Objective Genetic Algorithms
  • Auto-Diagnosis and Auto-Repair for Robots
    Campinas State University, 2005-03
Conference, etc.
  • Decision/Objective Space Trajectory Networks for Multi-objective Combinatorial Optimisation
    Ochoa Gabriela; Liefooghe Arnaud; Lavinas Yuri; ARANHA C...
    Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization (EvoCOP)/2023-04-12--2023-04-14
  • Simulating Disease Spread During Disaster Scenarios
    Jiang Shiyu; Kim Heejoong; Tanaka Fabio; Aranha Claus...
    ALIFE 2023: Ghost in the Machine: Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference/2023-07-24--2023-07-28
  • Multi-agent City Expansion With Land Use and Transport
    Santos Luiz F. S. Eugenio dos; Aranha Claus; Carvalho ...
    ALIFE 2023: Ghost in the Machine: Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference/2023-07-24--2023-07-28
  • Automatic Generation of Super Mario Levels via Graph Grammars
    Hauck Eduardo; Aranha Claus de Castro
    IEEE Conference on Games/2020-08-24--2020-08-27
  • On the Use of Predation to Shape Evolutionary Computation
    Andrade Felipe S. P.; Aranha Claus de Castro; Torres Ric...
    2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence/2020-12-01--2020-12-04
  • Exploring Constraint Handling Techniques in Real-world Problems on MOEA/D with Limited Budget for Evaluations
    Vaz Felipe; Lavinas Yuri; Aranha Claus de Castro; Ladeira...
    Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO)/2021-03-28--2021-03-31
  • Analysis of Automatic Generated Swarm Intelligence using Grammatical Evolution
    Junior Jair Pereira; Bogdanova Anna; Aranha Claus de Castro
    16th Symposium of the Japanese Society on Evolutionary Computation/2019-09-27--2019-09-28
  • Solving Portfolio Optimization Problems Based on MOEA/D and Levy Flight
    Aranha Claus de Castro
    16th Symposium of the Japanese Society on Evolutionary Computation/2019-09-27--2019-09-28
  • Franken-Swarm: Grammatical Evolution for the Automatic Generation of Swarm-like Meta-heuristics
    Bogdanova Anna; Junior Jair Pereira; Aranha Claus de Castro
    Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference/2019-07-13--2019-07-17
  • Classification of EEG Signals using Genetic Programming for Feature Construction
    Miranda Icaro Marcelino; ARANHA CLAUS DE CASTRO; Ladeira ...
    Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference/2019-07-13--2019-07-17
  • Using Diversity as a Priority Function for Resource Allocation on MOEA/D
    Lavinas Yuri; Aranha Claus de Castro; Sakurai Testuya
    Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference/2019-07-13--2019-07-17
  • Improving Resource Allocation in MOEA/D with Decision-Space Diversity Metrics
    Lavinas Yuri; Aranha Claus de Castro; Ladeira Marcelo
    8th International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Natural Computing/2019-12-09--2019-12-11
  • A Training Difficulty Schedule for Effective Search of Meta-Heuristic Design
    Jair Pereira Junior; ARANHA CLAUS DE CASTRO; Tetsuya Sak...
    World Congress on Computational Intelligence/2020-07-19--2020-07-24
  • MOEA/D with Random Partial Update Strategy
    Yuri Lavinas; ARANHA CLAUS DE CASTRO; Marcelo Ladeira; Fe...
    World Congress on Computational Intelligence/2020-07-19--2020-07-24
  • MOEA/D-RAD Resource Allocation by Diversity
    Lavinas Yuri; Aranha Claus de Castro; Ladeira Marcelo; Sa...
    Symposium of the Japanese Society of Evolutionary Computation 2018/2018-12-08--2018-12-09
  • Comparative Study on Discrete SI Approaches to the Graph Coloring Problem
    Aranha Claus de Castro; Junior Jair Pereira; Kanoh Hitoshi
    Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2018/2018-07-15--2018-07-19
  • Artificial Bee Colonyによる時間割編成問題の解法
    呉東映; アランニャ; 狩野 均
    情報処理学会 数理モデル化と問題解決研究会/2018-12-10
  • Cuckoo Searchを用いた室内レイアウト問題の解法
    狩野 均; 澤田和磨; アランニャ クラウス
    情報処理学会 第80回全国大会 7M-06/2018-03-10
  • 類似度を用いたArtificial Bee Colonyによるグラフ色塗り問題の解法
    冨樫勇哉; アランニャ クラウス; 狩野 均
    情報処理学会 数理モデル化と問題解決研究会/2018-12-10
  • Experimental Analysis of the Tournament Size on Genetic Algorithms
    Lavinas Yuri; Aranha Claus de Castro; Sakurai Tetsuya; La...
