TOKURA Yasuhiro

Researcher's full information

  • 8aAW-7 Dynamics of Bose Hubbard model with an oscillating hopping parameter
    森田 大地; 久保 敏弘; 都倉 康弘
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/69(2)/p.69, 2014-08
  • 8pAV-8 Steady current by modulation of tunnel coupling phase
    都倉 康弘; 田口 真彦; 中嶋 慧; 久保 敏弘
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/69(2)/p.479, 2014-08
  • 8aAH-6 Valley-antisymmetric potential in graphene with dynamical deformation
    佐々木 健一; 都倉 康弘; 後藤 秀樹
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/69(2)/p.601, 2014-08
  • Power dependence of electric dipole spin resonance
    Tokura Yasuhiro; Toshihiro Kubo; William John Munro
    JPS Conference Proceedings/1/pp.012022-1-012022-4, 2014-3
  • Reconsideration of the relativistic corrections for an electron confined in 2D quantum dot. I. spin-orbit coupling and Rashba effect
    Yokozuka Takahiro; Ido Kota; Clark Richard; Takeda Kyozaburo...
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics/53(3)/pp.031801-1-031801-12, 2014-03
  • Backaction Dephasing by a Quantum Dot Detector
    Toshihiro Kubo; Tokura Yasuhiro
    Physical Review B/88/pp.155402-1-155402-11, 2013-10
  • Partial decoherence in mesoscopic systems
    都倉 康弘; Aharony A.; Gurvitz S.; Entin-Wohlman O.; Datt...
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/67(2)/p.635, 2012-08
  • Backaction dephasing induced by coupling with an environment containing a quantum dot detector and phase symmetry
    久保 敏弘; 都倉 康弘
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/67(2)/p.642, 2012-08
  • 26aEE-7 Development of a surface ion trap for quantum simulation with magnetic field gradient
    岡田 壮平; 野口 篤史; 松井 健太; 田中 歌子; 都倉 康弘; 占部 伸二
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/68(1)/p.187, 2013-03
  • 26pXG-5 Nuclear spin polarization in series double quantum dot
    都倉 康弘
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/68(1)/p.750, 2013-03
  • 28pXQ-7 Spin blockaded State Transition and Bi-stability of Two Stable Nuclear Spin Fixed Points in a Coupled Quantum Dot
    天羽 真一; 都倉 康弘; 黒澤 元; 久保 敏弘; 近藤 裕佑; 樽茶 清悟; 河野 公俊; 大野...
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/68(1)/p.775, 2013-03
  • 29aXQ-1 Backaction dephasing by a quantum dot detector
    久保 敏弘; 都倉 康弘
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/68(1)/p.783, 2013-03
  • 29aXQ-5 Initialization of spins in multiple quantum dots
    都倉 康弘; 久保 敏弘
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/68(1)/p.784, 2013-03
  • 29aXP-8 Topological D Band in Raman Spectroscopy of Graphene
    佐々木 健一; 都倉 康弘; 寒川 哲臣
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/68(1)/p.961, 2013-03
  • Monolithic Integration of Polarization-entangled Photon Pair Source Using Silicon Photonics
    Tokura Yasuhiro
    NTT Technical Review/11(8), 2013-08
  • Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detector with Ultralow Dark Count Rate Using Cold Optical Filters
    Hiroyuki Shibata; Kaoru Shimizu; Hiroki Takesue; Tokura Yasu...
    Applied Physics Express/6/p.072801, 2013-7
  • Study of IF Bandwidth of MgB2 Phonon-Cooled Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixiers
    Tokura Yasuhiro
    IEEE Trans. Terahertz Science and Technology/3/p.409, 2013-04
  • Excitation spectroscopy of few-electron states in artificial diatomic molecules
    Hatano T.; Tokura Yasuhiro; Amaha S.; Kubo T.; Teraoka S.; Tar...
    Physical Review B/87(24)/p.241414, 2013-06
  • A monolithically integrated polarization entangled photon pair source on a silicon chip
    Nobuyuki Matsuda; Hanna Le Jeannic; Hiroshi Fukuda; Tai ...
    Scientific Reports/2/p.817, 2012-11
  • Dirac Cone Migration -Decay and Frequency Shift of Inter and Intravalley Phonons in Graphene-
    Ken-ichi Sasaki; Keiko Kato; Yasuhiro Tokura; Satoru Suz...
    Phys. Rev. B/86/p.201403, 2012-11
  • Partial decoherence in mesoscopic system
    Amnon Aharony; Shmuel Gurvitz; Yasuhiro Tokura; Ora Enti...
    Physica Scripta/p.14018, 2012-12
  • The photon-assisted dynamic nuclear polarization effect in a double quantum dot
    Toshiaki Obata; Michel Pioro-Ladriere; Yasuhiro Tokura; S...
    New Journal of Physiscs/14/p.123013, 2012-12
  • Phonon Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics and Phonon Microlaser
    Yasuhiro Tokura
    PSJ Online, 2013
  • Ultrathin MgB2 films fabricated by molecular beam epitaxy and rapid annealing
    Hiroyuki Shibata; Tatsushi Akazaki; Yasuhiro Tokura
    Supercond.Sci. Technol./26/p.35005, 2013
  • The origin of Raman D Band: Bonding and Antibonding Orbitals in Graphene
    Ken-ichi Sasaki; Yasuhiro Tokura; and Tetsuomi Sogawa
    Crystals/3/p.120, 2013
  • more...