Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • Impact of Road Intersection on Fuel Economy and Greenhouse Gases Emission on Exiting Dhaka-Chittagong National Highway and Proposed Dhaka-Chittagong Expressway
    UDDIN Md Zia; Mizunoya Takeshi
    222nd International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICCEE)/2018-05-05--2018-05-06
  • A Study on Effectiveness of New Sewerage System in Terengganu
    MOHAMAD Safuwan bin Alias; Mizunoya Takeshi
    日本地域学会 第54回(2017年)年次大会/2017-10-08
  • Pan-African review of MDG Environmental Policies
    DIALLO Mamadou; Mizunoya Takeshi; Helmut Yabar
    日本地域学会 第54回(2017年)年次大会/2017-10-06--2017-10-08
  • Impact of Road Intersection on Fuel Economy and Greenhouse Gases Emission on Dhaka-Chittagong National Highway
    UDDIN Md Zia; Mizunoya Takeshi
    日本地域学会 第54回(2017年)年次大会/2017-10-06--2017-10-08
  • 利根川流域における環境負荷物質削減のためのシミュレーション分析 ―千葉県を事例として―
    山岸 実奈; 水野谷 剛; Yabar Helmut
    日本地域学会 第54回(2017年)年次大会/2017-10-06--2017-10-08
  • Developing the management policy to decrease air pollution in Ulaanbaatar city using solar energy utilization system
    NASANJARGAL Naranbat; Mizunoya Takeshi
    日本地域学会 第54回(2017年)年次大会/2017-10-06--2017-10-08
  • 住民の職業選択に関する意識調査—インドネシアバリ島を事例として—
    黛 陽子; 水野谷 剛; 氷鉋 揚四郎
    日本地域学会 第54回(2017年)年次大会/2017-10-06--2017-10-08
  • Dynamic Integrated Assessment of Air Pollution Regulation and Adaptation in Power Sector: An Case Study in Chongqing City
    ZHOU Qian; Higano Yoshiro; Yabar Helmut; Mizunoya Takeshi
    日本地域学会 第54回(2017年)年次大会/2017-10-06--2017-10-08
  • Estimating tourism demand and tradeoffs in Palau Rock Islands Southern Lagoon
    Koshiba Shirley D.; Mizunoya Takeshi; Helmut Yabar; Yoshi...
    日本地域学会 第54回(2017年)年次大会/2017-10-06--2017-10-08
  • 日本経済を考慮した炭素税に関するシミュレーション分析
    三穂 健太; 水野谷 剛; Yabar Helmut
    日本地域学会 第54回(2017年)年次大会/2017-10
  • Evaluation of Environmental Performance of Municipal Solid Waste Management System in Mandalay City
    Win Than Naing; YABAR MOSTACERO HELMUT FRIEDRICH(生命環境系); ...
    The 25th Pacific Conference of the Regional Science Association International(PRSCO.2017)/2017-05-17--2017-05-20
  • Estimating the demand elasticity for Tourism in Palau’s Rock Islands Southern Lagoon
    KOSHIBA Shirley; Takeshi Mizunoya; YABAR MOSTACERO HELMU...
    The 25th Pacific Conference of the Regional Science Association International(PRSCO.2017)/2017-05-17--2017-05-20
  • A Simulation Analysis of Optimal Regional Policy to Control Water Quality of Public Water Body: Case of Kanto Region in Japan
    Mizunoya Takeshi; NOZAKI Noriko; SINGH Rajeev Kumar; YABA...
    The 25th Pacific Conference of the Regional Science Association International(PRSCO.2017)/2017-05-17--2017-05-20
  • Pan-African Environmental Policy Review (MDG timeframe)
    Diallo Mamadou; Takeshi Mizunoya
    The 25th Pacific Conference of the Regional Science Association International(PRSCO.2017)/2017-05-17--2017-05-20
  • Scenario Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Management system in Yangon city, Myanmar
    The 25th Pacific Conference of the Regional Science Association International(PRSCO.2017)/2017-05-17--2017-05-20
  • Research of Conscioussness about Career Choice in Bali Province, Indonesia
    Mayuzumi Yoko; Takeshi Mizunoya; HIGANO Yoshiro
    The 25th Pacific Conference of the Regional Science Association International(PRSCO.2017)/2017-05-17--2017-05-20
  • Evaluation of Alternative Policy Options for Reducing the Discharge of Water Pollutants into Lake Kasumigaura in Preparation for the 2020 Olympics
    Higano Yoshiro; Mizunoya Takeshi; YABAR MOSTACERO HELMUT FR...
    The 20th Annual Meeting of AMECIDER/2016-11-17--2016-11-20
  • Analysis of Policy-Innovation Linkage: Case Study on End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) Technologies in Japan and EU
    SINGH Rajeev Kumar; Mizunoya Takeshi; YABAR MOSTACERO HE...
    JSRSAI The 53th Annual Meeting/2016-10-8--2016-10-10
  • Comprehensive Analysis of Impact of Introducing Renewable Energy and Smart Grid on Carbon Emission in Zhejiang,
    ZHU Yucheng; Higano Yoshiro; Mizunoya Takeshi; YABAR MOS...
    JSRSAI The 53th Annual Meeting/2016-10-08--2016-10-10
  • 日本における再生可能エネルギーの普及方策に関する一考察
    栗原真維; Mizunoya Takeshi; YABAR MOSTACERO HELMUT FRIEDRICH(...
    JSRSAI The 53th Annual Meeting/2016-10-08--2016-10-10
  • 水域及び大気域環境負荷同時削減政策シミュレーション分析―東京都を事例に―
    野崎乃倫子; Mizunoya Takeshi; YABAR MOSTACERO HELMUT FRIEDRICH...
    JSRSAI The 53th Annual Meeting/2016-10-08--2016-10-10
  • 地球温暖化対策のための最適税政策に関するシミュレーション分析
    三穂健太; Mizunoya Takeshi; YABAR MOSTACERO HELMUT FRIEDRICH(...
    JSRSAI The 53th Annual Meeting/2016-10-08--2016-10-10
  • Comprehensive evaluation on the environmental policies of water pollution in Taihu Lake with Wuxi City in China
    LU Chanjun; Mizunoya Takeshi; Higano Yoshiro; YABAR MOST...
    JSRSAI The 53th Annual Meeting/2016-10-08--2016-10-10
  • 廃棄物系バイオマスからポリマー原料への転換に関わるコスト評価
    Mizunoya Takeshi; 野崎乃倫子; 栗原真維
    JSRSAI The 53th Annual Meeting/2016-10-8--2016-10-10
  • Consciousness survey to know the way of thinking about occupation of the youth in developing country who does not choose agriculture as their job. - Case Study in Bali, Indonesia -
    黛陽子; Mizunoya Takeshi; 氷鉋揚四郎
    JSRSAI The 53th Annual Meeting/2016-10-08--2016-10-10
  • more...