    2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)/2018-10-7--2018-10-10
  • Experimental Analysis of the Tournament Size on Evolutionary Algorithms
    Lavinas Yuri Cossich; Aranha Claus de Castro; Ladeira Ma...
    Symposium of the Japanese Society of Evolutionary Computation/2017-12-09--2017-12-10
  • Ecology-aware Evolutionary Computation Systems
    Andrade Felipe S. P.; Aranha Claus de Castro; Torres Ric...
    Symposium of the Japanese Society of Evolutionary Computation/2017-12-09--2017-12-10
  • Understanding Multi-Objective EvolutionaryAlgorithms through Component Oriented Design
    Aranha Claus de Castro; Campelo Felipe; Batista Lucas S.
    13th Meeting of the Japanese Society of Evolutionary Computation/2017-09-01--2017-09-02
  • Learning to Cheese: Using Genetic Algorithms to Generate Build Orders in Starcraft
    Miller Mitchel; Aranha Claus de Castro
    Entertainment Computing Symposium/2017-09-16--2017-09-18
  • Beauty is on the Chip of the Beholder: Teaching a Neural Network to Recognize Beautiful Handwriting
    Han Huang; Aranha Claus de Castro
    Entertainment Computing Symposium/2017-09-16--2017-09-18
  • more...
  • Package MOEADr - A Modular MOEAD library for R
    Aranha Claus de Castro; Campelo Felipe; Batista Lucas
2024-10 -- 2025-02Computer Science Seminar AfUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Computer Science Seminar BfUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Research in Computer Science IsUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Research in Computer Science IIfUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-07 -- 2024-08Introduction to Information Science:ComputationUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Computer Science Seminar BUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Computer Science Seminar BUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Introduction to Inclusive Smart SocietyⅠUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Research in Computer Science DUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Research in Computer Science BUniversity of Tsukuba.
Other educational activities
2019-07 -- 2019-07Tokyo Tokai Academy AI Intensive CourseUniversity of Tsukuba Center for Artificial Intelligence Research
2019-05 -- 2019-07JAXA AI Intensive CourseUniversity of Tsukuba Center for Artificial Intelligence Research
2019-02 -- 2019-02Data Science From Zero Extension ProgramUniversity of Tsukuba, Division of Social Outreach
2019-10 -- 2019-10STEMinars 2019University of Tsukuba, Division of Social Cooperation
2018-09 -- 2018-09STEMinars 2018University of Tsukuba, Division of Social Cooperation
2017-09 -- 2017-09STEMinars 2017University of Tsukuba, Division of Social Cooperation
2014-04 -- (current)Short Term Internship with Bordeaux University TSSP ProgramUniversity of Tsukuba College of Information Sciences
2015-11 -- 2015-11Outreach Lecture at the Super Science High School Project in IwakiUniversity of Tsukuba
2016-09 -- 2016-09STEMinars 2016University of Tsukuba
2015-09 -- 2015-09STEMinars 2015University of Tsukuba
  • Cross Roads #27: AIWolf: Can Game AI Stop Being Sus?
    Aranha Claus de Castro
    Cross Roads/2021-09-05--2021-09-05
  • AIWolf Tutorial
    Aranha Claus de Castro; 博隆 大澤
    IEEE Conference on Games/2020-08-24--2020-08-27
Professional activities
2021-11 -- (current)International Society of Artificial Life NewsletterEditor
2021-03 -- (current)Japan Society for Artificial LifeCoordinator
2019-06 -- (current)Automated Negotiating Agents Competition Organizing CommitteeMember
2018-12 -- (current)AIWolf ProjectMember
2016-04 -- (current)ICPC Japan Regional Contest Organizing ComitteeMember
University Management
2022-03 -- (current)COINS Curricullum OfficeMember
2019-04 -- (current)Computer Science Department, International Cooperation OfficeMember
2018-04 -- 2021-03COINS Public Relation OfficeMember
2015-04 -- (current)Sao Paulo Office Promotion ComitteeMember
2015-04 -- (current)Central and South American Exchange Coordinator OfficeMember
2015-04 -- 2016-03Internship Promotion OfficeMember
2012-02 -- (current)CS English Program Promotion OfficeMember
2013-04 -- 2015-03Student Support OfficeMember
2013-04 -- 2015-03Promotion Office (CS)Member
Other activities
2013-04 -- (current)ICPC Coach
2014-04 -- (current)Coordinator of the Short Term exchange student program with Bordeaux University
Fields of interest: Evolutionary Computation, Artificial Life, Program Evolution, Simulation Application Areas: Disaster Simulation, Model Optimization, Game Programming

(Last updated: 2024-08-29)