- Articles
- 可視プローブ波長可変性を持つマルチプレックス赤外可視和周波発生分光装置の開発
石橋 孝章; 大西 洋
表面科学/23/pp.468-474, 2002 - Pressure Dependence of Electron- and Hole-consuming Reactions in Photocatalytic Water Splitting on Pt/TiO2 Studied by Time-resolved IR Spectroscopy
Yamakata Akira; Ishibashi Taka-aki; Onishi Hiroshi
International Journal of Photoenergy/5/pp.7-9, 2003 - Molecular conformation of n-alkyl monolayers covalently bonded to Si(111) probed by infrared-visible sum-frequency spectroscopy
Ishibashi Taka-aki; Ara Masato; Tada Hirokazu; Onishi Hi...
Chemical Physics Letters/367/pp.376-381, 2003 - Effects of Accumulated Electrons on the Decay Kinetics of Photogenerated Electrons in Pt/TiO2 Photocatalyst Studied by Time-resolved Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy
Yamakata Akira; Ishibashi Taka-aki; Onishi Hiroshi
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry/160/pp.33-36, 2003 - Photophysics and electron dynamics in dye-sensitized semiconductor film by time-resolved mid-IR spectroscopy
Takeshita Kan; Sasaki Yutaka; Kobashi Masahiro; Tanaka Y...
Journal of Physical Chemistry B/107/pp.4156-4161, 2003 - Microsecond kinetics of photocatalytic oxidation on Pt/TiO2 traced by vibrational spectroscopy
Yamakata Akira; Ishibashi Taka-aki; Onishi Hiroshi
Chemical Physics Letters/376/pp.576-580, 2003 - Effects of Water Addition on the Methanol Oxidation on Pt/TiO2 Photocatalyst Studied by Time-resolved Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy
Yamakata Akira; Ishibashi Taka-aki; Onishi Hiroshi
Journal of Physical Chemistry B/107/pp.9820-9823, 2003 - Chemical Recognition at an Atomically Flat Surface of Metal Oxide
Uetsuka Hiroshi; Ishibashi Taka-aki; Sasahara Akira; Onis...
Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Letter)/107/pp.9939-9942, 2003 - 時間分解赤外分光を用いた二酸化チタン光触媒反応中間体の観察
山方 啓; 石橋 孝章; 大西 洋
表面科学/24/pp.563-567, 2003 - The Dependence of Scanning Tunneling Microscope Topography of Carboxylates on their Terminal Groups
Sasahara Akira; Uetsuka Hiroshi; Ishibashi Taka-aki; Onis...
Journal of Physical Chemistry B/107/pp.13925-13928, 2003 - Photodynamics of NaTaO3 catalysts for efficient water splitting
Yamakata Akira; Ishibashi Taka-aki; Kato Hideki; Kudo Ak...
Journal of Physical Chemistry B/107/pp.14383-14387, 2003 - Time-domain Raman measurement of molecular submonolayers by time-resolved reflection spectroscopy
Fujiyoshi Satoru; Ishibashi Taka-aki; Onishi Hiroshi
Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Letter)/108/pp.1525-1528, 2004 - Effect of annealing temperature on back electron transfer and distribution of deep trap sites in dye-sensitized TiO2, studied by time-resolved infrared spectroscopy
Takeshita Kan; Sasaki Yutaka; Kobashi Masahiro; Tanaka Y...
Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Letter)/108/pp.2963-2969, 2004 - Interface-Specific Vibrational Spectroscopy of Molecules with Visible Lights
Fujiyoshi Satoru; Ishibashi Taka-aki; Onishi Hiroshi
Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Letter)/108/pp.10636-10639, 2004 - An ordered retinoate monolayer prepared on TiO2(110)
Ishibashi Taka-aki; Uetsuka Hiroshi; Onishi Hiroshi
Journal of Physical Chemistry B/108/pp.17166-17170, 2004 - Carrier dynamics in TiO2 and Pt/TiO2 powders observed by femtosecond time-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy at spectral region of 0.9 to 1.5 µm with direct absorption method
Iwata Koich; Takaya Tomohisal; Hamaguchi Hiro-o; Yamakata...
Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Letter)/108/pp.20233-20239, 2004 - Fifth-Order Raman spectroscopy of Excited-State Molecules
Fujiyoshi Satoru; Ishibashi Taka-aki; Onishi Hiroshi
Journal of Physical Chemistry A/108/pp.11165-11171, 2004 - Low-Frequency Vibrations of Molecular Submonolayers Detected by Time-Domain Raman Spectroscopy
Fujiyoshi Satoru; Ishibashi Taka-aki; Onishi Hiroshi
Journal of Molecular Structure/735-736C/pp.169-177, 2005 - Structure of the S1 state of diphenylacetylene as studied by time-resolved CARS and infrared spectroscopy
Nomoto Tomonori; Ishibashi Taka-aki; Okamoto Hiromi; Hama...
Journal of Molecular Structure/735-736C/pp.197-202, 2005 - Fourth-Order Raman Spectroscopy of Wide-Bandgap Materials
Fujiyoshi Satoru; Ishibashi Taka-aki; Onishi Hiroshi
Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Letter)/109/pp.8557-8561, 2005 - Adsorption of Fluorescein Isothiocyanate Isomer-I (FITC-I) Dye on TiO2(110) from an Acetone Solution
Ishibashi Taka-aki
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics/44/pp.5438-5442, 2005 - Transient IR Absorption Study of Charge Carriers Photogenerated in Sulfur-doped TiO2
Takeshita Kan; Yamakata Akira; Ishibashi Taka-aki; Onishi...
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry/177/pp.269-275, 2006 - Molecular Vibrations at A Liquid-Liquid Interface Observed by Fourth-Order Raman Spectroscopy
Ishibashi Taka-aki
Journal of Physical Chemistry B/110/pp.9571-9578, 2006 - Infrared-Ultraviolet Sum-Frequency Generation Spectrometer with a Wide Tunability of the Ultraviolet Probe
Maeda Toshiki; Ishibashi Taka-aki
Applied Spectroscopy/61/pp.459-464, 2007 - Time-resolved Infrared Absorption Study of Nine TiO2 Photocatalysts
Yamakata Akira; Onishi Hiroshi; Ishibashi Taka-aki
Chemical Physics/339/pp.133-137, 2007 - more...
- 可視プローブ波長可変性を持つマルチプレックス赤外可視和周波発生分光装置の開発