OHNO Yuzou
- Affiliation
- Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences
- Official title
- Professor
- Phone
- 029-853-5299
- Fax
- 029-853-5299
- Research projects
Development of next-generation semiconductor lasers using ultra-high-speed spin control technology 2024 -- 2026 OHNO Yuzou Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A) 49,530,000Yen (110)面方位の半導体量子構造のスピンダイナミクスとスピンレーザーの実現 2019 -- 2021 大野 裕三 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 4,290,000Yen GaAs/AlGaAs量子細線構造におけるスピン永久旋回状態の形成とスピン輸送 2012 -- 2013 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/挑戦的萌芽研究 1,820,000Yen 半導体・磁性体ハイブリッド構造におけるスピン制御とスピンダイナミクスの光検出 2011 -- 2013 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(A) 12,610,000Yen - Degree
1996-3 博士(工学) 東京大学 - Articles
- Nanosecond recombination lifetimes and spin relaxation times in (110) InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells at room temperature
揖場 聡; 大野 裕三
Applied Physics Express/17(3)/pp.033002-1-033002-5, 2024-03 - Imprinting Spatial Helicity Structure of Vector Vortex Beam on Spin Texture in Semiconductors
Ishihara Jun; Mori Takachika; Suzuki Takuya; Sato Sota; M...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/130(12), 2023-03 - Spatiotemporal spin dynamics of two-dimensional electron gas with ballistic motion in persistent spin helix state
Ishihara Jun; Suzuki Takuya; Kitazawa Go; Mori Takach...
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/105(14), 2022-04 - Impacts of Crystal Quality on Carrier Recombination and Spin Dynamics in (110)-Oriented GaAs/AlGaAs Multiple Quantum Wells at Room Temperature
Iba Satoshi; Okamoto Ryogo; Obu Koki; Obata Yuma; Ohn...
MICROMACHINES/12(9), 2021-09 - Room-temperature spin-orbit magnetic fields in slightly misoriented (110) InGaAs/InAlAs multiple quantum wells
Nakanishi Koichi; Arikawa Ayuki; Saito Yasuhito; Iizas...
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS/119(3), 2021-07 - Room-temperature spin relaxation in a (110)-oriented GaAs/AlGaAs superlattice with tunnel-coupled quantum wells
Ohno Yuzo; Iba Satoshi; Okamoto Ryogo; Obata Yuma; Ob...
APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS/13(12), 2020-12 - Complex switching behavior of magnetostatically coupled single-domain nanomagnets probed by micro-Hall magnetometry
Keswani N.; Nakajima Y.; Chauhan N.; Ukai T.; Chakraborti...
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS/116(10), 2020-03 - Zero-field spin precession dynamics of high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas in persistent spin helix regime
Ishihara Jun; Kitazawa Go; Furusho Yuya; Ohno Yuzo; Ohno ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/101(9), 2020-03 - Surface-mediated spin dynamics probed by optical-pump-probe scanning tunneling microscopy
Wang Zi-Han; Yoon Cheul-Hyun; Yoshida Shoji; Arashida Yu...
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP/21(14)/pp.7256-7260, 2019-02 - Evidence for Ferromagnetic Clusters in the Colossal-Magnetoresistance Material EuB6
Pohlit Merlin; Roessler Sahana; Ohno Yuzo; Ohno Hideo; vo...
- Nanosecond recombination lifetimes and spin relaxation times in (110) InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells at room temperature
- Conference, etc.
- Simultaneous extraction of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coefficients in GaAs/AlGaAs (110) two-dimensional electron gas
Iizasa Daisuke; Kitamura Shu; Sato Dai; Iba Satoshi; Ohno...
Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW) Conference/2019-05-19--2019-05-23 - Optical Pump-probe Multiprobe Scanning Tunneling Microscopy on Transient Carrier Dynamics in Semiconductors
Wang Zi-han; Mogi Hiroyuki; Yoon Cheul hyun; Yoshida Sho...
14th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures (ACSIN-14) & 26th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM26)/2018-10-21--2018-10-25 - Optical Pump-probe Multiprobe Scanning Tunneling Microscopy on Transient Carrier Dynamics in Semiconductors
Wang Z.H.; Mogi H.; C.H.Yoon; Yoshida S.; O. Takeuchi; Ohno...
14th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures (ACSIN-14) & 26th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM26)/2018-10-21--2018-10-25 - Surface Impurity Affected Electron Spin Dynamics in GaAs Probed by Optical Pump-probe Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Wang Z.H.; C.H.Yoon; Yoshida S.; Takeuchi O.; Ohno Y.; Shi...
14th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures (ACSIN-14) & 26th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM26)/2018-10-21--2018-10-25
- Simultaneous extraction of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coefficients in GaAs/AlGaAs (110) two-dimensional electron gas
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in MI VA University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Joint Seminar IIIA University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in IMI VB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Science and Technology Seminar III University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Science and Technology Seminar III University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Nano-Science and Nano-Technology IIA University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Joint Seminar VA University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in MI IVA University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Joint Seminar IIIA University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in MI IIIA University of Tsukuba. more...
(Last updated: 2024-08-23)