- Articles
- Multiplex infrared-visible sum-frequency generation spectroscopy and its applications to organic monolayers
石橋 孝章; 大西 洋
Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan/47/pp.431-438, 2004 - Multiplex Sum-frequency Spectroscopy
Ishibashi Taka-aki; Onishi Hiroshi
Chemistry Letters (Highlight Review)/33/pp.1404-1407, 2004 - Time-resolved infrared absorption study of photocatalysts and related materials
Yamakata Akira; Ishibashi Taka-aki; Takeshita Kan; Onishi...
Topics in Catalysis/35/pp.211-216, 2005 - 振動和周波発生分光法
石橋 孝章
分光研究/60/pp.195-204, 2010 - Infrared Studies on the less Stable Conformer of Isoprene in Argon Matrices
石橋 孝章; 古川 行夫; 田隅 三生
Journal of Chemical Society of Japan (Nippon Kagaku Kaishi)/pp.1418-1422, 1989 - Feasibility of luminescence-eliminated anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy
Ishibashi Taka-aki; Hamaguchi Hiro-o
SPIE/1403/pp.555-562, 1990 - Partially coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (PCARS)
Ishibashi Taka-aki; Hamaguchi Hiro-o
Chemical Physics Letters/175/pp.543-547, 1990 - Comparative Study of Partially Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (PCARS) and Rayleigh Scattering - concentration and temperature dependence of scattered intensities
Ishibashi Taka-aki; Hamaguchi Hiro-o
Journal of Chemical Physics/106/pp.11-17, 1997 - Partially coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (PCARS): A comparative band-shape analysis of the spontaneous Raman and PCARS spectra of toluene
Ishibashi Taka-aki; Hamaguchi Hiro-o
Journal of Chemical Physics/103/pp.1-5, 1995 - The central CC bond stretch frequencies and structure of S2 and S1 diphenylacetylene in solution studied by picosecond time-resolved CARS spectroscopy
Ishibashi Taka-aki; Hamaguchi Hiro-o
Chemical Physics Letters/264/pp.551-555, 1997 - Structure and Dynamics of S2 and S1 Diphenylacetylene in Solution Studied by Picosecond Time-Resolved CARS Spectroscopy
Ishibashi Taka-aki; Hamaguchi Hiro-o
Journal of Physical Chemistry A/102/pp.2263-2269, 1998 - Infrared-Induced Rotational Isomerization of 1,2-Ethandiamine in Argon Matrices and Conformational Analysis by DFT Calculation
Kudoh Satoshi; Takayanagi Masao; Nakata Munetaka; Ishibas...
Journal of Molecular Strucutre/479/pp.41-52, 1999 - Polarization-resolved Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) Spectroscopy: A New Probe of Molecular Symmetry through Accurate Determination of Raman Depolarization Ratio
Saito Yuika; Ishibashi Taka-aki; Hamaguchi Hiro-o
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy/31/pp.725-730, 2000 - Picosecond transient infrared spectra and structure of S1 diphenylacetylene in solution
Ishibashi Taka-aki; Okamoto Hiromi; Hamaguchi Hiro-o
Chemical Physics Letters/325/pp.212-218, 2000 - Lowest Excited Triplet State of Naphthalene by Transient Polarized Resonance Raman, Matrix-Isolation Infrared, and Density-Functional-Theory Methods
Nakata Munetaka; Kudoh Satoshi; Takayanagi Masao; Ishibas...
Journal of Physical Chemistry A/104/pp.11304-11309, 2001 - Time-resolved Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy of Photo-generated Electrons in Platinized TiO2 Particles
Yamakata Akira; Ishibashi Taka-aki; Onishi Hiroshi
Chemical Physics Letters/333/pp.271-277, 2001 - Water- and Oxygen-induced Decay Kinetics of Photogenerated Electrons in TiO2 and Pt/TiO2: A Time-resolved Infrared Absorption Study
Yamakata Akira; Ishibashi Taka-aki; Onishi Hiroshi
Journal of Physical Chemistry B/105/pp.7258-7262, 2001 - Vibrationally resonant sum-frequency generation spectral shape dependent on the interval between picosecond-visible and femtosecond-infrared laser pulses
Ishibashi Taka-aki
Chemical Physics Letters/346/pp.413-418, 2001 - Molecule-dependent Topography Determined by Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy: Carboxylates on TiO2(110)
Onishi Hiroshi; Sasahara Akira; Uetsuka Hiroshi; Ishibash...
Applied Surface Science/188/pp.257-264, 2002 - A Needle-like Organic Molecule Imaged by Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy
Yamakata Akira; Ishibashi Taka-aki; Onishi Hiroshi
Applied Surface Science/188/pp.265-271, 2002 - Time-resolved Infrared Absorption Studies of Surface OH Groups on TiO2 Particles Irradiated by UV pulses
Yamakata Akira; Ishibashi Taka-aki; Onishi Hiroshi
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan/75/pp.1019-1022, 2002 - Multiplex infrared-visible sum-frequency spectrometer with a phase conjugated pulse mixing device for narrow-bandwidth visible probe generation
Ishibashi Taka-aki
Applied Spectroscopy/56/pp.1298-1302, 2002 - Electron- and Hole-capture Reactions on Pt/TiO2 Photocatalyst Exposed to Methanol Vapor Studied by Time-resolved Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy
Yamakata Akira; Ishibashi Taka-aki; Onishi Hiroshi
Journal of Physical Chemistry B/106/pp.9122-9125, 2002 - A multiplex infrared-visible sum-frequency spectrometer with wavelength tunability of the visible probe
Ishibashi Taka-aki; Onishi Hiroshi
Applied Physics Letters/81/pp.1338-1340, 2002 - Time-Resolved Infrared Absorption Study of Electron- and Hole-Capture Reactions on Photoexcited Pt/TiO2 in the Presence of Methanol-Water Vapor Mixture
Yamakata Akira; Ishibashi Taka-aki; Onishi Hiroshi
Studies in surface science and catalysis/145/pp.157-160, 2002 - more...
- Multiplex infrared-visible sum-frequency generation spectroscopy and its applications to organic monolayers